
Oct 31, 2012 22:54

Olive's hay rack and new food bowl came! Day late 'cause of the storm, but I'm very pleased with both. So is she--she's already having a fight with the hay rack to get the best bits out.

Most racks are cheap little wire things, but this one is big and made of wood, with a solid back. Worth the money (less hay on the crate floor, yay! I just hope ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

aim2misbhave November 1 2012, 07:24:42 UTC
I'm continuing to question Laurel's intelligence - there were THREE conversations with Oliver as Green Arrow in which she didn't recognize either his voice or his jawline, and then that scene in the jail where her and the other guy actually have to be encouraged to run away from rioting prisoners.

Also, if you only get a couple dozen at the most, my family has totally learned that the snack packs or doritos and chips that you can get in huge boxes at Costco or wherever are very popular.


pnr November 1 2012, 13:19:03 UTC
His voice is a way deeper though, and I can get her not recognizing it while being a bit freaked out that the scary vigilante is meeting up with her you know? But I totally agree on like, jawline and general body shape. Okay, he has changed somewhat physically (but not much, he seemed to be quite in shape back in the day... cause we can't change the actor too much haha). I was waiting for the whole thing to get more emotional, maybe even a kiss involved, at which she'd recognize him. But obviously it went in the other direction. (I hate when they don't recognize their partner in disguise when kissing OR don't realise it's an impostor)

Actually, recognizing the masked superhero was what saved Green Lantern for me a bit (still not a good movie though). Because duh! Of course you'll recognize your childhood friend and occasional boyfriend (or something, I can't remember) when all that's different is that he has magic paint on him XD


barbarianwinter November 1 2012, 13:49:52 UTC
[spoiler for next week]They're gonna kiss next week, but not when he's in costume. And clearly she'll know now anyway.

See my other comment on this--but I think she was about to realize it was him in the prison, but then shit was distracting.
I dunno, I'm glad they're not going to do more of it, but I was able to suspend my disbelief for this one ep, considering who she thinks Oliver is and his voice modifying gadget.
Kissing would have been a bit much, though, as would keeping on doing this week after week.


pnr November 1 2012, 13:55:44 UTC
Yeah, there's was a moment there where a spark of "oh oh... is he?" lit in her eyes and then well, it got a bit distracting.

And I completely agree. Going on like this would be so damn tiresome. That's why I was so glad he revealed himself to his bodyguard (damn I forgot his name right now! I blame just getting out of the shower. The water washed all memories away) last week.

And yeah, I saw the promo. Glad they're doing that now.


pnr November 1 2012, 13:23:27 UTC
So you're definitely keeping Olive?

I'm really enjoying Arrow I must say. And omg yes, the blonde tech girl! I was like "oh hello. You. I love you." She needs more screen time. A lot of it.
… was Barrowman in the promo last week? Cause I was like "WHAT?" when he showed up… but I recognized what he said.

So glad we don't have trick or treaters much in this country. We used to do that for easter though, and when I grew out of it (mostly kids) I hated when kids came by and rang the doorbell. Parents live on the 3rd floor though so they don't come anymore (and I think the tradition has sort of died out nowadays). And well, I doubt nothing like that would happen here where there's only studens. There's no use. We have nothing!

Nathan is just too adorable and awesome.

(yesssss. Went through my icons so now I have the ones I like active again)


barbarianwinter November 1 2012, 13:45:03 UTC
I don't really know. I guess I'll keep her a while and see how things go... But she's a lot of bunny, and I dunno about having her and a dog. And I am NOT waiting another ten years for a dog ( ... )


pnr November 1 2012, 13:58:26 UTC
Aw yeah. Dog has higher priority, definitely.

Yeah, I was thinking VO too. Can't be bothered to look it up.
I've basically given up any interest in Barrowman nowadays, and haven't bene keeping up with Arrow news either, so was an interesting surprise. He better not act for the back row. Urgh. That was what made me stop liking him in the first place.

You have to dress up damnit! And kids in costumes are adorable, as long as they behave.

Omg XD Does your brother have really hairy feet?
You have a hobbit brother! Yay!


barbarianwinter November 1 2012, 14:00:59 UTC
I'd love to do both, 'cause I'd hate to give her up. (But like I said in another post...if I do keep her, I've gotta get her a friend. But maybe it'd help keep her entertained, heh.)

better not act for the back row. Urgh. That was what made me stop liking him in the first place.
Yep, me too.

Yeah, pretty fuzzy...but you know how tall he is. Not the most accurate hobbit, LOL!


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