FIC: 4 Ways Sisky Didn’t Get The Butcher To Sleep With Him (And One Way He Did)

Apr 28, 2010 03:42

Title: 4 Ways Sisky Didn’t Get The Butcher To Sleep With Him (And One Way He Did)
Author: misfitish
Pairing: Butcher/Sisky, Panic!GSF
Summary: Written for the anon_lovefest prompt of: "Butcher refuses to have sex with bb!Siska until he’s legal because Bill, Carden and Jason totally threatened him or just because he has some morals left.
Anyway Sisky does not agree and tries everything to get Butcher in bed.
Bonus for scheming bb!Panic and Sisky getting his way."
Wordcount: 1779 words.
Rating: PG I guess. There's language, but not too much.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately.

Sisky knew things could get moving quicker once he involved the boys from Panic! At The Disco. They were dirty little schemers, and Jon was sat with him on one side of the lounge while they say looking at him on the other side.

“So, you’re already dating The Butcher.” Brendon asked.

Sisky nodded.

“But he won’t have sex with you.” Brent asked.

Sisky shook his head.

“But you want to?” Spencer asked.

Sisky nodded.

“But you don’t know why he won’t?” Ryan asked.

Sisky shook his head.

The four boys looked at each other and then all looked back. “I think we can help you out.” Ryan said, smiling.

Sisky grinned back at them.

They each had come up with an idea, a plan to get Sisky what he wanted. The Butcher in his bed. They had fought over who’s would go first until finally Jon had sad to pull names out of a hat.

And so, the plan was a go.


Ryan had made sure that the rest of Academy were distracted while Butcher had been attempting to beat him at a computer game in the back lounge. Sisky got a quick text saying they would be distracted for a while and Sisky replied a thank you.

“Andy.” Sisky paused the game and turned to Butcher.

The drummer raised an eyebrow. “You only call me Andy when you want something.” He stated.

“I just want to spend some time with my boyfriend.” Sisky smiled, moving over to Butcher and sitting in his lap. “So, I know for a fact that we have the bus to ourselves for a while. What you say to me and you and-”

“I’m not going to fuck you.” Butcher said.

Sisky pouted. “But, free bus Andy!” Sisky waved his arms around a little.

Butcher kept his gaze, putting his arms around him and giving him a quick kiss. “No, Adam.”

Sisky huffed. Dammit. Plan A was foiled.


Sisky had to arrange nicely with William and Mike to allow him and Butcher to share a room on the next hotel night. Usually, William would share with him, but he managed to convince him he just wanted to snuggle with his boyfriend for the night and so, he walked into their hotel room to Butcher’s slightly confused face.

“Not that I’m complaining because I love you and you’re my boyfriend, but why aren’t you sharing with Bill tonight?” He asked from where he was sat on the bed.

Sisky grinned, dropping his bag to the floor and making way over to Butcher, straddling his lap. Butcher raised his eyebrow.

“I thought we could spend the night together.” Sisky practically purred. “You want that, right?”

Butcher nodded slowly. “Well, yeah, but I’m not fucking you.”

Sisky looked at him with wide eyes. “But-”

Butcher kissed him gently. “M’not fucking you, baby.” He whispered against his lips. “But I won’t say no to making out with you.”

Sisky frowned for a moment, before smirking. Well, it wasn’t what he wanted, but hey, he wasn’t about to turn down making out with his boyfriend. But as he kissed him back, he knew one thing about Spencer’s idea.

Plan B was foiled.


Brent’s idea of getting Butcher drunk before having sex with him had two steps, the first to actually get him drunk. It was easy enough, he just waited until there was another get together on the Academy bus, and he just kept passing Butcher beer after beer until he was very drunk.

Then the second part, get him away from the others and get with the sexy times, started off well, as Sisky managed to pull Butcher away to the drummer’s bunk and was laying on top of him, making out heavily.

Butcher groaned into Sisky’s mouth and Sisky’s hands trailed all over Butcher’s body. He shuffled so he could get his hand to Butcher’s belt to start undoing it. Butcher pulled away from the kiss, sighing.

“Adam.” He said firmly. “No.”

“Andy, come on.” Sisky whined.

“Adam, baby,” Butcher stroked Sisky’s face gently, his face showing how intoxicated he was still, “I’m not having sex with you tonight. I love you, but no.”

“But why not?” Sisky knew he was whining but shit, he was 17 and his boyfriend wasn’t giving him sex, he had a purpose to his whining, moaning voice.

“Because, Adam, and I’m leaving it at that.” Butcher said.

Sisky frowned at his boyfriend and crawled off of him to go to his own bunk. He refused to look back round at Butcher when he called his name, instead getting in his bunk and closing the curtain. He kept his back to the curtain as he tapped out a message to Panic! quickly, before closing his eyes to get some sleep.

