Well, ABC announced the top 5 finalists in the "Lost" promo contest, and there was a distinct lack of us amongst them. So, our entry can now be found on my YouTube channel. It's much higher quality than the streaming on the official contest site.
I made this video, with lots of help from radical_jojo and Seth, for ABC's "Ultimate Lost Fan Promo Contest". The challenge was to make a commercial for May's series finale of "Lost", using either clips provided on the site, or material created yourself. Naturally, I conceived and shot mine from scratch, and appear to be among the minority in doing so (
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Since we sat out last week onaccounta' Valentine's Day and JoJo's birthday, here is this week's DOUBLE-LENGTHIFIED episode of "Artsposé", in three parts!
We were very tired working on this one, and it kind of shows...JoJo occasionally loses track of the words coming out of her mouth, my framing is a bit sloppy, and I literally fell asleep
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Hey, y'owl! I haven't been posting these to my blog, due to some confusion over distribution plans over the past few weeks, but it's all straightened out now. JoJo was asked by SheezyArt's up-and-coming SheezyTV channel to turn her weekly art news posts into a video series. Video being my thing n' all, I've been shooting and editing each episode
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