FIC: Don't Fight With Your Pillow, Part 2

Aug 22, 2007 22:12

Don't Fight With Your Pillow

Part 1 | Part 2

It's almost six when Jensen blinks awake in the morning. They don't have to be picked up until seven, and Jared is pressed close against his back, warm and solid. He feels it when Jared wakes up, can't hear him breathing deep and slow anymore. Back at Jared's place, this is when Jared would immediately pull away, roll out of bed, pretend he hadn't been wrapped around Jensen for half the night.

This morning, he stays right where he is. Jensen turns over groggily, a little confused, and ends up practically nose-to-nose with Jared, still soft and pale with sleep, eyes heavy-lidded but open. They just lie there like that for what seems like forever, just looking at each other, like they're waiting for something-but Jensen isn't sure what.

That's when Jared's fingertips brush his, just the very ends where they stick over the ridge of his cast. It's like suddenly everything makes sense, the whole past week and a half, and Jensen leans in to press his lips to Jared's, just like that.

Jared breathes in sharply through his nose, startled, but his lips give under Jensen's, and his hand slips around Jensen's arm, just above his elbow, pulling him in. Jared's mouth is hot, and tastes mostly of sour sleep, but it's perfect and right and his tongue strokes gently at Jensen's lips like maybe he's thought about this before. Jensen groans quietly, shifts to feel their legs tangled together under the covers, and pushes closer, kisses harder, tries to get a better angle. It's so amazing, but it's like he can't get enough; there isn't enough time or space, and his good arm is trapped underneath them, starting to tingle.

With a jolt, Jared tries to turn over and accidentally jars Jensen's cast pretty hard against the nightstand-Jensen hisses, lips making a slick sound as he pulls away from Jared without thinking. Jared looks stricken, immediately scooting to the far edge of the bed, rigid and staring at the ceiling. "Uh," he says, voice gravelly. There's a long silence. "So you've been hitting that Vicodin pretty hard lately."

It kind of all sinks in, then. Jensen is in bed with Jared, and they were just making out, and it was possibly the best making out Jensen has ever experienced. He's fucking hard enough to pound nails, no joke, and this is insane. Beyond insane.

"At least I'm not so desperate for a girlfriend I'm hallucinating," Jensen attempts. That's good. There's an explanation for everything, and they can totally handle this.

"Ha ha," Jared says, still sounding tense, and Jensen decides that his best option is just to get the fuck out of there and wait until Jared's had a cup of coffee to proceed with completely ignoring the entire situation.

"I'm going to, uh," Jensen says, trying to figure out how to get out of bed without Jared noticing his completely inappropriate hard-on that has nothing to do with what they were definitely not just doing, but then he realizes Jared's eyes are closed anyway, "take a shower."

"Sure," Jared says, lying flat on the bed and clearly not paying any attention at all.

Showers aren't all that great these days-Jensen has to make sure his cast doesn't get wet, and washing off one handed is pretty close to impossible-but the water's hot and he doesn't actually have to think about anything, especially not Jared.

Not thinking about Jared is pretty much exactly like thinking about Jared, and it turns out to be a really fucking bad idea when he's already hard, especially considering jerking off left handed is something he tried once or twice at 17 and then completely abandoned as a lost cause. It's not like it'd be impossible, maybe in bed, with plenty of time and a hell of a lot of lube, but right now it's just not happening.

Which is why it's pretty embarrassing when Jensen realizes that he's definitely not alone in the bathroom, and then he's suddenly not so alone in the shower, either.

Jensen spends all of five seconds thinking that maybe Jared has actually gotten a clue, then realizes that he doesn't exactly look like someone who's realized the error of his ways in kissing his best friend and then not following through; he looks like someone who's not entirely awake and is functioning pretty much solely on autopilot. In fact, he's reaching for the shampoo.

"Jared," Jensen says, as patiently as is possible considering he's naked, definitely not getting off anytime soon, and suddenly having to focus a lot harder on not thinking about Jared.

Jared blinks, stares at him, and ends up flinging the shampoo somewhere in the direction of the bathroom sink. "Oh shit," he says. "Sorry, Jen. Didn't know you were-"

Then he bolts. It's going to be an incredibly long day.

The makeup trailer is weirdly silent all morning, and when Jared and Jensen are finally ready and seated across from each other on the fake beds in the fake motel room of the week, they still can't manage to break the tension.

"Okay, you know what you're doing, Sam?" their director asks, some new guy they just shipped in for this one episode. "You just drove Dean back from the hospital, he has a compound fracture, and you're worried sick about him."

