Chapter 8: Hidden Guests

Jul 23, 2007 17:11

Authors: Gabby and Kirsi
Rating: For this chapter is kinda PG-13

Summary:Hmmm, when while that surprise get here? What can happen next? Some shouldn't watch all they see.....

Here ya go. My sister told me this is the fastest I've ever posted and this chapter was finished a couple days ago. Chapter 9 is in the making.
Thanks again for supporting me.

Love Gabby

Chapter 8: Hidden Guests

Bam had moved Ville back to Castle Bam the day before. When they dropped off Ville’s stuff in his old room, they had dinner, just them cause Missy was at her mom’s for dinner. Bam and Ville cooked together, it was surprising to Ville that Bam could cook more than noodles. They shared some Thai and battered baked catfish. They did the dishes before Missy arrived home too.

Missy walked in to see them watching a movie in the living room. She half smiled at the scene, Bam and Ville huddled together and covered up with a blanket, their legs overlapping. She loved him, but she saw that Ville did to. She never told Bam such though. Missy felt that she wasn’t doing anything wrong to either of them if she never said anything.

It’s not lying, just not voicing everything I can see. She thought to herself. She crossed the floor and they finally heard her. They turned to see her and waved, Bam with his goofy smile, and Ville with a tired but happy smile. As Missy went to the kitchen to get a drink, she noticed the dishes in the drainer gone. She bent to get one from the dishwasher and seen that only a few dishes were in it. Puzzled she asked out loud, “ Where did the dishes go?”
Bam and Ville turned their heads to answer her.
Bam said, “ Where did they go? Where else?” as he shrugged to Ville.
Missy, walked to the cabinet, “ Oh, who did the dishes?”
Both guys in unison, “We did!”
She was shocked more that Ville could get Bam to help with the house chores. A part of her was slightly jealous, but she hid it well.
“Thank you guys. I appreciate that. I’d of hated having to come home and clean. So, what’s the plan for tonight?”
They looked at each other then her.
“Game of Pool.” Bam said.
“Curling up with my book, I just got it.”
They looked at each other again. Then busted up laughing.
Both started to ramble to the other.
“I didn’t know you wanted to play pool.” Ville said.
“Nah, you go ahead and read your book, I know how you enjoy your time to yourself.”
“But I can do that later, let’s play.” Ville slid out from the cover, standing and stretching. Bam watched the sleek Finn as he moved with the grace of a cat across the room. Bam got up and went to get the pool sticks for them. He nodded to Missy, “ Wanna play too?” She just shook her head and waved him onward. They played for a couple of hours until the clock shown almost 3am. Each gave the other a pat on the back, the night ending in a tie, five wins to each. Bam acted as he was putting up the parts to the game, when he chose to stay down stairs only to be behind Ville and watch the slender man walk up the stairs. Bam sighed to himself after Ville was out of earshot. That night he went up to his and Missy’s bed and crawled in, her already asleep.

He couldn’t get it out of his head, he remembered the look on Missy’s face when they turned to her the night before.
Ville went to his room the night before listening to one of Bam’s old Cds of Liz Phair, he found one song and put it on repeat. It was “Everything to Me”, it was fitting to him about the situation. The lyrics played in his head long after he’d fallen asleep.

I bet it makes you laugh
Watching me work so hard to reach you
You never gave a damn
About all of those things I did to please you

All that you wanted, you found somewhere else
And nothing could drag you away from yourself

Do you really know me at all?
Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?
Are you ever gonna be that real to me?
Everything to me

Lucky I've been through hell
Backroads and shortcuts I know them well
Baby just stick with me
We'll make it together, just wait and see

Do you really know me at all?
Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?
Are you ever gonna be that real to me?
Everything to me

The walls they close in
The air it goes out
We're left with nothing but a shadow of doubt
Nobody talks, no one is here
It's just you and me

Do you really know me at all?
Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?
Are you ever gonna be that real to me?
Everything to me

Do you really know me at all?
Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?
Are you ever gonna be that real to me?
Everything to me

I bet it makes you laugh
Watching me work so hard to reach you

When he awoke, he quickly turned off the music. Slightly paranoid that someone may figure what it meant to him. He walked out of his room with clean clothes in his arms, wearing his SpongeBob pajama pants. He knocked on the main bath room to see if anyone was in it, when no answer came he walked in and began his shower.

