Wave One: Claims Post for Mixers

May 12, 2012 10:03

This is the claim post for MIXERS for 2012 WAVE ONE. If you want to claim for art, please go here instead.

Summaries are behind the cut. Authors, if you received a confirmation e-mail but your summary isn’t here, let us know RIGHT AWAY via an e-mail to bandombigbang@gmail.com.

  1. Please ensure you are signed up.
  2. Read the summaries as thoroughly as you can before claiming. You will not be able to switch claims, so be sure the one you pick is one you want!
  3. To stake your claim, leave a comment with:
    • LJ/DW username
    • E-mail address (try to use the same one you signed up with)
    • Summary # you are interested in
  4. We are in DOUBLE and TRIPLE claims, which are going on at the same time. Once a fic is bold, it has been claimed twice; once a fic is struck-through, it has been claimed three times and is no longer claimable.
  5. Mods will reply confirming your claim or asking you to choose again.
  6. Drafts will be sent out over the next several days via e-mail. Please wait 72 hours before contacting us because you are missing a draft.
  7. Check-in is June 8, due date is June 18, and further details will come with your draft e-mail!


Band(s): Fall Out Boy, Panic!At The Disco
Pairing(s): Pete/Patrick, Brendon/Spencer
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Steampunk elements, none
Summary: Patrick Stump was happy with his life. As owner of Stump's Specialty Shoppe, a wonderful shop where he could sell his inventions, Patrick had a fun life. He got to spend every day tinkering around with his friend Brendon, the homeless youth Patrick had hired and allowed to live in the flat above the shop. So when Patrick's mother forged his signature to a marriage contract to none other than the recently widowered Lord Wentz, who is searching for a spouse to care for his young son, it wasn't surprising he was not exactly happy any longer. In spite of being forced to face the reality of leaving his home, his business, and his young friend without anyone to watch over him, Patrick soon finds it hard to hate his new husband. The more he learns about how different Lord Wentz is from what Patrick expected, the more he finds himself becoming fond of his husband and stepson.

Brendon Urie thought he had finally found a friend and brother, a brother who wouldn't be taken from him like the others, when he began working at Stump's Specialty Shoppe. When he receives the news that Patrick is leaving, Brendon is sure he is alone once again. Before Patrick leaves, however, Brendon finds himself introduced to the handsome airship captain with the nice smile that frequents the shop. When Captain Smith takes to frequenting the store every time his ship is docked, Brendon begins to realize he may have found something more than a friend in the handsome gentleman.

In a time of great change, as airships overtake train for travel, the edges of the map begin to fill in, and family begins to have a new meaning, follow the lives of two friends whose lives change forever within a short period of months. This is a story of family, life, friendship, and most of all love told through the eyes of a young shop assistant, an airship captain, a rebellious Earl, and a shy inventor whose life will never be the same.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, The Used
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC17
Warnings: recreational drug use (pot), mentions of past alcohol abuse and addiction, OC bullies and fist-fights, werewolf fighting
Summary: After being bit by an unknown werewolf and left to figure out this new change on his own, Frank’s life is further turned upside down when his mom announces they’re moving to a new town halfway through Frank’s senior year. On top of dealing with the normal stuff of a new town and new school, and the really unusual stuff of being a new werewolf, what Frank doesn’t expect when they get to Belleville is that there are already two packs of territorial werewolves (Bert, Jepha, Quinn and Gerard, Mikey, Ray). He befriends Bert’s pack first, but then gets to know the others as well and feels an undeniable attraction to one particular pack alpha, and soon he feels torn between the two packs but belongs to none. He tries to figure out where he fits, if anywhere at all, or if he’s going to have to continue on as a lone wolf.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, graphic violence
Summary: Gerard was content with his life working in the bakery in District 12, but the day that Mikey is chosen at the Reaping changes things forever. Gerard volunteers to take Mikey's place, and with his fellow tribute Frank, he must battle for survival against impossible odds. A Hunger Games fusion.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self Indulgence, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Gerard/Frank, implied Brendon/Pete, past!Gerard/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: suicide, mentions of self-harm, adult themes, sexual content
Summary: It all begins with suicide.

When Gerard kills himself, he expects to be gone; instead, he finds himself in an afterlife that's supposed to prepare him for his next life. He meets Brendon, his guide, and for the first time in his life, he manages to make friends. Gerard also meets Frank; a boy who he falls in love with, even though he knows he'll be back on Earth real soon and he'll forget everything. Courses, Leaders, Pete Wentz as the Headmaster, life lessons, trust... Gerard has to deal with them all when he dies

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Grant Morrison/Gerard Way, Frank Iero/Grant Morrison/Gerard Way
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: voyeurism, non-graphic violence
Summary: Wounded during compulsory military service, orphaned by an influenza outbreak, Frank Iero leads a solitary existence running his family's machine shop, continuing his father's work in musical inventions in his spare time. Baronet Morrison appears in his shop one night with a job offer that soon turns into an offer to join a secret resistance group fighting a corrupt government from within. His inventions are all that's required of him at first, but soon Frank finds himself more actively involved and he becomes acquainted with the baronet's paramour, Gerard, Gerard's brother Mikey, and many other people dedicated to the same cause.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Pete
Rating: R
Warnings: minor character death, violence
Summary: Frank had gone through a lot with Gerard. They started out best friends when they were both so young. And then lovers once they were leaving their teenage years behind. And then something much more as adults. But now Frank wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Gerard had done something unthinkable. Of course, Frank knew that if he were in Gerard's shoes, then he would have done the exact same thing. But now everything was complicated and he had to chase Gerard. Through time and space. Whatever it took. Because he had a mission now from his boss. The sheriff at the police station where he worked. Gerard had committed a crime and now he had to bring him back.

