(no subject)

Mar 04, 2006 19:34

Title: Hellview (Wicked Little Town)

Pairings: Multiple. Bam/Ville, Bam/Ryan, Ryan/Novak, Rake/Dico, April/Phil, Shitbirds/Hanna, Jess/Deron, Ville/Chad and about a thousand more.

Rating: R

Summary: The CKY crew is on the road to real celebrity and fame. They take a weekend trip together out in the 'ol west and stumble upon a place called Hellview that has more than a few eerie similairities with the Hellview in CKY's songs. What could have been a fun adventure turns into a series of bloody murders. Forced to suddenly confront long kept secrets and faced with death, many connections are made during their stay at Hellview. The question is - who will survive long enough to enjoy their newly found relationships in the real world?

Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened, never WILL happen, no money, nada. Just for fun.

Author's Notes: I love me some melodrama, so I decided that I wanted to write something that's purely for fun and doesn't have a whole lot of deep, metaphorical thoughts. Because of that, it's coming along faster than most fics I usually do. So I've decided to test myself and post it on some kind of schedule - once a week, twice a week, I'm not quite sure about that. So if you have any suggestions about what day(s) I should always post the next segment on, feel free to share. I think it'll be a good test of responsiblity for me.

Chapter One - Perceptions In A Mix

The long stretch of road ahead of the bus, completely devoid of traffic and stretching endlessly towards the clear horizon, was oddly appropriate for the situation at hand. The world was just starting to really recognize them, and it seemed like everyone on the tour bus was destined for fame and fortune on an astronomical level.

CKY’s latest album had cracked the Top 40 and had MTV, VH1, and all the big music magazines up in arms because kids were snapping the record up without any kind of big media push. They were fast on their way to superstar status, which was a double edged sword. They’d been forced to play bigger venues on the tour, and it was harder to interact with the fans that had been there since the start of it all. But it was nice - Deron loved hearing kid’s stories of discovering their new record and finally realizing what music was really about.

The sequel to Jackass had made millions at the box office. It nearly doubled its sales from the original. Bam took his paycheck and invested almost all of it into The Dreamseller project - with amazing results. The movie was a hit in every sense of the word. Critics adored it, fans saw it over and over again, and suddenly the name Bam Margera wasn’t just synonymous with skateboarding and pranks.

Everything they touched was golden. Everyone they were associated with got a taste of the success. HIM had never been bigger in Finland, and they’d finally cracked the tough American market. The TRL countdown featured at least half their friend’s bands at any given day. Instead of Fall Out Boy and Lindsay Lohan, it was Fireball Ministry and The 69 Eyes and The Bloodhound Gang.

The CKY tour bus was hosting a full ride that day. They’d just finished playing Vegas and had a few days until a week’s worth of L.A. shows. So, of course, everyone had flown out for some gambling and drinking and sightseeing. When it had been discovered that none of them had ever been on Route 66, their bus driver told them that they were missing out and so, naturally, they’d all jumped on the bus and told him to drive.

“Jesus, there’s seriously no cars on this road,” Ryan marveled as the desert scenery rolled by. They’d been on historic route 66 for nearly an hour and had only seen one other vehicle, which had been going the other way.

“Dude, how cool would it be to have a house out here? No one would ever bother you,” Rake said. There were various enthusiastic replies, as they’d all gotten to the point where it was a little trying to come outside every morning to find teenagers on the lawn, gawking as they got the paper.

“No one ever bothers me,” Chad commented, taking a swig from the bottle of Jim Beam he and Jess were sharing.

“Yeah, but you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere on a mountain,” Jess told him, laughing.

“I can’t find where you live even when I want to,” Frantz agreed.

“Yeah, well, that’s because you’re an idiot,” Chad said with a smirk.

“I’ll co-sign on that!” Novak chimed in, strolling by the group wearing nothing but a pair of daisy duke shorts.

“You can’t fucking co-sign on anything dressed like that,” Frantz said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, I don’t fucking want a dude like that co-signing any of my shit,” Chad agreed.

“Beggers can’t be choosers, sweetheart,” Novak notified him.

“Yeah, Chad, beggars can’t be choosers,” Bam said, imitating Novak’s voice and flopping into the seat next to Jess.

“I wish I was a fucking beggar,” Jess suddenly interrupted, “I’m getting offered like, twenty pussies a night and I haven’t had to buy my own beer in months.”

“And dick too, right Jess?” Deron teased, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom.

“Only when we play San Francisco,” Jess laughed, smiling up at the singer.

“Dunn loves it there,” Bam shot in.

“What’re you saying about me?” Ryan shouted from the other section of the bus.

“That you love the cock!” Bam shouted back.

“Bam!” Ape cried disapprovingly, and there was a collective snickering from everyone on the bus.

