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Comments 6

princessenoire November 19 2005, 21:23:49 UTC
This reminds me of that guy who is always on TV doing infomercials for natural cures "that the fed don't want you to know about" or something. Like, a cure for cancer, and learning disabilities, and lice, and heart disease, and ugliness. Ok, maybe I made up that last one.


lightfromlight November 19 2005, 22:16:12 UTC
The sad thing is that book is a bestseller and in HUGE demand in public libraries.


princessenoire November 19 2005, 22:17:52 UTC
Oh, I know. I live in a sucky area where *everyone* is amazed and reading it and snaps at me whenever I try to convince them that maybe, just maybe, he isn't telling the truth...*sigh*


lightfromlight November 19 2005, 22:39:23 UTC
If they talk about it on TV, it must be true!


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