Welcome to the sign up post for mixers!
This sign up post is for BOTH FIC WAVES. Sign up with the LJ name you will use throughout the challenge, your email, and whether you want to mix for wave one, wave three, or both waves in your comment.
Here is a helpful template for you to use:
E-mail address:
Wave One, Wave Three, or Both?:
Please make sure you have read
the rules and the FAQ before signing up. By signing up, you are agreeing to follow the challenge rules. Please direct any questions or concerns to that post or to bandombigbang@gmail.com.
Story summaries for Wave One go up on May 12, mixer check-ins are June 8, and completed mixes are due June 18.
Story summaries for Wave Three go up on July 21, mixer check-ins are August 10, and completed mixes are due August 20.