Webcomics Round-Up

Jun 18, 2015 12:50

I'm always talking about how I'm a big fan of webcomics, but I notice I haven't really talked about any (aside from inklings of my own) here or anywhere. I haven't talked about webcomics since 2004, apparently! Well, that ends here.

One thing: a handful of these are not safe for work and have been marked as such. Currently I do not mark comics ( Read more... )

public post, links, round up, master post, the internet is for lovers, things i love, webcomics

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Comments 22

vivaciousmuse June 19 2011, 01:12:24 UTC
Oh! Thanks for posting these, now if I'm bored this summer and I want to check out some new webcomics I'll know where to look! ;)


balloonhat June 19 2011, 07:21:41 UTC
Please use safety measures to make sure you don't overdose on Archive Binges!


vivaciousmuse June 19 2011, 22:09:17 UTC
Haha, I will! ;)


unnecessary_ June 19 2011, 05:01:56 UTC
Oh no, yet another way to not exercise or study or make plans with friends. lol.


balloonhat June 19 2011, 07:23:32 UTC
The internet is the best/worst supplier of time wasters ever.


sailorem June 19 2011, 13:29:24 UTC
Wow! So many! AND YAY FOR NAME-DROPPING! I FEEL FAMOUS XD And I'm so glad you like it! It's so hilarious and cracktastic!

There are too many for me to try, so what would your top 5 be for the funniest? Pref if they don't block me coz I'm under 18? Or have non-adult content? I stumbled onto something like that once by accident when the family was over ^_^;; I had a lot of explaining to do!


balloonhat June 19 2011, 16:41:05 UTC
From what I've seen of Four King Hell, the comic that comes closest to its zany sense of humor is Hark! A Vagrant, which does sometimes have boobs (in a v cartoony way, definitely not in an adult way) but that's infrequent, and maybe Eerie Cuties, which isn't zany, exactly, but is still a humor comic. There's also Bite Me, which is now complete, about funny vampires (well, vampire, because Claire is hilarious) in the French Revolution.

I think part of the reason I like Four King Hell so much is because it's unlike other things I'm reading. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!


razzymelon June 19 2011, 23:59:48 UTC
*starts reading kevin and kell* >_>


balloonhat June 20 2011, 00:43:31 UTC
To be honest, it's not that great, but the guy works very hard on his three comics, two of which are/were actually syndicated in newspapers someplace. That sort of dedication - daily comics for K&K since '97 or something, plus his other comics since godknowswhen - is amazing to me.


rayechu August 11 2011, 05:29:15 UTC
Thanks for the list. I just read all of 4 king hell.


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