FIC: Let's Hear It For America's Suitehearts

Apr 15, 2010 19:56

Title: Let's Hear It For America's Suitehearts
Author: misfitish
Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Summary: Written for the anon_lovefest prompt of: "Sandman keeps Patrick asleep, because that’s the only time he can have his Benzedrine."
Wordcount: 1126 words
Rating: PG I guess. There's language, but not too much.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately.

Up until Patrick met Pete, he always had difficulty sleeping more than 6 hours a night. But after, he could easily sleep 8, 9, even 10 hours at a time. When they were on tour, Pete seemed to be the only one who could wake him up. The only time that he hadn’t been able to sleep well since meeting Pete was when they toured in the UK after The Best Buy Incident.

Since they had started the break, Patrick had been working on his own music, but he had also been sleeping even more. Some days he woke up and he had been sleeping 15 hours. After the 3rd day in a row of feeling tired after too many hours sleep, he went to see Pete.

He was yawning in the car, trying not to fall asleep and luckily he managed to get to Pete’s without crashing. When Pete answered the door, he had bags under his eyes. He hadn’t been dealing well since Ashlee had left him. Pete let him in and they walked into the lounge, Rigby and Hemingway coming over to jump up at Patrick.

“How you been, Pete?” Patrick asked, sitting down. Pete curled up in the armchair and sighed, shaking his head.

“I’d rather not, Trick.” He replied. “Is that what you came here for?” He asked.

Patrick shook his head. “No, I’ve just… I’ve been sleeping weird lately.” If Patrick had been looking at Pete, he would have noticed that Pete stiffened, eyes looking sharply at Patrick. “I’ve been sleeping way too long, and it’s getting in the way of my work. I mean, I’ve always been able to sleep well, but this is just getting out of hand.”

“But, more sleep is better than no sleep.” Pete said.

Patrick shook his head. “I’m always tired though. Like, something is trying to make me sleep again every moment I’m awake.” And as if on cue, he yawned loudly. Pete winced, hiding most of it with his hoody sleeve. But Patrick caught his look. “Dude, what’s up?”

Pete bit his lip, shaking his head. Patrick just frowned, confused. He crossed his arms and gave Pete a look that always got him to open up. “Dude, stop it, don’t give me that look.” He said, looking away, but he could still feel Patrick’s eyes on me. “Fine, ok, fuck, just stop.”

“So tell me.” Patrick said.

Pete sighed. “You probably won’t believe me.” He muttered. “So, uh, you remember the Suitehearts’ video? With Dr. Benzedrine, and Mr. Sandman?” Patrick nodded, not sure where Pete was going with this. “Well, they’re kinda real and kinda… us. That’s where I came up with the costumes, I’ve been seeing them for years.”

Patrick looked at Pete with a straight face for a few seconds before laughing loudly. Pete frowned. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”

“That’s so unbelievable though. We were just them for a video dude, that’s all.” Patrick said, composing himself.

“You really don’t believe me.” Pete said, his voice flat. “Fine, I’ll show you.” Pete stood up.

Patrick was about to tell him to sit down when he saw smoke appearing and a spark that could have been lightning, had they not been indoors. “Pete, what the hell is going on?” He asked, seeing the smoke surround the bassist.

Pete didn’t answer him, but there was a big bolt of lightning, one so bright Patrick covered his eyes. When he opened them again, he saw all the smoke gone, and Pete standing there, but dressed as he had been for the Suitehearts’ video. “What the fuck?” Patrick asked, eyes widening.

“Pete told you, and you wouldn’t believe him, so I decided to come forward and show you.” He took a step forward. “I’m Sandman, but you knew that already.”

“What the hell?”

“And I’m the reason that you sleep so much. I have always been a part of Pete and after I met you, I knew that you were him, my Benzedrine. But I could only be with him while you slept.”

“You… you’re being serious about this.” Patrick was just gaping.

Sandman nodded. He walked over to Patrick and leant close to him. “I make it so you don’t remember usually, but now you know, I can help bring him forth, so you don’t need to sleep for my Benzedrine to be with me.”

“Your Benzedrine, what do you mean by that?”

“He is mine and I am his.” Sandman said, stroking Patrick’s hair softly, with affection. “Please, let me bring him forth, I can’t keep you sleeping so long, it is wrong, but I can’t be from my Benzedrine.”

Patrick felt himself give a shaky nod and Sandman leant in to kiss him softly. Patrick’s eyes fluttered closed as he kissed back, an urge coming from deep inside him, from Benzedrine perhaps?

A few minutes later, he felt himself and his body become what felt like two and he felt the kiss become more intense. He had no control over his body and was just a spectator as he felt his eyes open and he saw the love in Sandman’s eyes.

“My Benzedrine.” He said, smiling.

“My Sandman.” He heard his own voice say. “As much as I love to be with you, let Pete come back. Patrick will need to talk to him.” Benzedrine rested  his (Patrick’s? was it his still?) hand on Sandman’s cheek, stroking softly. Patrick could see a yellow sleeve and assumed that he was currently dressed as he had been in Suitehearts too.

“But…” Sandman started but sighed. “Alright, my love.” Sandman kissed him again and Patrick was suddenly overcome with years of memories, Benzedrine’s memories, rushing into his mind. The friendship that turned into love, the passion, the relationship they had.

Patrick pulled away from the kiss with a small gasp, noticing almost immediately that Sandman had disappeared and Pete was back, with a sheepish grin on his face.

“So, yeah, was telling the truth.” He said, scratching the back of his head.

Patrick looked at him, shaking his head a little to get a hold of his thoughts, then looked back at Pete. “You… Sandman, he told Benzedrine that you love me. You, Pete Wentz, love me, Patrick Stump.”

Pete started blushing and nodded. “Uh, yeah, maybe not just a little either. Like, maybe, a lot.” He looked down at his feet.

“Good. Then I can do this.” Patrick pulled Pete down half into his lap and kissed him.

Patrick knew from Benzedrine’s memories that Patrick was the reason Pete’s marriage didn’t work out, but he didn’t feel guilty about it.

Because now, Benzedrine had his Sandman all the time, not just when Patrick was sleeping.

And Patrick, he had his Pete.


pete/patrick, anon_lovefest fic, fic, suitehearts!au, fob

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