Title: Back in my arms
Pairing: AKame
Genre: angst all the way XD, romance
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1110
Summary: Is it break-up? Or just... (it's short, so...XD)
Disclaimer: I own their hearts.... no, wait... it's the other way around *sigh*
A/N: I know I haven't posted an X'mas fix, but... I really had no ideas *sigh* Anyway, I hope you enjoy this (
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Comments 60
Truth? First you confused me a little in the beginning with "whose monologue is it??" But already knowing you a little I quickly came to a conclusion it could be Jin... and yay it WAS Jin!! Poor boy, had to almost lose Kame to realize and finally say aloud he loves him.. but good Kame came back and Jin said those words so the fic is not that much angsty, ne?
lol at "a sorry present" *shot* sorry, it was just too unexpected and I couldn't but laugh ^_^;;;
And the last sentence - can't agree with Jin more!!
You can say that what Kame did was sort of a test for Jin. I mean... He knew that Jin loved him, but he wanted to hear those words XD Kame is such a meanie XD
The one where Kame tells his parents about them? XD
sorry, I stole the first spot for Kazu ^_^;;
I'll have to make it up somehow... :)
(You'll have to talk to her about it hehe *shot*)
You know how much I love those fics written at the first person, right?
Saying those three words are definitely a must in a relationship, but the time has to be perfect, or it might not count at all. Being afraid to say something like that is so hard. XD
I just loved it, especially the final part. <3
But you know I love you more, right? Always!!!!<3
Gina-chan, it's all right. ^^
If I were Jin I would have probably thought of beating the crap out Kame though.
I'm so glad you posted something and that Jin wanted to take with him the shirt (I don't know why, I loved the shirt-thing) ♥
Idk why but that scene is very appealing to me too XD <3
"Ah. Well, we're breaking up now!"
"Wait, why?"
"BEcause you're an idiot!"
Sorry...I had this sudden urge to make it crackish LOL
The shirt...♥ I loved when JIn asked if he could take it *sparkling eyes*
It's never too late to say "I love you" , isn't it ?
It was really well written , I can feel Jin's pain in the first part and want to hug him.
In the end, I just want to smack his head for waiting a long time to confess kazuya.
Thanks for sharing, dear. I love this fic and <3 u too. *chu~*
*nods* It isn't ^^
Wuv u <3
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