Jared nods, and Jensen figures they're pretty much home free. It's not like that's exactly a stretch for Jared, even if they are about as awkward as it's possible for them to be at the moment.

"And Dean, you've been purposely reckless because of your whole impending-doom thing, and Sam's pissed at you for it, but you won't have it and you think he's a pussy."

Jensen gives the guest director an overly-enthusiastic thumbs up, and turns to face Jared-Sam-blocking out everything else in the room. He can see the change in Jared's eyes, can almost feel it when he delivers his lines and Sam puts his hand on Dean's cast.

Jared's hand slips down, just a little, but enough to graze Jensen's fingers. He thinks instantly of the morning, of Jared's lips against his, of the feel of his thighs hot under the covers, and flinches away visibly.

"Cut! Take it back one," says the director. "What was that, Dean? Try it again, please-"

Jared's biting his lips, looking anywhere but at Jensen, and Jensen knows he's completely red. He sighs and gets re-situated, realizing maybe this won't be as easy as he thought it would be.

Nine takes later, Jensen is seriously considering breaking his other arm to just get the hell off set. The second Jared gets in close, one or both of them ends up blushing, and Jared's so stiff Jensen can't pick up any cues off of Sam. He looks miserable. Jensen's starting to feel miserable on about twenty different levels because he kissed Jared and Jared's pretty clearly not coping well.

"God," the director says, after they pass the line cue just staring at each other. "Five minute break. Pull it together, guys."

Jared flops down on the bed, looking exhausted, and Jensen looks at him for a minute before fitting his shoulder up against Jared's, leaning in close.

"It's okay," Jensen says, softly. "It was just one of those things, you know? Rough week, we're both overtired-"

He's lying, but Jensen's always been pretty fucking good at that, and it seems like it's exactly what Jared wants to hear, because all the tension goes out of his shoulders and he slides forward, bending until their heads are almost touching.

"Yeah," he says, leaning in with a tentative smile, one of the stupid ones that have always made Jensen's stomach turn over a little. "Just-you're not mad at me, right?"

"Nah," Jensen says, elbowing him. "I'm not allowed to be pissed off just because you're a girl. That's sexism, it's-" he gestures, faking a grin. "Prohibited in my contract."

Jared laughs, leaning back, and when the break ends, Jared's all touching concern and Jensen shoves it all down and manages pissed off indifference, and they only need one take to get the entire scene done.

Faking it goes really, really well until lunch, when Jensen goes to get a prop from Jared's trailer and Jared comes out at exactly the wrong moment, and they end up staring at each other in the doorway.

"I, uh," Jensen says, and Jesus, he has to stop looking at Jared's mouth.

"Mm," Jared agrees, sliding a hand up to press it against the wall beside Jensen's head, slow and old fashioned, and Jensen's pretty sure that Jared's other hand just tightened on his coffee cup, like he wishes he'd set it down before trying to leave.

Then he kind of tilts his head in close, and Jensen doesn't know what's going on, except that he's probably going to fall down the stairs again. It can't possibly be more agonizing than facing Jared right now.

"Jay," Jensen says, and god damn it, he does not mean to sound that high pitched.

Jared blinks a couple times and steps back abruptly, running a hand through his hair.

"Did you need something?" Jared manages after a second, shrugging his shoulders like he does when he's nervous or impatient.

Jensen shakes his head, can't for the life of him remember what the fuck he's doing at Jared's trailer, and heads back to craft services-to try and smother his stupidity in chicken and grilled vegetables-without a backward glance.

The rest of the day is as unimpressive as their earlier fumbling. Luckily, the majority of their scenes are bickering exposition in the car, so the damage is held to a minimum. There is, however, a memorable moment when Jensen knocks their prop gun into the footwell and leans over to grab it, but for some reason Jared leans at the same time, like he's not even thinking, and their foreheads crash together painfully.

"Cut!" the director yells. "I give up. Get out of here, you two, and get your game back before tomorrow or I'm keeping you here twenty-four hours a day for the rest of the week."

Jensen practically collapses against the steering wheel, barely able to drag himself to the van waiting for them in the parking lot.

Things are okay on the drive home, though, which is a welcome relief. "Jesus, that was the suckiest day we've had since-" Jared pauses, considering.

"Ever?" Jensen says. He's trying to shove his fingers under the top edge of his cast to scratch, but it isn't working very well. His grunts are pretty impressive, though.