The worst thing wasn't even that Frank was supposed to catch Gerard. It was the fact that they wanted him alive or dead.

Bands: Panic at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Cobra Starship, & Fall Out Boy. Secondary- Greta, William, Travis, Neon Trees(Elaine and Tyler), Cash, The Madden brothers, & the Leto brothers
Pairing: Brendon/Frank, past Brendon/Gabe, past Pete/Mikey, very minor Pete/ofc, vague Greta/Elaine, & pre-Gabe/Nate
Rating: R
Warnings: violence, alcohol abuse, background mentions of organized crime, past secondary character death, survivor’s guilt, anger issues, ptsd, moral ambiguity
Summary: Ex-contract killer Brendon Urie’s life is Spartan at best. He goes to work at Gabe's club; he comes home to his shit hole apartment. He exercises, does chores, and tries to get more than four hours of sleep a night.

It’s an existence, not much else, but he’s fine with that. That is, until Frank Iero asks him out on a date, and he says yes. Suddenly, the world is harder to navigate with past demons dogging his steps.

Giving in to the temptation of returning to his previous profession would be easy; his thoughts are filled with violence anyway. However, going back isn’t an option, and if he wants to have a future with Frank, Brendon has to buckle down and deal with his shit, no matter how badly he wants to give up.

Actually living is hard, but Brendon’s starting to realize maybe that’s the point.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Korse (past), Mikey/Ray
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, minor dub-con, major character death (impermanent), minor character death
Summary: A showdown with SCARECROW left the Killjoys broken and beaten - but determined to get Motorbaby back where she belonged. A rescue mission was probably a suicide mission, but that wasn't stopping the Killjoys. What they didn't know was that there were worse things than ending up on the wrong end of a ray gun.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self Indulgence, Panic! at the Disco
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, background Mikey/Alicia, implied Jamia/Lindsey, Ray/Christa, Brendon/Spencer/Ryan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit Sex, Graphic Violence (scenes of battle)
Summary: A BBC Merlin AU. The passing of the crown is never easy, but Gerard has the additional task of bringing Camelot out from the shadow of his late father's fear of magic. Meanwhile, Mikey's nightly visions are growing more ominous by the day, and Frank, a new arrival in the court, is occupying more and more of Gerard's thoughts. Is Frank other than he appears at first glance? And how can Gerard, Ray and the rest of his knights protect Camelot from the dangers of the world when the threat may come from within? A tale of magic, dragons, made families, betrayal, sacrifice and true love.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (Mentions of: Gerard/OFC, Frank/Jamia, Gerard/Eliza, Gerard/Lindsey, Mikey/Alicia, Bandit/OFC, Ray/Christa)
Rating: R
Warnings: Mentions of: Addiction, self-harm, character death
Summary: Eighty year old Gerard Way is something of a legend, and he has lived a remarkable life. His accomplishments include ten multiplatinum selling rock albums with his extremely successful band My Chemical Romance, sixteen graphic novels and several books. This is the story of his life, from the beginning of My Chemical Romance all the way to the end. Have you ever wondered what dirty secrets Way may have kept inside all these years? Have you ever thought that perhaps there lay more than just love behind his marriage to Lindsey Ballato? Have you ever seen the glances Way used to shoot his guitarist, and wondered what it might mean? In a private interview with bestselling author Pseu D. Onym, Gerard Way finally spills all, thirty years after My Chemical Romance’s break up. The truth that fans for so long have waited for is finally out, and this is a summary of Gerard and everything he has gone through. From Bullets to Black to Fight, he was there and he survived them all. It begins in New Jersey, but where does it end? Read the upcoming biography ‘The Life And Lies Of Gerard Way’ to find out, to be released in September, 2057.