While Ville was showering, someone knocked at the front door of Castle Bam. Missy rushed to the door to answer it. Only when she opened the door she didn’t know the character. So she politely inquired to whom he was.
“Hello, how may I help you?”
The face of a guy with blond hair to his shoulders replied, “Yeah, I’m here to find Bam Margera and Ville Valo. Are they here?”
She invited him in, then asked, “How do you know them?”
“I know Ville, only met him over a year ago, but have loved his music for years. And Bam, this is my first time to meet him. You must be Missy, his girl. Nice to meet you.” He put out his hand for hers to shake. After they shook hands, Bam walked out of his office on the main floor. Ville walked out of the bathroom, his hair damp and curling, dressed in a dark green sweater, with holes in the sleeves for his thumbs, black jeans hanging low on his hips, causing him to walk on the ends of them. When he got in sight of the guest he moved into a jog and grabbed him in a tight hug.
Bert McCrakken almost lost his balance as HIM’s lead singer clasped him in a tight grip. Bam was almost stricken with sadness as he saw Ville’s reaction to the new guy. Bam appraised the man named Bert. He’d seen him in a few music wideos, but never met him. He remembered he was the lead singer of the band called the Used. He smiled to himself, another singer in the house. He continued to walk toward the pair of men releasing from a hug. Bam walked up from behind Ville, tapping him on the back.
“Hey Willa, don’t I get an introduction?”
Ville turned, hoping Bam got a good show. “Oh, yeah. Bam this is Bert McCrakken, Bert this is Bam Margera.”
Bam nodded to the man in a hoodie, saying, “So, you’re the guest my guest wanted for the holidays.”
As Bam heard it again in his head, he wasn’t too sure he wasn’t far off in either sense. Ville must of guessed the hidden meaning, for his smile got wider. Bert agreed, asking, “So, where’s the nearest motel for me to head to for the week?”
Ville answered him, “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Bam said you could stay here with me during your time here with us.”
Bert glanced around the house from where he stood.
“Where’s the room for me to go to?”
Ville laughed, “Most of the rooms are in use, so you’ll have to share mine, if you don’t mind.”
Bert then asked, “Well, lead the way buddy.”


As Ville led they younger man to his room, Bam just watched them. He was looking for what Ville’s reaction was towards the new guest. Missy caught him and he broke the staring. He walked off into the kitchen and she followed him.
Missy putting a hand on his shoulder, “What’s wrong? You did invite or agree to let Ville’s friend stay, right? I know Ville wouldn’t ever bully you into anything.”
Bam sighed, “Well, I did, but now, I…”
“What? You What?”
Bam just shook his head, but Missy was too persistent to let it go.
"No, don't blow it off, what's on your mind Bam?"
"I... I just feel something might be between them, more than just friendship."
"How so? Ville has kissed a handful of men, never done more than that. We're not even sure he'd want a man for the rest of his life. So don't worry over 'if's."
"Okay, maybe you're right. I'm just a bit jealous of this Bert."
Missy put her arm around his shoulder and he leaned in for her hug. They got drinks for themselves, Ville and Bert.


During the next few days, Bam had been planning a Christmas parade for Westchester. He tried to find something for Ville for a gift. He knew what he wanted to give him, but that was a part of his 'New Year's Resolution', so it had to wait.
So on December 22nd, Bam left the house to go get a gift for Ville, it was custom made just for him.
As he returned to the house, with bags of gifts, he heard something. After dropping off the bags in his office, he went upstairs, where the noise was coming from. It was from Ville's room. The scene he saw made all his jealousy real....
Bert and Ville wrestling around the room, on their feet, pushing each other back and forth. Bert being the shorter one, Ville winning but giving the younger man the illusion of winning. Then they fell onto the large king size bed. Instead of just laughing and resting, Bert pulled Ville to him. Both men laying on their sides, Bert on his left and Ville on his right. Bert put his right hand on Ville's neck, sliding it under the dark brown curls. Ville's eyes were closed with a smile on his face, as Bert kissed him.
Bam knew he should go, but couldn't turn his eyes away from what he was seeing. Partly cause of curiosity and the rest out of jealousness.
Ville's eyes opened, whether in shock or enjoyment was unknown. The Used's lead singer kissed Ville repeatedly, until Ville sighed. Bert took advantage of that small gap between those plump smooth lips to slip his tongue in. Within moments, the Finn's was fighting for dominance with his own. The missing hands they'd been laying on were now with Ville's in Bert's honey colored hair, while Bert's left arm was holding Ville's waist. Their kisses seemed to keep going. Either dancing tongues, to sucking on them back and forth, to gently tugging on one's bottom lip. After about 5 minutes of kissing, they drew back from each other. With ragged breathing, chests heaving, foreheads resting against one another.
Bam was so surprised with what was said next.
"Wow. That's how you should be described in one word."
With Ville smoothing out the wild parts of Bert's hair, he met his eyes and chuckled.
"Ville, we have a problem."
"What's that sweetheart? What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing, that's what's the problem."
Ville was slightly confused, so Bert grabbed his hand and lead it to his erection. Laying and pressing Ville's hand to the bulge in his jeans, Ville bit his lip.
Bert smiled to Ville. "See, you haven't done anything wrong. Now, do you have the same problem as me?"
Ville nodded slowly. Bert's smile got bigger, showing his white teeth.
Bert proceeded to unbuckle Ville's loose jeans, but was paused by Ville's hand.
"What's wrong? Don't you want this?" Bert's smile faltered.
"Well, to be honest... I've never.... Never done more than give a man a blow job."
Bert laughed, "Well, I have, so I'll let you fuck me any way you want and you can suck me off. How's that sound?"
"But.... I won't hurt you will I?"
An evil smile broke across Bert's face. "Only if I want it to.
"Oh, okay. Here let me do us the honors."
Ville got up, leaving Bert laying down on his bed. He reached down and unbuttoned Bert's jeans. Then dropped to his knees, nuzzling against the knot in the younger man's boxers.

After that, Bam turned his head at last and walked quickly but quietly from the ajar door. He got to his room and began to cry into a pillow.

End of Chapter 8

from the author: I know it's a cliffy... how many of u were drooling when u thought u'd get Ville and Bert smut?
I'm just a big meanie, my sister says so all the time. Have started on the next already.


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