"Ever," Jared agrees, laughing. He hands Jensen a ballpoint pen with the tip retracted. "Try that, man. Saved my life a few times, I can tell you."

It does feel ridiculously good, once Jensen gets it jammed under the plaster and starts soothing his itchy skin. "Oh my god," he moans, "that's- thank you."

"Sure," Jared says, looking a little flushed. Jensen decides to ignore him.

It's substantially harder to ignore Jared when Jensen tries to climb over Jared to get out of the back of the van, mysteriously ending up in Jared's lap, their faces a couple inches apart.

Jared looks agonized again. Jensen manages not to die by focusing on the enormous amount of liquor he can consume when he gets upstairs, and finally ducks out the door.

"See you tomorrow," Jensen says, and Jared manages to nod.

"Bright and early," he agrees, sounding completely distracted.

Jensen gives up and collapses on his sofa the moment he gets home, managing to order a pizza without actually moving. His day has sucked way too much for anything else.

Not even pizza and two action movies can keep his mind from wandering, though, and Jensen finally decides it's probably a really fucking good idea to go to bed when he starts thinking about Jared's mouth in the middle of a gunfight.

The problem is, he can't sleep, and it's got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Jared kissed back. Jensen misses him, not just because he's used to it but because it's Jared, who likes his dogs more than most people and who's gotten Jensen through every shitty thing that's happened for the past three years and who harasses ER nurses when he's worried.

Jensen really, really doesn't care about the fact that they can't stop almost-kissing, and he doesn't care about the way his stomach turns over every time Jared gets too close, because the thing is-he cares about Jared. What matters is that they're okay, and if that means ignoring everything that's happened over the past week, well-it's okay.

Jensen still can't sleep without him, though, as stupid as the whole thing is, so he gets dressed and finds his car keys, because even if it's one in the morning, Jared's probably not sleeping either.

In the elevator on the way to Jared's floor, he plans out exactly what he's going to say. This is hilarious, we're so stressed, let's just erase the whole thing from the record, or I mean, hey, neither of us went to college, right? We just did our meaningless experimenting a little late.

He gets to the door and loses it: all the composure he'd worked up on the way there, all the plans and lines and ways to laugh it off. Jensen can't even fucking knock, he's that paralyzed.

Which is when Jared flings the door open, brow creased, looking out at Jensen. Jensen just blinks back-ignoring how this tableau is becoming a habit for them-and forgets the entire English language. He can't seem to do anything but stare at Jared's fly-away hair, his mouth and his sharp nose and the way his neck dips into the muscles of his shoulders.

Jensen thinks maybe Jared is about to shout at him or something, the way his face just goes blank. But there's something in his eyes, something like desperation, like realization, and he reaches out to twist his big hands into Jensen's t-shirt instead of slamming the door in his face.

It's only a split second before his mouth is on Jensen's, and Jared is pulling him in out of the hall, slamming the front door with a foot before somehow managing to back them both into the kitchen. Jensen threads his good hand through Jared's hair, soft and damp, like maybe he's just out of the shower, lets his fingers trace down his neck, under the collar of his shirt, to brush at Jared's collarbone. Jared's sigh turns into a quiet moan at the touch, and Jensen feels like he's about to ignite.

Jared cups Jensen's face, tilting it up to kiss roughly at his mouth, along his jaw, down his throat. Nipping with his perfect teeth, scratching lightly at Jensen's scalp with his nails. It sends shivers down Jensen's spine, and he sucks in heaving breaths when he feels the edge of the counter digging in to his ass, Jared shoved up against him, pressing him backwards, huge and certain. It's sudden and unexpected and Jensen doesn't have the faintest fucking idea what any of it means, but there's absolutely no way that he's ever going to be able to stop.

Their hips align, and Jensen can feel that Jared is as desperately hard as he is-it should probably freak him out, but it doesn't, just heats something low in his stomach and Jensen slides his hand from Jared's hair down his back to clutch at his hip, fingers grazing the fine skin just above Jared's waistband.

Jared practically growls at that, tongue stroking into Jensen's mouth, hands slipping down to wrap around Jensen's ribcage, possessive. Jensen gasps and lets his head loll back, throat working.

"God," Jared breathes, as Jensen shoves at his hands to try and hold him off, just for a second.

"Jared, Jared, we-" Jensen tries to get his heart to slow down, to take stock of the situation while Jared is catching his breath.