Bands: My Chemical Romance (Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco)
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (Hermione/Ginny, Harry/Draco, Mikey/Pete, Brendon/Ryan, onesided!Ron/Hermione, mild non-con!Pete/Gerard, mentioned Dumbledore/Grindelwald, mentioned Katie/Angelina)
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Mild non-con (just a forced kiss), sexual content involving children (they’re all fifteen years old!)
Summary: This is a Hogwarts AU in which they get cell phones and they're all in fifth year and everyone's gay almost except for Ron cause he wants Hermione and she's dating Ginny, oh the drama! And Draco isn't a Death Eater, okay? He's a good guy who gives great head but that doesn't mean he doesn't still laugh when Snape is mean to Harry. Pete sucks at keeping secrets and Mikeyway rolls his eyes all the time and guess what, guess what, he still has glasses! And no one knows who Ray likes if he even likes anyone because he's just kind of there in background all the time and he studies to all the tests unlike everyone else and he's generally quiet and serious and gets easily hurt, like when Mikey sends him bitchy texts and stuff. And then there's Brendon and Ryan and they're in third year in Hufflepuff so, hello, everyone knows they're fucking stupid. They're in a stupid 'relationship' in which all they basically do is giggle, hold hands and eat cookies. FUCKING CHILDREN. And Gerard lurves Frank and that's okay because they're totally dating and it's awesome. So basically, a lot of stupid and weird things happen at Hogwarts, and there are a lot of blowjobs and make out scenes and maybe Voldy Voldemort comes along and wrecks things, and Gerard wants to start a band but he’s not cool enough. Le shrug.

Bands: My Chemical Romance (The Used, Fall Out Boy)
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (Pete/Patrick, hinted Mikey/Alicia)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: vampire related violence, minor character death
Summary: In a world where vampires have risen to take charge as the dominant species, the last of the human race has been forced into servitude and submission. With no job to pay for his mounting number of bills, Frank Iero is being forced to make some hard choices - get a job under the tyrannical reign of the very creatures responsible for the death of his great-grandfather, or be thrown onto the streets to be picked up and used for nothing more than a meal. His life, however, takes an unforeseen turn when he discovers a vampire in his best friend’s kitchen - a vampire who said best friend is not only friends with, but related to. The last thing he wants is to spend more time with Gerard Way. But Gerard has plenty of problems of his own; one being his desperate need to hire a secretary. And, well. Frank really needs a job.

Neither of them realise the implications of spending forced time with each other, but prejudices soon change, feelings grow, and the truth always comes out.

Bands: MCR, The Used (Panic, FOB)
Pairing: Frank/Mikey, Ray/Spencer
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Canon fuckery.
Summary: "You and me, right Mikes?"

"Yeah, fuck everybody else."

Best friends since high school, if Frank could've chosen a brother, he'd pick Mikey. Then Mikey became a rock star and Frank... didn't. After years of radio silence, Mikey steps onto a stage in Jersey and back into Frank's life. As they reconnect, Frank is torn between the awesomeness of having his best friend back, and the fear of losing him again.

Of course, there's only one thing worse than losing your best friend -- falling for him.

(Or, the one where Frank is a school teacher and Mikey plays rhythm in The Used.)

Bands: MCR
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: 15
Warnings: Violence, swearing
Summary: Set in the Killjoys!world but not following the cannon established in the videos. Frank Iero’s life is pretty average until the night where he starts getting dreams about a strange, apocalyptic California, filled with ray guns, corporations and terrorists who use art and colour as a weapon. Although interesting and fun at first, Frank very quickly starts to discover that nothing is ever simple with grey and grey morality all round. As he gets further and further into this world, the more Frank has to confront some things about himself he'd rather not acknowledge, including critical mistakes and a mystery about a murder.

And meanwhile, back in his own world, just how exactly does everything all seem to link in with that black-haired weird artist who sits in Starbucks every day?

Bands: My Chemical Romance (with mentions of Panic! At The Disco and Gabe Sapporta)
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (with brief mentions of Brendon/Ryan)
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Underage sexual situations (13 year olds talking about sexuality/crushes, 17 year olds engaging in sexual acts), non-graphic but violent homophobia, profanity
Summary: “I don’t like girls.”

Gerard looked up from his spot on Frank’s bedroom floor to throw a confused glance in his best friend’s direction.

“Come again?” Gerard asked, scratching his eyebrow, leaving a smudge of charcoal on his pale skin.

Frank sighed and sat up, hugging his knees to his chest. “I don’t like girls.” He repeated, a small shrug in his shoulders.

Gerard and Frank have been best friends for as long as either of them can remember. They do everything together. One day when they're fresh in their teens, Frank makes a confession to Gerard, that Gerard can't help but return. Of course, things never work out as you think they will, and Frank ends up burned, and leaves the state to live with his newly divorced father. Flash forward five years and it's senior year and Frank's back in New Jersey. Is Gerard ready to pick up where they left off, or is it all going to end in tears again?

Bands: MCR
Pairing: Brian/Gerard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, cursing, mention of gore, the following are mentioned but not graphicly described: suicide, past addictions, and self-harm
Summary: The Black Parade tour has just started and it's as spectacular as Gerard had hoped. But then he and his band find themselves in a heavy metal fantasy world, where music can summon lightning and earthquakes, chrome spiders spin guitar strings, and car parts are mined from deep within the ground. The only thing more bewildering than this new world is finding Brian in the midst of it. Brian's not as new to the place as they are. He's been changed by his time there, and the leather pants are the least of it. The members of My Chemical Romance discover that The Black Parade is more than just a costume, and the world itself is changing them as well. It turns out fighting zombies is a lot like being on tour. And with Brian's help, they might just be able to get home before The Black Parade comes for My Chemical Romance.