Plan C foiled ):


Brendon’s plan was the last plan and Sisky was getting irritated now. He shouldn’t have to work this much to get his boyfriend to sleep with him. Surely, if he loved him, he’d do it, but obviously not. This was the last plan before he gave up completely. One he was pretty sure that the rest of his band would approve of.

Sisky found Butcher in the back with William watching Mike and Tom playing a game. He strode over to the drummer, straddled his lap and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He ignored the protests of his other band mates and only stopped when Butcher pushed him away slightly.

“Sisky, what are you doing?” He asked, wide eyed.

Sisky pouted. “I want to have sex with you.”

“Adam!” William spluttered. “There are things that I really don’t want to know! I’m like your fucking brother!”

“Well the act like my brother and get lost.” Sisky sneered at the vocalist.

Butcher pulled Sisky off of his lap, looking at him. “Sisky, Adam, I’m not going to sleep with you-”

“Why not?!” Sisky suddenly exploded, pent up anger of not being able to get laid. “I love you Andy, you love me, so why won’t you have sex with me? We’ve been going out nearly six months, six fucking months, and you won’t sleep with me! What is about me that is so wrong that you won’t? Actually, don’t fucking answer that. Just leave me alone from now on.” And on that note, Sisky turned and walked out of the back lounge and off the bus, leaving his 4 stunned band mates sitting there, thinking of what Sisky had said.

Sisky stormed over to Panic!’s bus and into the back lounge, where he found 3/4 of them hanging out with Jon, Brent obviously off somewhere else.

“It’s over. Plan D didn’t work, I give up.” He said in a defeated voice. Jon immediately moved to engulf the teen in a comforting hug, whispering that it would be ok, things would work out.

Sisky liked to think that they would, but the majority of his brain was telling him that it wouldn’t be ok.


When tour ended a week later, Sisky arrived back home to an empty house. His parents were on vacation in Hawaii, and would be for another 10 days, so he had the house to himself, and Baby of course. He was beginning to think that Baby was the only creature who truly loved him.

For the first night back home, he spent it alone. Honestly, he was exhausted from tour, and slept for near 14 hours straight. When he woke the next day, his first thought was that he was still dreaming, because he was pretty sure that if this was reality, Butcher would not be sat on the couch on his room, snoring quietly.

“What the fuck?” Sisky didn’t even know he’d said that outloud until Butcher stirred, yawning and stretching, then freezing when he saw the teenager staring at him. Butcher gave a half smile but Sisky just glared. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Butcher stood and walked over to the bed. He sat down next to Sisky, running a hand through the younger boy’s unruly curls. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong impression on tour. This last week has been torture and I’m really, really sorry.”

Sisky held a stern gaze, not relenting despite the nice sensation he felt from the fingers in his hair, rubbing against his scalp. “What do you mean, ‘wrong impression’? You didn’t want to have sex with me, isn’t that the end of it.”

Butcher half smiled again. “But I don’t want to have sex with you, Adam,” Butcher said, “I want to make love to you.”

Sisky’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something, but no noise came out. Butcher chuckled, leaning in to kiss him softly, chastely on the lips. “Really?” Sisky squeaked out, mentally face palming himself for the high pitched tone in his voice.

Butcher nodded, a wide smile now firmly planted on his face. “You also don’t seem to realise that whenever you tried to have sex with me on tour, we were in a state where the legal age was 18.” He leant in to kiss along Sisky’s jaw line. “Jon helpfully reminded me a few weeks ago that the legal age in Illinois is 17.” He kissed up to his ear, nibbling on his lobe gently. “I didn’t want our first time to be on a tour bus, or some shitty hotel. I wanted it to be perfect, if I’m honest.” He whispered.

Adam moved his face so he was facing Butcher. “With you, it will be perfect.” He whispered back as pulled Butcher towards him, laying them both down on the bed.


Jon woke up to a text message from Sisky in the afternoon. He yawned, opening the text to see the words i luv u jonny wlker ur betr thn panic soo much written there and he chuckled, guessing that Sisky had finally got what he wanted. He placed his phone back on the side and snuggled under the quilt again, stretching his arm across so he was touching skin to skin  at least a little on the other three boys in the bed.

“Who’sat?” Spencer grumbled.

“No one, Spence, go back to sleep.” Jon said softly.

“’nd stop wrigglin’ too.” Brendon muttered.

“Shudup fuckers, sleep.” Ryan said, snuggling more into Jon’s shoulder.

Jon grinned at his boys, kissing Ryan’s head gently. When they all woke up, he wondered how Brent would take the news that the rest of his band were in a four way polygamous relationship with Jon.

But some things could wait until morning, was Jon Walker’s last thought before sleep overtook him.


anon_lovefest fic, fic, the academy is, jon/ryan/brendon/spencer, slash, gsf, panic at the disco, butcher/sisky

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