6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe …: The Truth Is In There

Nov 24, 2010 22:08

6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe …: The Truth Is In There

New Age masquerade:
Fairies pose as aliens,
Stealing first-born sons.

Read the rest ... )

ben edlund, jared padalecki, myth, episode commentaries, supernatural university, philosophy, psychology, jay gruska, jensen ackles, dean winchester, television production, sam winchester, meta, supernatural

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Comments 38

roseficke November 25 2010, 19:47:32 UTC
Great review again, Mary! And now I'm going to have to watch it again (no hardship there!) because I didn't pick up so many of the little details that you caught, like Dean fake-playing the harmonica and the tiny tears in his coat. You obviously must have high-def TV, which I don't.

For all the inconsistencies, I loved this episode because, like you say, it was a MUCH needed respite from all the dark episodes preceding it. Now I have to take a big breath and ready myself for the next two eps before Christmas break. They look to be intense!

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!



bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:43:43 UTC
Thank you, Rose! I had a great Thanksgiving, and one fully worthy of the name. Hope you had the same!

I most definitely do have HD. *grin* I'm no fashion plate and own few pairs of shoes, but I'm an electronics snob of the first water. And the things I can see on my brilliant Samsung HDTV are positively relished! (Heh: I went with Samsung because of their precision in rendering detail even in dark and black scenes - I used a DVD of Supernatural to test different screens for detail response!)

Hugs to you!


roseficke November 27 2010, 03:11:13 UTC
"I used a DVD of Supernatural to test different screens for detail response!)"

I LOVE it! Now that's a hardcore Supernatural fan. When I go shopping for a HDTV I'll be coming to you for advice. :)


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 03:30:05 UTC
Tee-hee: my best advice us to take along a DVD of what most appeals to you when you're shopping for a new HDTV or DVD player, and if you can't do that but want to see Supernatural in its best light, look for the highest contrast ratio you can find; that will show you the set best able to render dark-shot scenes. Go for something 15,000:1 or higher; just my advice! (When I went stereo shopping, I took along my complete symphonic score recording of Les Miserables ...


erinrua November 26 2010, 02:40:32 UTC
If I tried to point out all the things I loved about your review, I'd just quote the whole thing back at you. So, instead imagine me just pointing and saying, "Word!" ;)

I love that our brains seem to track in pretty much the same paths, but you did hit one point I hadn't thought of. We all know Sam's all about thinking strategically and tactically rather than emotionally these days ...

... But I never thought of the point that he sees no disadvantage to being soul-less! That's absolutely brilliant! And it absolutely fits. I've been muttering that Sam is beginning to balk at getting his soul back because so far, everything Dean's shown him about having a soul has to do with pain, and it's simply not logical to embrace needless pain ( ... )


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:53:29 UTC
Hugs right back at you, my dear! (And could I have those pumpkin pie leftovers? I'm a pushover for pumpkin pie ... *grin*)

And I heart your doggies!


erinrua November 29 2010, 05:13:57 UTC
LOL, c'mon over, pumpkin pie leftovers are all yours! ;)

My doggies would definitely heart you. :)


mrsr58 November 26 2010, 17:01:29 UTC
hi - excellent writeup - i totally concur w/your assessment of soulless!sam.


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:54:08 UTC
Thank you very much - and I ADORE your icon!!!!!


mrsr58 November 27 2010, 20:19:57 UTC
*squees* thank you! (FYI, i had enjoyed your writeup so much i rec'ed it - i know they've read it and enjoyed it too. love your objectivity, BTW.)


bardicvoice November 29 2010, 01:01:16 UTC
Oooh - I love this icon even more!!! (And thanks for the rec - I'm always delighted to welcome more readers! *grin*)


morganslady November 27 2010, 00:25:01 UTC
I enjoyed this episode so much I didn't even noticed the plot errors. I'm glad the boys are slowly getting back to their old ways.. I do miss the 'bitch/jerk' dialog. Let's hope the up coming episodes continue the upward trend.


bardicvoice November 27 2010, 01:55:48 UTC
Ahhhh, m'dear - I'm right there hoping with you! I know we're going to get more angst before we get *our* brothers back, but I do believe we'll see Sam'n'Dean together again, and sooner rather than later ... :)


quirky_thoughts November 27 2010, 17:34:11 UTC
Love your review and so very detailed. I agree that Sam can't see any benefit in having his soul back. And I'm wondering how they on earth he can be shown the benefits of getting it returned either. If not are they going to force him to have it back? That throws up some interesting issues.

Dean's jacket. He did change into another one which is a slightly different colour with buttons on the chest pockets. Where they keep all their different clothes though is beyond me but then they've been doing that since the first episode.

And I think when Dean went to the Watchmakers and saw the little people he experienced another timeslip. It would be really bizarre if it had been a plot hole because of the contrast between the brightly lit inside (sun was streaming into the room as Dean hid behind the clock - another clue I reckon)and the darkness as he went outside. Plus Dean looked pretty freaked as he looked around outside. But then I am a bit of a scifi geek and see time distortions pretty much everywhere. :)


bardicvoice November 29 2010, 01:04:55 UTC
Thanks! Your idea of another timeslip when Dean saw the elves in the watch shop qualifies for a No-Prize, I think! (If you're not familiar with the concept, it originated with Stan Lee over at Marvel Comics; he'd award a no-prize [as in, a prize that got mentioned but had no tangible value] to anyone who spotted a boo-boo in a comic, but offered a logical explanation than made the error something correct instead of something wrong ... *grin*)


quirky_thoughts November 29 2010, 18:48:48 UTC
Okaaay..not the response I was expecting. I don't think it's in error to consider the plot and possible interesting little twists and turns (especially in a show like Supernatural) instead of jumping to conclusions about plot holes etc. but, that's just me I guess. *shrugs* I thought it made for an interesting discussion but you obviously think differently. Fair enough.


bardicvoice November 30 2010, 02:11:23 UTC
Oh, nonono; sorry, I think you took my comment in a way I never intended. No-Prizes are good things, accounting well for things that might otherwise be perceived as errors in canon. I liked your idea that a time-slip could have explained the discrepancy between Dean breaking in and looking in daylight, but walking away in night; it provided a different way to look at things than just seeing a temporal error in the episode. It wouldn't have occurred to me because I thought, unlike the scene where Dean got snatched away to faerie, the elves were in this world right along with him - but that's not necessarily the truth. So your idea is MOST welcome! My apologies if my initial comment made you think otherwise!


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