"I know," Jared says, eyes bright. It looks like he's fighting back a smile, or laughter, or something else Jensen really wants to see.

"I can't sleep without you," Jensen says, and he can't take his hands off Jared, pushing up under his shirt against his warm belly, around to the smooth skin of his back.

"I don't know what to do with myself when you're not sitting around being moody," Jared says in a rush, smile finally breaking across his face like the goddamn sun.

"This is secretly a Lifetime movie, isn't it?" Jensen asks with a breathless laugh. He can't keep from pressing his lips to the corner of Jared's smile, just for a moment, soft and real.

"Don't go," Jared says, before catching Jensen in a demanding kiss, quick and hard. He digs his fingers into Jensen's shirt, pulling it tight.

Jensen slides a hand up, careful, to cup Jared's face, meeting his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere," he says, softly, and Jared leans in, until their noses are almost touching, both of them breathing hard.

"Just tonight?" Jared says, uneven.

Jensen laughs, leaning in closer. "The part where I can't sleep without you might mean it's a little more permanent."

Jared pulls him in. Hard.

His hands are strong as they press around Jensen's chest, sliding up and down his back and over his hips, up under the cotton of his shirt, hot and almost frantic. Jensen can feel the need in Jared's fingertips as they flutter across his skin, digging in like Jared just wants to climb inside him.

Jensen has to taste him, licks his lips apart with short breaths and a soft noise, grazes Jared's smooth throat with the knuckles of his right hand, careful with his cast. "Jesus," he whispers into Jared's mouth, and can't help shoving their hips together, almost choking on his own gasp.

"Bedroom," Jared grinds out, mouthing hungrily at every part of Jensen's lips and chin and neck he can reach, wrapping around Jensen so he can hardly move at all, much less all the way to the bedroom. He doesn't really mind.

Jared pulls back, just as far as he has to, to steer Jensen away from where he's practically bent backwards over the counter. His long fingers thread through Jensen's belt-loops to pull him bodily into the bedroom, but he almost trips over Sadie's food bowl, not looking where he's going because he's trying to press his teeth gently into the sensitive curve of Jensen's shoulder while walking backwards. Jensen just laughs and grabs him around the waist, managing to get both of them onto the bed in one piece, which is probably some sort of miracle, all things considered.

He's a little out of breath and, Jensen figures, it probably isn't just from walking to Jared's room.

They lie there for a few seconds, Jensen awkwardly curled against the headboard, Jared sprawled across the lower half of the bed. Jensen can't take his eyes off him, flushed and beaming, so goddamn gorgeous and Jared that Jensen doesn't understand why he didn't see it coming-this whole thing-from the very beginning.

Jared laughs in a quiet huff of breath and wriggles out of his shirt, throwing it haphazardly into a corner of the room. Jensen just sits, watching the hitch of Jared's muscles and trying to take it all in. He makes a deep noise in the back of his throat without even meaning to, and Jared stills, turns to look at Jensen with that same intensity in his eyes.

Jared crawls up the bed, kneeling in between Jensen's legs-Jensen's breath catches, and he aches as his cock presses insistently against his fly-and pushes Jensen's shirt up his stomach, slowly, hands rough over Jensen's skin, eventually revealing his chest, his collarbone. Then Jared pulls the shirt off completely, working it over Jensen's cast. It ends up somewhere on the floor.

"I just want to see you," he murmurs against Jensen's chest, looking up through his eyelashes as Jensen tries not to fall apart right then and there, especially when Jared slides a hand up to brush a thumb over his nipple, almost thoughtful.

"Fuck, Jared," Jensen says, voice broken; he can hardly recognize it. He shifts on the bed, shoving up against where Jared's resting, needing a hell of a lot more touch than he's getting.

"I want to suck you," Jared murmurs, kissing down Jensen's stomach, soft licks of his tongue and harder bites, everything hot and wet and Jensen wants nothing more than Jared's mouth on his dick right now. "I want to taste you and-" he breaks off, easing Jensen's zipper down, shoving at his jeans and boxers. "God, I want you to come in my mouth, down my throat, anywhere, fuck, I just need it-"

Jensen can feel his own need thrumming just under the surface, says "Yeah, yeah-do it, Jay, come on-" melting into a moan as Jared finally sucks down the head of his dick, tongue lapping at the slit, at the dripping pre-come.

"The way you taste," Jared murmurs, pulling off and dragging his tongue down the side of Jensen's cock, slow and wet. His eyes drift shut, obviously lost in it and in Jensen.