“You shouldn’t tease your best friend like that,” Ville scolded, appearing from the front of the bus where they were watching some Western that Dico had rented.

“He’s not my best friend,” Bam said petulantly.

“Yeah, Bam doesn’t have friends,” Novak joked.

“What the hell are you talking about, Life Partner?” Bam questioned.

“He’s just telling it like it is, little bro,” Jess said, punching his brother fondly on the shoulder.

“Hey!” Bam exclaimed, turning and unleashing one of his wild Bam attacks on his older sibling. The other guys shouted and laughed, standing up to give them room. Jess managed to catch one of Bam’s wrists, but Bam continued to flail around with the other arm, his fist smacking into Jess’ body.

“Phil! Come control your son!” Jess cried, half laughing.

“Cheater!” Bam yelled, smacking his brother cleanly across the face.

There was a chorus of sympathetic oooohhs and ouches from the guys, and then Phil made his way into the back part of their bus.

“Bam, c’mon, Bam, we raised you better than this,” Phil scolded, waddling towards the two brothers. He grabbed Bam’s other wrist on the first try.

“You can’t team up on me!” Bam screamed, indignant. The crowd of onlookers grew as the commotion at the back of the bus drew more of the guys away from the movie.

“Look at your nephews, man,” Chad drawled, grinning over at Matt Cole.

“I know. What a fucking embarrassment,” Matt said with a short laugh.

“Oh my god, boys, will you knock it off! Bam! Get off of your father!” April shrieked, pushing her way through the throng of men. She smacked Bam on the back of the head, and everyone laughed when he instantly stopped and sat up, giving his mother a sullen ‘I’m sorry’ look.

“Holy shit!” They all heard Dico exclaim from the other room, the only one who hadn’t gotten up to see the family wrestling match. Rake looked over his shoulder, glancing at Dico with some degree of curiosity.

“What? The dude in the movie actually managed to act for a second or something?”

“No, you faggot, c’mere!”

Rake stepped away from the group and walked over to Dico, who was perched on the arm of one of the sofas, looking intently out the window. He lifted a finger and pointed it out the window.

“Can you see that?” Dico asked, eyes wide.

“Uhm, yeah,” Rake answered with a shrug, “Just another old mining town.”

“No, the sign that’s coming up, look. You can read, can’t you?”

“Fuck you, yeah, I can read,” Rake shot back.

“Well?” Dico asked. Rake had never seen him look so damn excited about something that didn’t involve some kind of ridiculous prank. He noticed that they were approaching an old fashioned kind of road sign, even though the abandoned town was probably still half a mile away. His eyes skimmed over the sign and he squinted, read it again.

“Does that say Hellview?”

“I think so! How crazy is that?”

“Hey, Deron!” Rake called out, gesturing the singer over and pointing out the window, “Read that sign up there.” Deron just looked at them both oddly and shrugged, peering out the window to read it. The other two watched his face to see his reaction. Dico grinned when Deron’s forehead crinkled and his eyes went rapidly back and forth, probably rereading the sign. Then his lips parted and a ‘holy shit’ came spilling out.

“Is that real?” Deron asked them, amazed.

“Dunno. Wanna stop the bus and check it out?” Dico asked. Deron grinned.

“Hell yeah. This is too fucking unreal,” Deron replied. He walked towards their bus driver, Rake and Dico in tow, and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey, man, is it cool if you stop here and pull off to the side for a minute? I wanna check something out.”

“Yeah, of course. I’ll keep the bus running - don’t want it to heat up in here,” their driver replied with a smile. He was an older guy, and a bit heavy, but not quite near Phil’s size.


A minute later, the bus had pulled over onto the shoulder, and the doors hissed open, Deron, Dico, and Rake hopping out into the humid desert landscape. Dico went running towards the sign, screaming some lyrics about Rake being gay to the tune of ‘Escape from Hellview’. Deron looked over at Rake with a grin, and smiled wider when the long haired man shook his head and sighed.

“You’d think it wouldn’t be funny the millionth time around,” Rake mused.

“But it is,” Deron admitted, laughing and moving towards the sign. It was on a wooden post and looked more than a little decrepit. He still wasn’t sure if it was real, or if some fan had stuck it up; either way, it was pretty damn cool.

“Hey, what’re you assholes doing?” Bam shouted, hanging half way out of the parked bus.

“Look at this!” Deron yelled back at him, pointing to the sign. Bam stepped off of the bus and took a few steps closer, then stopped and laughed.

“Is that real?”

“We don’t know!” Rake answered.

“Hang on, I’m gonna make everyone come see this!” Bam yelled over his shoulder as he bolted back onto the bus. Deron traced the ‘H’ of the Hellview sign with his finger, smiling wryly. If it had announced the population as being 96 just beneath it, then it would’ve been perfect.