Bands: My Chemical Romance (with cameos from Cobra, Black Cards, Gym Class Heroes, and Ryan Ross)
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (background Mikey/Pete)
Rating: NC17
Warnings: This story contains vampire-related violence including graphic mentions of blood and blood drinking, and some on-screen death. Only original (and mostly unnamed) characters die in any permanent way. Some humans in this verse are controlled or owned by vampires, but all sexual activity is consensual.
Summary: At the end of the twentieth century, vampires became the hot new trend, and by 2019 they were numerous enough to overthrow the world’s governments and become both the top of the food chain and the ruling species.

Frank is born a generation after the vampire uprising, raised with his grandparents’ tales of the time before and his parents’ obsession that he qualify as a tech and never end up as a vampire’s dinner. He turns out to have a crazy ability with cyborg technology, and is hand-picked by Gerard Way, gerent of the Eastern Zone, when he graduates from college at seventeen. Now he’s lived half his life with the Ways, surrounded by vampires, installing alts and mods for them, and enabling Eastern’s snuff-film industry.

He hasn’t forgotten what it means to be human, but he’s fascinated with vampires in a way he knows his parents would not appreciate. With Gerard his fascination is obsession, but Gerard takes the techs’ contract very seriously and refuses to treat Frank with anything but the “proper respect due his station”. Then they end up miles from home with the sun rising fast, and everything changes, forcing Frank to decide who his family really is.

Bands: MCR, Panic at the Disco
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Brendon/Spencer
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Ghosts of dead OCs
Summary: When Frank’s great-Aunt Francie left him her inn, she failed to mention the reason the ballroom had been closed off for years. After Frank’s been running the place for a few months, he decides that their annual two-week closure is the perfect time to check it out and restore it.

When he opens the doors, he and his facilities manager Bob get the shock of their lives. The entire ballroom is haunted by a World War II-era party. Mikey, the hotel’s manager, is less surprised and calls in some specialists: his brother Gerard and friend Ray, both professional ghost hunters with whom he used to work.

Once the investigation gets underway, Frank is bummed to find out that he has zero sensitivity to the Other Side. Bob has some aptitude, so while Frank takes care of hotel business, Bob gets to help Ray and the Ways discover the cause of the haunting. Even Brendon, the bar manager, and his boyfriend, Chef Spencer get in on the act.

Research leads them to Aunt Francie’s husband Tony, who died in WWII, but they still don’t know why the ballroom is haunted.

When Frank is alone one night in the ballroom, he has an accident and is knocked unconscious. When he wakes up, his latent psychic abilities are also awakened. Now that he can see and hear the ghosts so clearly, he realizes Uncle Tony is present. He needs something from Frank, but can’t tell him what it is.

Using advanced ghost-human communication technologies (i.e., Brendon’s Ouija Board), they find out exactly what it is Tony wants. The only problem is, giving it to him could cause Frank to irreversibly lose his ability to experience all emotions. His growing feelings for Gerard only complicate Frank’s decision.

Frank has to figure out how to unhaunt his ballroom and untangle his relationship with Gerard, all while maintaining the inn.

Bands: MCR, FOB, CS, MSI, The Used
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey, past Mikey/Pete, Alicia/Pete
Rating: NC17
Warnings: discussion of drug/alcohol abuse, discussion of attempted suicide by overdose, brief violence, discussion of murder, some talk of creepy parasitism, SCIENCE!
Summary: There’s a problem at Castle Way and his name is Gerard.

Normally, Mikey and Ray are there to keep Gerard in check, making sure that his creations don’t get out of control and rampage through downtown Belleville. (The giant rabbits were totally not Ray’s fault.) Gerard’s a frankenstein, after all, and he needs someone to help him channel his brilliance into productive projects. Also to keep him from walking out into traffic or accidentally unleashing an army of undead creatures on the unsuspecting citizenry of New Jersey.

But lately, WayBros Biologic Enterprises has been taking up more and more of Mikey’s time; it’s turned into a business empire while he wasn’t looking. And somehow, he’s gotten involved in an unspoken feud with his ex Pete Wentz and Pete’s company Clandestine Industries and he just doesn’t have the time to watch over Gerard as closely as he needs to.

The Mittens(tm) were the last straw, no matter how cute they were.

Gerard needs an igor, someone to work with him on his projects and keep him from doing things that will end with angry people marching upon Castle Way with torches and pitchforks and other farming implements of death.

And Frank Iero, a member of the most renowned and respected clan of igors, just might be the one to fit the bill.

Bands: Empires, The Young Veins
Pairing: Sean Van Vleet/Ryan Luciani, Tom Conrad/Ryan Ross
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Very minor character death (offscreen), abduction
Summary: Sean can see ghosts. He's always been able to -- and it's not like TV, no matter what Tom says. Sean’s power to help the dead has never interfered with his daily life or his relationships much, but that’s slowly beginning to change. Things are hard enough with Sean falling for his bandmate and being afraid to admit his feelings, but when the ghosts of the city tell him that something big is coming and he’s the only one who can stop it, Sean’s life grows increasingly difficult. He just wants to make music, but nothing is ever that simple. Sean’s been carrying these ghosts for years. Who knew that falling in love could be scarier than ghosts?