Every muscle in Jensen's body goes taut when Jared swallows him down in one smooth motion, but he keeps his hands sliding over Jared's broad back, shoulders, not willing or able to stop touching. "God, yeah," he whispers, not thinking of anything but Jared around him and on him, that sweet mouth taking him all the way in.

Jared swallows around Jensen's dick, making soft, obscene sounds that only get Jensen harder, make him jerk, thrusting upward. Fingers tighten around Jensen's hips as Jared makes a low noise, then holds him down, thumbs stroking at the soft creases above Jensen's inner thighs.

Jensen's practically vibrating with the need to come, can feel it coiling in him, and he strains against Jared's hands, huge and completely spanning his hips. Jared slides off, just for a second, and Jensen can't help but whine, high and embarrassing but god he just wants Jared back on him, never wants it to end.

"Fuck my mouth," Jared breathes, rubbing his cheek against Jensen's cock, hard and wet. "C'mon, Jen, do it." He slides his lips back over the head, blinking up at Jensen, their eyes locked as Jensen tries not to come right there just from the sight of Jared's mouth on him, eyes dark, the side of his face still slick and shining.

Jensen shudders all over as he thrusts between Jared's lips, down his throat. Jared tries to moan around Jensen's dick, but it comes out low and choked. It feels so fucking amazing, so fucking hot and perfect and Jensen can't believe they wasted so much fucking time when he could have had Jared, had all of him, just like this.

Jared's pulling on his hips, swallowing Jensen down deeper, and Jensen just can't hold on anymore. It's been way too long, and being with Jared is so good he almost can't think. He comes hard, feeling like he'll never stop, and he grits his teeth, shaking and sighing like it's his first time all over again. His nerves are raw and singing, and he grips at Jared's shoulders like a lifeline.

Jared swallows as much as he can, pulling off just enough, throat working fast. Jensen's just staring as he finishes, watching his dick start to go soft in Jared's mouth. Jared cleans him up, slow and thorough, but Jensen cups the back of his head, brings him up for a bruising kiss.

He can taste himself on Jared's tongue, his lips, even on his skin. It's suddenly overwhelmingly unfair that Jared's still half-clothed, and Jensen makes a demanding noise as he works his fingers on Jared's fly. "You're so fucking hot," he says, low and rough in Jared's ear. "Don't even know what you do to me, do you? Such a filthy mouth, sucking me, like you're made for it." He tugs until Jared's jeans and briefs are on the floor, pulls him in close to press open kisses down his neck, over his flushed chest. "You love it," Jensen continues, words caught against Jared's slick skin, and he rubs over Jared's back, brushes his fingers, uses his nails a little, and just touches, acres of him for Jensen to just take his fill of.

Jared breathes hard, leans his forehead down on Jensen's shoulder and gasps, breathing hard, and reaches down to start stroking himself. Jensen catches his hand before Jared touches his own dick, twines their fingers together, kissing softly, first at his wrist, then up his arm, nipping at the juncture of Jared's shoulder and neck. "Don't touch," Jensen says, lips just grazing Jared's throat. "Let me do it. I'm gonna make you come, Jared, just like this. Fuck, you're so hungry for me." Jensen grins against the curve of his jaw, teasing. "You're practically screaming my name, aren't you?"

Jared squeezes his eyes shut, almost whimpering, and it's the best sound Jensen's ever heard. "And then," Jensen continues, pressing Jared back into the bed, biting at his skin, licking at the marks and sucking them deeper, "you're going to fuck me. Fuck me so hard, man, I'll feel you for the rest of the week. Open me up around your dick and get so deep I can taste you."

Jensen moves down Jared's body, lips hovering over his cock, thick and wet with pre-come, probably too big for Jensen to blow all at once; he wants to see Jared lose control just like this, instead. "I'll be so tight around you, so hot for you. You'll be so desperate," he says, then blows cool air against Jared's erection, over the head, deliberately not touching.

Jared's hips are already thrusting up, his eyes wide and fixed on Jensen, like maybe he didn't think Jen was capable of this. He grabs Jensen's fingers tight, like he's a little uncertain, definitely completely turned on. Jensen's trying pretty damn hard not to feel smug, but god, it feels good to make Jared come apart like this. "God, Jen-fuck, please. Just touch me, anything, god," he pleads, but Jensen just swallows hard and moves back up Jared's body to press his lips to Jared's nipples, one after the other, grazing them with his teeth until Jared's actually moaning his name, over and over again.

