I posted the first (brief) part of An Act of: Death-Defying Affection-continuing on in the Love's not the way to treat a friend universe.
I missed these boys so I am happy to be back with them-I don't know how regular my updates will be for the next couple of weeks because RL is pretty crazy right now, but I will try not to let it languish!
I felt like I couldn't go any further with the jealousy prompt for Hawke and keep it feeling real. It can't be all sunshine and roses for them until the end of the game, and that
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I'm still not entirely satisfied with it. I know exactly what I wanted from the chapter but I feel like it ended up as more tell than show. But I know if I get too hung up on it I'll never move past it, which is why I am so stuck on wrapping up
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Not entirely pleased with it-I rushed it a little and didn't do my multiple re-writes before posting. Will probably edit quite a bit before posting to AO3.