Bands: My Chemical Romance, The Academy Is..., Fall Out Boy
Pairing: No real pairings, but background Pete/Mikey
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Drug and alcohol use
Summary: It's Warped 2005. William Beckett is learning how to be a front man, Gerard Way is learning how to be and stay sober. Pete and Mikey want to be alone together and not deal with everything else, so they dump William with Gerard. Maybe they'll be friends or something. Stranger things have happened.

Bands: Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Pete/Patrick, Pete/Ashlee, both only kind of though
Rating: MA 15+
Warnings: None apart from bucket loads of angst and a complete ignoring of the actual for reals time line
Summary: There's a stranger where his best friend used to be, a clusterfuck where his marriage once was, an empty bed that should hold his son and Pete doesn't know what he did to deserve this as his life.

Bands: Empires, (Panic! At the Disco, various Chicago extras)
Pairing: Ryan Luciani/Nick Scimeca (Tom Conrad/Sean Van Vleet, Jon Walker/alwaysagirl!Spencer Smith, Ryan Luciani/Various, Nick Scimeca/Various)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: Emerging from a string of unhappy relationships with nowhere to go, Ryan moves in with Nick Scimeca, a friend of friends with an empty spare bedroom and nights full of parties and bars. Everything seem to be looking up for Ryan until he realizes two things: the first being that he's head over heels in love with his roommate-turned-best-friend, and the second being that Nick is very, very straight.

Meanwhile, Nick is struggling with his own issues. All of his friends on the Chicago scene are growing up and leaving him behind, and Ryan is starting to get more and more distant every day- which is bothering him more than it should. When the perks his seemingly perfect life of being The Nick Scimeca begin to dwindle without Ryan there to enjoy it with him, and things start to spin out of control, Nick is forced to face up to himself in a more honest way than he may be capable of.

A story told from two sides about home, identity, and figuring out exactly where you belong.

Bands: MCR, PatD
Pairing: Frank/Mikey/Gerard
Rating: R
Warnings: Sibling relationship, prostitution, violence, drug usage, addiction
Summary: A story about finding love and hope in the most unlikely of places.

Frank Iero knows the hard side of life. Forced to live on the streets he struggles to survive in a world where hunger and cold are a constant, and his only friend is his dog, Zero.

But all that changes after a random encounter with a stranger and his brother. Frank never expected to find new friends, and especially never knew they'd change his life for the better.

Bands: Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Pete/Patrick/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:Sibling incest, underage.
Summary: Martin Patrick Stumph is born at seven thirty-six AM on April twenty-seventh. Fifteen minutes later, Patrick Martin follows, screaming murder the whole way. (They haven't forgiven their parents for naming them the same thing. It's doubtful they ever will.) A story about twins, lying, rock bands, and above all falling in love.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Jamia (background Gerard/Lindsey)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Asshole!AU:

"It's not a bug," she said, finally, still just standing there.

"Okay?" Frank let his hand wielding the bug-killing sneaker fall loosely to his side. "So, what, then?"

"It's -" Jamia paused, then closed her mouth, then opened it again, but didn't say anything.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Frank said. "Fucking spit it out!"

She snapped back into herself, shaking her head and glaring at him. "Goddammit, dickbag, give me a second, okay?" She thrust something at him, and he took it without thinking.

It was a plastic stick, and it said PREGNANT in big pink letters at one end. Frank stared at it for a second. "Is this yours?"

Jamia blew her breath out but otherwise didn't dignify that with a response. She just stared at him, her eyes still really wide.

How two assholes in love start a family.

Bands: MCR
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, background Mikey/Alicia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: A little violence, homophobic language
Summary: Gerard Way's gang has been making a name for itself robbing banks up and down New Jersey. Frank Iero, analyst for J. Edgar Hoover's Division of Investigation, is determined to catch them. At first. Mutual fascination leads to obsession leads to a dangerous and illegal affair. After protecting Gerard for months, Gerard ends up having to protect Frank- and now Frank is going to have to make a choice about which side of the law he wants to be on- his job, his duty, or whatever it is he might have with Gerard.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Mikey
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: After years of struggling to be taken seriously as a bodyguard, Frank Iero is finally well established. He loves his boss, Ray, he loves his job, and he prides himself on his professionalism. But then he's assigned to be the personal bodyguard of Mikey Way.

Mikey Way, aka Roboboy, is a successful high fashion model. Loved by designers and the public alike for his trademark lack of emotion, but mocked by the tabloid press for the exact same reason. Mikey is someone that Frank's sure he'll hate. Except it doesn't work out that way.

