To all programmers: What do you personally think of Python, the programming langauge?
1. Is it a good teaching langauge?
2. A good general-purpose language?
3. Is it "better" than C/C++ or Java?
How so, and why or why not?
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Comments 27
Also, I'd like to point out that I think it's a good practice to teach languages with a C-like and Pascal-like syntax first. These two are the most common among programming languages.
As for the second and the third point: IMHO, Python is good as a general-purpose scripting language, and in this field it can compete with Perl, Lua, and sometimes PHP. For big stand-alone applications I think C/C++ and Java are a ( ... )
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IME, people who dislike white-space delimiting are people who use bad style. Good style demands consistent indentation. It's a logical step for the parser to demand it and make use of it. In practical terms, white-space delmiting is a huge advantage in code legibility, it cuts down on line count, and makes debugging go faster by removing certain kinds of syntax error.
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