3.13 Ghostfacers!: Don’t Be ’Facer-Haters ...

May 02, 2008 20:59

3.13  Ghostfacers!:  Don’t Be ’Facer-Haters ...

Foolish amateurs

Videotape leap year ghosts;

Reality sucks.

Episode Summary

Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spengler, last seen heading for Hollywood at the end of season one’s episode Hell House and now working at Kinko’s, formed a team to film an unsolicited pilot for a new paranormal reality show called ( Read more... )

ben edlund, jared padalecki, phil sgriccia, episode commentaries, eric kripke, jensen ackles, supernatural, meta

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Comments 28

morganslady May 3 2008, 02:02:50 UTC
Apology accepted RL gets to us all.
Another great analysis of the show. It was very interesting to view Sam and Dean through others eyes.
I liked the episode but like you since the season was truncated would have liked more of the usual Winchester brother dialog.


bardicvoice May 6 2008, 01:36:32 UTC
Thanks for coming by!

I enjoyed this episode, but probably won't revisit it often. I missed being up close and personal with the boys.


raputathebuta May 3 2008, 02:12:45 UTC
Hi Mary! Glad to see you back!

I really enjoyed this episode, even though there wasn't near enough SamnDean. *shrugs*

Hey, we still managed to get a little story arc & angst in there amongst the silliness of the 'Facers!

I know a lot of people didn't care for this one, but I think that if it had been aired during a full season of episodes, it would've gotten better reception. It's still going to be one of my favorites!


bardicvoice May 6 2008, 01:37:52 UTC
I love your icon, Rap!

Yeah, more SamnDean improves anything ... *grin*


raputathebuta May 6 2008, 01:46:33 UTC
Thanks! katysam made a bunch in the "hug" theme.


bardicvoice May 7 2008, 21:04:29 UTC
Thanks for letting me know! I visited her and, uh, snagged a few ... *grin*


(The comment has been removed)

bardicvoice May 6 2008, 01:44:14 UTC
Thank you! I really need a blushing icon ...

I really enjoyed what the actors managed to do with those little handheld HD cameras and flashlights. Hitting marks is hard enough when you're not also trying to light and shoot your fellow performers!

Want to bet that Jared and Jensen were celebrating not having to be responsible for that bit, too?


panns May 3 2008, 04:58:16 UTC
Hi Mary! Great review, as always!

I really liked seeing the boys from a different point of view. Just like in Roadkill. And for a brief episode, we were returned to the innocence of season one with Sam explaining things to the "Facers" and trying to help Corbett all he can, and with Dean invoking the "no chick flicks" attitude when he realizes he's about to open up to a Reality TV Camera.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to stay there, I'm too spoiled by the performances these boys bring when they are sharing their emotions. But it was nice for a change.

And a nice change of pace before the roller coaster of emotion that will be the last three episodes of the season!


bardicvoice May 6 2008, 01:46:46 UTC
And boy, are we ever on that roller coaster now, hey?

I had fun with this episode, but probably won't revisit it nearly as often as I do others. I'm spoiled with being able to see inside them when they're alone!


pinkphoenix1985 May 3 2008, 10:09:44 UTC


bardicvoice May 6 2008, 01:47:30 UTC


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