In fact, it doesn't take long before Frank discovers he really likes Mikey. Maybe too much.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Frank/Pete/Patrick/Mikey, past Frank/Bob
Rating: NC17
Warnings: underage drinking, teenage sex
Summary: Frank can’t really blame Mikey for going away to summer camp - his mom is making him go. He can’t blame himself either for the fact that Mikey’s sudden absence is sort of a relief. Frank’s liked Mikey for a long time, and hiding that crush has always been number one on his To Do list. To be relieved of that constant burden for a month is good for his shoulders.

Things are good for the rest of the summer, watching television and peeling sunburnt skin. Then in the first hour of the first day back at school, Frank is confronted by a short angry kid. Turns out Mikey had a summer affair. Mikey’s completely over the fling, but Pete isn’t, and his suffering is Patrick’s suffering. Which, after a few mistakes on Frank’s part regarding drunk Facebooking, becomes a triad of boys trying to get over Mikey Way, who only likes them as friends.

Except, that’s not true. In Mikey’s mind, he’s gotten over nothing, everything is requited, and there has to be some way of making this work for everyone.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, cameos from members of Fall Out Boy and The Academy Is...
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia, implied one-sided Pete/Mikey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: religious themes, crisis of sexuality, consensual underage sex, spanking, rimming, facial, brief depiction of homophobic bullying
Summary: Frank is a good, God-fearing Catholic boy, and then Gerard happens. Gerard is the most interesting person he's ever met, arriving in Frank's small town with late nights and illicit booze and odd, disturbing nightmares trailing in his wake, and before long, Frank finds himself starting to question the things he thought he knew.

Bands: MCR
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: descriptive MM sex, opinions on religion, monologues
Summary: Frank Iero is the gay teenager who, after coming out to his Catholic family, faces trouble in finding himself and fitting in. He will fit in, though, in Father Way's house. The priest is young and open-minded, and has been the person Frank goes to for all the doubts he has been through. It's been a trouble to Frank's own mind, but he has found the perfect way to release all that personal tension. He starts working on his final essay for high school and decides to write about homosexuality and the most controversial opinions on it, from inside the Catholic Church. In order to do that, Frank drowns himself in Father Way's library, where he has access to all the resources he needs. He will find many other things in there, though, including the key to his wettest dreams and Father Way's dirtiest secrets.

Bands: MCR
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Victorian AU. Frank Iero is a young nobleman who meets a mysterious new neighbor, Mr. Gerard Way, who does not quite fit in with the rest of society, and discovers a love that dare not speak its name. If a love affair is impossible to hide, just how far are they both willing to go to keep this love and lose one another?

Bands: My Chemical Romance/Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Gerard/Frank, Gerard/Patrick, background Mikey/Pete
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Major character death in the form of assisted suicide or murder(depending on your interpretation), gore, cannibalism, violence, severe emotional trauma
Summary: Gerard's life fell apart when his boyfriend Patrick disappeared without a word or a trace. A year later he's finally picked up the pieces enough to try living and loving again when the truth about Patrick is brought suddenly to stark light. Patrick made a horrifying choice that led to an outcome worse than anything Gerard could have imagined. The revelation drags him down a dark rabbit hole he can't understand or escape. All he can do is wade to through a very real nightmare of violence, intimacy, death, desperate need, and unnatural hunger in search of something -- be it answers, revenge, justice, solace, the strength to build his new life with a new love from the ashes of the old, or at the very least some semblance of peace. Loosely inspired by the events of the Armin Meiwes cannibalism case.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, background Brendon/Mikey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Life isn't easy for a werewolf in space. Though his kind are more accepted at Frank's new home station, he's still struggling. With a job that doesn't pay enough and no connections it's difficult to get the pills he needs for changing. Will things get better when he meets a friendly werewolf pack or will it just complicate things further?

Bands: PATD, FOB, MCR, Cobras, TAI, AAR, Empires, The Hush Sound, The Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, GCH, Taylor Swift, Hot Chelle Ray, Glee cast, Butch Walker, The Like, The Young Veins
Pairing: Mike/Kevin, Gabe/Bill, Nick/Travis, Jon/Ryan (past Jon/Spencer, semi past Ryan/Z/Tennessee), Spencer/Brendon (past Spencer/Jon), Mikey/Bob, Frank/Gerard, Greta/Ray, Butch/Chiz, Pete/Patrick, Joe/Taylor/Taylor, Z/Tennessee, Ian/Nash, ATTEMPTED Ryland/Suarez/Justin, Ryland/Suarez, Justin/Chord, Tyson/Tom/Sean Van Vleet (Past Tyson/Bill), Selena/Demi
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: An entire kink bingo card: branding, electricity, roleplay/au (historical), blood play, fisting, orgasm denial, double penetration, rimming/felching, flogging, penetration (unusual object), bondage (misc), cross-dressing, bondage (held down), hand fetish, overstimulation, rough sex, interfemoral, watersports, and film/photography; mpreg (offscreen); D/s relationships and the stuff that comes with them; emotional issues, mostly belonging to Ryan and sandwiches.
Summary: A magical/supernatural-creatures ensemble AU.