Jensen lets go of Jared's hand, slides his fingers into Jared's mouth, mesmerized by his perfect lips, trying not to think about what he was doing with them a minute ago. Jared slides his tongue over Jensen's fingers, slicks them up, and Jensen pulls them out; the soft, wet noise as he takes them back could probably be classified as obscene. "And you'll be shoving into me, knowing you're going to lose it," he says, right against Jared's ear, and trails his fingers, shiny and wet, down the crease of Jared's thigh, between his legs, under the delicate skin of his balls, pressing just hard enough to have Jared trembling under him. "And then you're going to come."

And when Jensen pushes in, just right, one finger in long, rubbing strokes, Jared makes a broken cry and comes, just like that, cock completely untouched. It's probably the single hottest moment of Jensen's entire life, because Jared's coming apart underneath him, tense and wide-eyed. He's gripping tightly at the fingers of Jensen's right hand, going tense all over before he finally relaxes, still holding on. Jensen whispers to him, watching, and presses soft kisses to his mouth, the hollow of his throat, all over his body.

"Jesus," Jared murmurs, a couple of minutes later, tugging Jensen up to kiss him again, and Jensen ends up laughing against his mouth, a hand tangled in Jared's hair.

"Hey," he says, tangling their fingers together as Jared pulls him down, wrapping his arms around him, and settles in close.

"So," Jared says, grinning, and he shifts, propping himself up to look down at Jensen, "apparently you play dirty. I don't think I knew I was actually capable of doing that."

"Shut up," Jensen says, grinning back. "I'm not the one with the nurse fetish."

"We could work on that," Jared murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss to the side of his mouth, and then Jensen watches uncertainty flicker across his face.

Jensen stretches out to give his arm more room, reaching a hand up to cup Jared's cheek. "There's plenty of time," he says.

"I, uh," Jared murmurs, flushed. Only Jared would think they need to talk about this, "I've wanted this for a while."

"Yeah," Jensen says, grinning, "because the fact that you've been sleeping on top of me wasn't a giveaway or anything."

"Whatever," Jared says, stifling a yawn as he bumps Jensen with his shoulder. "You weren't exactly objecting to being the little spoon, you know." His smile is wide and bright, and Jensen is really glad there aren't actually any nurses around.

"Sure," Jensen says, affectionately, "maybe because I was asleep."

Jared looks like he wants to make some witty retort, but he gets caught by another yawn. Jensen realizes that they've both been awake since six yesterday, and it's getting pretty damn late, even if tomorrow is their day off.

"We should get some sleep," he murmurs, shifting to settle his head on Jared's shoulder, and looks up to find Jared watching him, still a little hesitant.

"Probably a good idea," Jared agrees, and Jensen reaches to tangle their fingers together, his good hand in Jared's.

"I said I was staying," he murmurs, with a smile, and Jared smiles back, nudging the very tips of his fingers against Jensen's.

Jensen tucks himself in on his usual side of Jared's big bed, listening to the soft dog noises coming from the kitchen and the cars as they pass on the street, way below Jared's window. After a moment, Jared turns off the light and settles in next to Jensen, neither of them bothering to pull on underwear or pick up the piles of discarded clothes on the floor, content to just be as they are. Jared takes deep, even breaths as he drifts off, and Jensen lets it lull him to sleep, calm and right, curled at his side.

When he wakes up the next morning, the fact that Jared's wrapped around him is generally pretty unsurprising; he's getting used to waking up that way, and it feels good: warm and safe. He's almost expecting Jared to back off when he wakes up, though-that's habit, too.

So Jensen's a little startled when he feels Jared nudging his nose against his shoulder. "You awake?" Jared whispers, close enough that Jensen can feel it, and Jensen rolls over with a smile.

"Hi," he murmurs, reaching up to pull Jared down for a kiss, warm and lingering.

"Morning," Jared says, against his mouth, smiling back.

"Are you planning on blaming the drugs for this?" Jensen says, grinning, and Jared laughs and hits his shoulder, kissing him again.

"Not if you don't think I'm still hallucinating myself a girlfriend," Jared answers, biting gently at Jensen's ear and watching him shiver.

"I'm pretty sure you're not hallucinating," Jensen says, pushing himself up on his elbow, "unless your definition of 'girlfriend' is really flexible."

Jared pushes him back down, smiling into the sensitive skin of his belly, nosing his way up to Jensen's neck, then whispering, lips against his temple, "Oh, it is."

The End.

fic - spn and cwrps

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