
Nov 30, 2006 18:54

Would banner_contest like to affiliate with you? Of course!!!! Just post your community name and add us back! :)

[edit as of 3.19.07] all inactive (haven't posted for more than 1 month or are on haitus) communities will be deleted from our affiliate list. if you would like to reaffiliate with us, just comment below.

Inactive Communities: shoujo_itest kyotohru_stills lionking_stills ffx_x2_awards animeworks la_corda_hush fantasy_awards horizon_awards tsubasa_lims

[edit as of 7.9.07] all communities who have not added us to their affiliate list (that have requested so) or have taken us off their affiliate list are now placeed here.

wicked_avis uchiha_stills icon_roulette itutorial


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