Nominally, this fic is sort of about a coffee shop, secret radio shows, and faily boys falling in love all over the place. Contains casually discussed soulbonding, kink, angst, fluff, and magic. Be prepared for some unorthodox (but hopefully endearing) pairings, a lot of porn, and Gabe repeatedly insisting that “koala” is Uruguayan slang for “badass.”

“I love you,” Brendon tells him, clinging tight as the boy starts to walk towards the booth. “I love you more than I love the cereal with the marshmallows in it. Tell me your name, sweet love of mine.” His toes are tingling. The boy is magic, Brendon can feel it like glitter sparkling in the back of his throat. Just as easily, Brendon can tell that the boy is his, that he fits all Brendon’s everything like he was made just for him.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, The Used, (blink and you'll miss it) Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic violence, character death, explicit sexual scenes, excessive swearing, alcohol abuse, the mafia
Summary: The day the stock market crashed was the day Gerard Way's life would be changed forever. As an alcoholic artist, he has no idea what he will do for work with the sudden poverty in the streets of New York City. Drunk, he accepts a job offer as a "handy man" for the powerful Iero mob family. With the heads of the Family breathing down his neck, he has no choice but to do as they say. He begins to work for Frank Iero, the son of the Don who has the privilege of going through with the dirty work. They feel a connection, and as the days become more and more dangerous, the more blood will be shed on the streets of New York City.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Mindless Self Indulgence, Cobra Starship, Panic! At the Disco
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, brief Gerard/OMC (sort of), Pete/Mikey, Lyn-Z/Gabe Saporta, Brian Schecter/Bob Bryar
Rating: R (for language)
Warnings: suicide themes: discussion of two past suicide attempts, one aborted
on-screen suicide attempt, no character death (basically, if you’re okay with the level of suicide themes in the movie, you should be okay with this)
Summary: Bandom Empire Records fusion AU. The staff at Empire Records is having a very exciting day. It’s Rex Manning Day, after all. Pete tries to save the store he loves and loses nine thousand dollars in the process. Patrick has to keep him out of jail and safe from their general manager, Brian. Brendon wishes he could start a band. Frank has to tell Gerard he’s in love with him by 1:37 p.m., or before he goes through with his plan to sleep with visiting pop star, Rex Manning. Whichever comes first. The addition of a sarcastic shoplifter and the quest to come up with the money to save the store from being sold to a heartless corporate chain brings this motley crew together.

Bands: MCR, Neon Trees, Panic!at the Disco, Cobra Starship
Pairing: Frank/Mikey, Frank/Ray (no infidelity), background Ray/Christa (no infidelity), Gerard/Lyn-Z, other minor pairings.
Rating: NC-17 for sex and strong language
Warnings: Main character sustaining a permanent injury, mentions of depression, instances of self-hate from character with a disability, some medical handwaviness.
Summary: Following an accident, being paralyzed from the waist down was something that Frank could deal with--except when it came to being intimate with anyone including himself. His reluctance lasted until he met Ray Toro. A sex surrogate with a sweet smile and easy charm, Ray taught Frank a thing or two about reconnecting his mind to his body.

Armed with this new awareness, Frank thought he'd be ready for anything. And then, he met Mikey Way, comic book writer and hot ass!nerd...

# 39
Bands: Panic! at the Disco/The Young Veins, William Beckett, Cobra Starship, Fall Out Boy/various acts, various others
Pairing: Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, mention of Brendon Urie/Amanda Palmer
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: character deaths (both secondary)
Summary: The year is 1933. The Great Depression hit back in 1929, but it’s still affecting the US. Prohibition still exists, and plenty of illegal speakeasies operate to help people forget their own problems. Organized crime is rampant, and some notable mobs even have plenty of corrupt cops in their pocket. Ryan Ross is a reporter that works for the Chicago Journal, and when his boss assigns him to get the scoop on a well-publicized scandal of a politician taking bribe money from a local mobster, including an interview with the man who supposedly delivered the money between the two, he quickly finds out that he’s in over his head when the woman he’s supposed to interview turns up dead and the last person to see the snitch alive just so happens to be the mobster’s right hand man.

Bands: Panic, MCR, FOB
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sex, violence
Summary: It’s like a combination of Zombieland, I am Legend, and Romeo and Juliet, except everybody doesn’t all die in the end. (Because most people are already dead because of the zombie apocalypse.) Spencer is a zombie hunter, and Brendon is the guy he almost kills because he looks mostly dead already anyway. Brendon is sick, and to save him, they have to race against time, finding Mikey the extra hot biochemist, and Pete, the extra crazy geneticist, who holds the cure, but may have been the one to unleash it all on them in the first place.

Bands: MCR
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Ray
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-main character death, language, sex, not 100% historically accurate (though I tried my best!)
Summary: Titanic AU - The Way's are one of the richest families in America and sometimes being an artist requires the need to travel. On the doomed maiden voyage of Titanic old friends are found, new love is formed and put to the test and the most luxurious crossing of the Atlantic ocean becomes a fight for survival.

