4.13 After School Special: I’m Looking For The Brutal, Funny, Maybe Even Painful Truth

Feb 03, 2009 20:01

4.13 After School Special: I’m Looking For The Brutal, Funny, Maybe Even Painful Truth

Ghost high school bully
Drives nerds to revenge on jocks;
Sam sees with new eyes.

Read the rest ... )

jared padalecki, episode commentaries, supernatural university, jay gruska, jensen ackles, dean winchester, sam winchester, supernatural, meta

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Comments 43

patronus01 February 4 2009, 04:44:51 UTC
I'm saving this to read tomorrow, but I wanted to say that I love that icon. I really enjoyed seeing Sam and Dean interacting together at that age. Flashbacks episodes are always a favorite.


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:37:36 UTC
I'm incompetent when it comes to graphics; thank heavens for people like winchester84 who post such delicious artwork!

I am delighted that Show has excelled in finding capable young actors to portray wee! and teen!Winchesters.


harrigan February 4 2009, 04:54:33 UTC
There sure has been a lot of meta about this episode! I'm really glad that didn't deter you from sharing your thoughts. And I have to thank you for so eloquently explaining my own take on it. Yes, there was a short list of things that didn't work for me - and I think you captured all of them.

But the good so dramatically outweighed the glitches (for me, anyway)... I'm still in love with the show.


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:40:22 UTC
Thank you, and welcome to my little corner! I avoid reading other people's comments until I've finished my own, which means I am days behind in reading everyone else's ... but at least I'm not deterred!

I'm with you; I love our show, and any rough spots are more than compensated for by all the quality!


galathea_snb February 4 2009, 09:22:46 UTC
Excellent as usual, Mary! ♥

re: Dean's 'I'm a hero!' outburst: While it seems a bit un-Dean-ish, I think it's a very understandable juvenile reaction. I had to think back to Dean's confession to Gordon in Bloodlust, that at age 16 he embraced the hunter's life and realised that while other kids worry about pimples, he gets to see things they don't even dream about. As a teenager hunting is still in parts an adventure for him and something that sets him apart from other kids and I think that in his distress at Amanda's public berating he just slipped. He is still a kid after all, one with very low self-esteem at that, and I can see him desperately trying to regain his sense of self in that scene, because he knows that what he did to Amanda was cruel.


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:42:21 UTC
Thank you! (And love the icon!)

I found the "I'm a hero" bit easier to take on re-watching, for exactly the reasons you described. He was so much younger, and even with the walls he'd already built, he was vulnerable to so unexpected and well-targeted an attack.

Oh, Dean ...


anonymous February 4 2009, 09:45:39 UTC
Thank you for the meta, Mary ( ... )


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:45:39 UTC
Thanks, Elsa! And the more American accents you listen to, the broader your understanding of our spoken language will be ... *grin*

I loved seeing the boys as teenagers, and I particularly applaud the show for the brilliance of casting young actors who could carry off these roles and look as if they could grow up into the young men we so know and love. They did yeoman work and then some!

Ahhhh ... high school was a long, long time ago ...


orehime February 4 2009, 11:54:22 UTC
I agree with most of your points :)
Poor old Brock Kelly. I thought he actually did a good job with Dean, apart from the accent, but the script REALLY needed some fixing - calling his middle-aged teacher 'sugar'? W-e-i-r-d,
yelling about being a hero, saving lives - SO against Winchester code... These two bits made me cringe.


fannishliss February 4 2009, 18:59:57 UTC
I love your icon!


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:47:40 UTC
First off, I love your icon!

The "sugar" and "sweetheart" still feel wrong, and so does the "I'm a hero" - but I can understand them. And they certainly didn't damage my overall joy in the episode!


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