6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe …: The Truth Is In There

Nov 24, 2010 22:08

6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe …: The Truth Is In There

New Age masquerade:
Fairies pose as aliens,
Stealing first-born sons.

Read the rest ... )

ben edlund, jared padalecki, myth, episode commentaries, supernatural university, philosophy, psychology, jay gruska, jensen ackles, dean winchester, television production, sam winchester, meta, supernatural

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Comments 38

borgmama1of5 November 25 2010, 04:02:39 UTC
Just getting more nervous about Sam--as intended, no doubt...


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:07:30 UTC
There's so much going on with the two of them ... I really think it's past time Dean demanded to learn what happened to Sam in the cage. Sam being hurt by remembering or talking about it is no longer at issue, so - I think Dean should insist. Just sayin' ... :)


ruby_jelly November 25 2010, 04:29:54 UTC
This was great to read, as it enriches my appreciation of the show to hear others' thoughts, bits I missed, or to have parts confirmed. Thank you.


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:07:57 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!


ext_283064 November 25 2010, 05:02:58 UTC
'It’s yet another missing piece of the brotherhood arc that’s still waiting to be restored, right along with trust, love, sleeping in the same room (and with Dean in the bed closest to the door!), and calling each other “Bitch” and “Jerk.” ' we are all missing these things, and maybe a few more besides (some back in black or wayward son perhaps!), but it was your comment about dean being in the bed closest to the door that choked me up. *sniff ( ... )


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:29:54 UTC
I really like your point about Sam's current dickishness possibly being due to his having decided he's finished with faking being himself not only with Dean, but with others, and that it's now Dean's role to play human; that feels legit to me.

I do think Sam considered getting his soul back earlier; I really think that being together with Dean awoke the sense that something was missing, and that a missing element might be a disadvantage, a lack he should amend. I may well be wrong - we still don't know anything that happened in Lucifer's cage in Hell, and whether Sam may be lying about knowing how he came topside - but I really got the sense in Exile On Main Street and Two And A Half Men that he was exploring how both he and Dean had changed from his now-emotionless memories of both of them. I'm dying to find out where things go from here, and what we'll learn about Sam's experiences in Hell!


candygramme November 25 2010, 06:04:47 UTC
Happy Thanksgiving, m'dear. You know, I have a theory about Sam's increasing dickishness to Dean. I think he's having a game with his brother as a kind of protest for Dean's insistence that he's doing it wrong. I think he's turning up the dickish behaviour because he's acting out the way a younger brother - even one that has no soul - would. It's his passive aggressive retaliation for Dean's criticism, and frankly I don't think that the soul or lack of it would stop him.


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:38:21 UTC
Heh - that's a fun idea! I wonder if Sam still has the capacity to think "younger brother tease" though ... it would be nice if he did, but I'm not sure where "humor" lives, relative to a soul. How much of humor is intellectual, and how much is emotional? The intellectual aspect is unfettered, but the experiential one? Not so much ...

I did have a happy Thanksgiving; many thanks! I hope yours was, too ... :)


candygramme November 27 2010, 07:29:58 UTC
I'm not sure where "humor" lives, relative to a soul.

Given some of Sam's responses to Dean, I'd say that he understands humour pretty well, but has been disinhibited, so he no longer knows when it ceases to be funny for someone else, in much the same way as a person with mild brain injury would.

I think his acting out is not coming from a fun place though. He's mocking Dean, and that, I think is because Dean's been criticising him when he thinks he's been doing really well.


amonitrate November 25 2010, 17:45:18 UTC
I'm with you, I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of the plot holes or bits of off characterization played for laughs. I was having too much fun.

Your writeups are always thoughtful and enjoyable, thank you.


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:38:43 UTC
Thank you, very much!


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