Gerard Way is an artist from a wealthy family and his partner Frank who was from poorer backgrounds travels with him everywhere he goes. On the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic his younger brother Mikey accompanies them and upon boarding Frank finds an old friend, Ray amongst the crew. On the first few days of the ship sailing Mikey finds himself questioning everything he's ever known about his future and sees himself falling in love with Ray, one of Frank's old best friends and crew from the boiler rooms. Gerard sees himself having to take a step back from his younger brother and trusting him to make the right decisions. During the Titanic's maiden voyage love is found, relationships are put to the ultimate test and Mikey finally realises that his future isn't as dismal as he once thought.

Bands: Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy
Pairing: implied Panic GSF and Party Poison/Fun Ghoul
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Brainwashing. Character death. Potentially graphic content,
I'm a bad judge of that.
Summary: "Better Living Industries has drained the world of color, music, and life," Ryan says emphatically, "Don't you see anything wrong with what you're surrounded by?"

It's very white, Brendon says thoughtfully, but I don't mind.

Or: the one where Brendon grew up BL/ind, becomes New Perspective after he gets rescued by Killjoys, probably spends too much time thinking and getting mentored by Pete Wentz, and then decides to blast a signal that can't be stopped.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, Empires, Fall Out Boy, Bob Bryar, Jon Walker, Black Cards, William Beckett
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (Mikey/Pete, Ray/Loneliness, Tom Conrad/Sean Van Vleet)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence
Summary: In a world where superpowers are just another thing that can get you sent to boarding school, Frank Iero and his friends know what it's like to operate under heavy levels of stress. After all, they did spend their formative years under the wings of the United States Government's most widespread and successful initiatives; a program that was created to protect and train young Americans with superpowers to become functioning members of society. And, as a side-benefit, the government realized that not only were telepaths great at taking drink orders, but they could also be trained to be highly successful secret agents.

Under the guidance of Frank's volatile and (literally) power-hungry boyfriend Gerard Way; Frank, Mikey Way, and Ray Toro are an accomplished team of super spies. When a handful of people from Frank's sordid past crop up during an investigation of rash Superhuman disappearances across the country, the team finds themselves challenged both on and off the field as they fight to solve the mysteries plaguing their beloved nation. Frank knows all too much about uncovering things that he'd rather keep hidden, but can he and his team unravel the intricate web of crime and kidnapping surrounding Chicago without losing themselves in the process?

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Original character death, graphic violence, an incident of self-harm for magic-type purposes, alcoholism, domestic abuse.
Summary: Frank's a drifter back in his hometown looking for work in 1933. He isn't expecting much, besides having to deal with the good and bad of old friends and a less-than-desirable home life. But you do what you have to, and Frank knows how to get by. That is, of course, until one night when he happens upon a hedge maze in the middle of the woods outside his town. It's not the hedge maze that intrigues him the most, though, although they do have one hell of a guard dog - it's the two strange brothers (and all their secrets) who live in the house in the middle that really pique his interest.

Bands: My Chemical Romance, cameos from members of other bands and various comics authors/artists
Pairing: Frank/Gerard/Grant Morrison
Rating: R
Warnings: violence, self-harm, discussion of suicide, mentions of addiction problems, dubcon, demonic possession and horror themes
Summary: After discovering his psychic abilities--including a talent for communicating with ghosts--at a young age, Gerard threw himself into the study of the supernatural. With the help of his mentor and a group of talented, dedicated teammates, he'd begun making a name for himself as a paranormal investigator. Then his team took a case at the Paramour Mansion that sent them reeling and threatened to break them apart when they needed each other most. A year later, still haunted by the past, the team takes on a new case that takes a dangerous turn, and this time they'll need all their strength and skill to make it through with their lives--and souls--intact.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Discussion of early-onset Alzheimer's disease
Summary: Gerard loves owning his own comic book store, working in a strip mall alongside his friends. He's perfectly fine with the way things are and has no plans to step out of his comfort zone, but everything changes when Frank Iero comes into his life. Gerard is immediately charmed by the mysterious Frank and finds himself pursuing his crush with a passion that he's never displayed before. Frank seems to be just about perfect for Gerard, but it quickly becomes clear that Frank has a secret. Through patience and understanding, Gerard manages to get Frank to open up to him and share that his mother has early-onset Alzheimer's disease and Frank is caring for her all by himself. Frank and Gerard's relationship blossoms despite the difficult situation. In the end, Gerard discovers that he possesses more strength and compassion than he'd ever known as he supports Frank when he's faced with the most difficult decision of his life.

Bands: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Mild violence, corrupt sports, language and a lot of sex.
Summary: Med school was hard, and for all his hard work Gerard Way finds himself two years later still without a job. Any hope Gerard ever had of finding a job even remotely related to what he loves is quickly going down the pan along with his love life, social life and ability to bathe regularly. But when he stumbles up on a semi conscious boxer and his coach one evening, he’s offered the break and the job he simply can’t refuse. Several boxing matches, late night Wikipedia binges and days spent staring at their star champion F’NSTEIN later, Gerard realises he’s pretty fucking screwed.

!mod post, claims: mixers

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