“It actually looks pretty authentic,” Rake notified him, peering intently at the lettering and woodwork.

“I can’t believe no one’s shown this to us before!” Deron exclaimed. They had fans out here, proven by their last three nights of sold-out shows. But apparently none of them had ever been out this way, or if they had, they’d managed to miss this.

“Whoa, that shit is awesome,” Novak interrupted, the first one out of the bus. The others began to trickle out in groups behind him. Phil, Ape, and Jess. Bam, Ville, Raab and Ryan. Chad, Deis, Hanna, and Shitbirds. Frantz, all by himself, carrying a video camera and one of Gee’s borrowed fancy photography cameras.

“We are so taking a group picture here!” April told them all, trying to move them around the sign so that they all fit in the frame of the picture. Of course, no one was co-operating.

“Hey!” Chad shouted loudly, “Everyone knock it the hell off and pose for a fucking picture like the lady said.”

“Thank you, Chad,” April sighed, smiling as the boys quieted down and shuffled to rearrange themselves around the sign. Frantz took a few steps back with the camera, but April took it gingerly from his hands.

“No, no, you get in the picture, too, I have enough of myself. I want a nice picture of you guys around the Welcome to Hellview sign,” she said, shoeing him back to stand with the others.

“Okay, one…two…three!” April exclaimed, pushing down on the button at the top of the camera. Nothing happened.

“Wait, hang on, it didn’t work,” she told them. Bam made a face, and flicked Ryan’s ear. Ryan retaliated with a soft poke of Bam’s shoulder. They were all fidgeting by the time April tried again, but it didn’t work that time, either.

“Here, April, let me look at it,” Frantz offered, jogging up to her. She handed it back to him, frustrated, and watched as he fiddled with some of the controls. Once satisfied, he gave it wordlessly back to her, and ran back to his place, standing next to Phil.

“Okay! One…two…Bam! Knock it off or I’ll make you stay still longer! One…two…three! Chris! No, no, get back, I want a nice picture of my boys! One…two…three! There! Thank you, sheesh, was that so hard?”

Frantz smiled as he walked towards her, extending his hand to take the camera back from her.

“You should be their full time photographer. They don’t behave that well for anyone,” he told her. She smiled, blue eyes crinkling at the edges.

“I know,” April stated fondly.

“Why did we have to do that?” Ville asked curiously, looking at the sign with a quirked brow.

“I’ve never made you listen to Escape from Hellview?” Bam asked him, a bit surprised. He’d thought that Ville had heard all of CKY’s collection, but then realized that was a stupid assumption because CKY had definitely never heard all of HIM’s songs. They barely heard one and had refused to listen to anymore, unless Ville was around, in which case Chad was the only one who would still go on about how shitty their music was.

“No. Well, I don’t think so. If you did, I was trashed and can’t remember it,” Ville replied. He’d flown out to be with Bam for a few weeks before his own tour started up. They were in the period between album and world tour that involved press and media time, and he’d left that to the boys, thinking it would be nice if they could finally be in the spotlight for once, too.

“Oh, well, Deron wrote this really cool song, actually, a couple cool songs about this made up place called Hellview where these psychos live and kill anyone who ends up there.”

“Pleasant,” Ville replied, smirking.

“Not really quite your thing, huh, Willa?” Bam teased.

“I don’t know. If one of the psychos had a tragic love affair with one of the people they had to kill, I could write a song about it,” Ville replied good humouredly.

“People in Hellview don’t believe in love,” Chad notified them both, wandering towards them with a lit cigarette between his lips.

“Why not?” Ville asked, and Bam tried to send telepathic thought waves to Chad that said ‘be nice, be nice, god, for once in your life, please be nice’.

“Because Deron thought them up,” Chad said, pulling the cigarette away and tipping his head back to let out a short puff of smoke. His eyebrows raised as Ville snatched the cigarette from his fingers and stuck it in his own mouth, inhaling deeply.

“I don’t know. Deron seems like a lovey-dovey fag type to me,” Ville said mildly. He extended the cigarette back to Chad, who was looking at him strangely. Bam watched as the two stared at each other for a moment. Then Chad smiled and laughed.

“I wouldn’t disagree with that!” He said, voice loud and amused. Bam grinned to himself.

“With what?” Deron asked, looking over.

“Nothing,” Chad said cheerfully, flicking cigarette ash at the singer and making his way towards Deis and Hanna.

“You know what? We should go check this Hellview place out,” Bam stated, looking at Ville, who was watching Chad with a level of guarded amusement.

“It’s probably boring,” Ville told him.

“Well, we should check it out, anyway,” Bam continued, “Hey Frantz!”

“What?” Frantz snapped, glancing over at him.

“Get the camera on. We’re all gonna go find out how to party in Hellview!”
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