Here We Go Again, the Special Crap Edition...

Jul 06, 2006 13:14

Nobody wants to buy the house.

The broker called me this morning
and wants to discuss 'changing'
some things in order to make the
place look more normal and boring.

She told me her daughter is taking a
class in home decorating and she
needs a 'project' for her final exam,
or some shit. And she's trying to get
me to think this is a great thing, cos
"this ( Read more... )

life sucks, meme

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Comments 16

supersteph July 6 2006, 17:36:53 UTC
Oh, thats awful!!

But, that happens a lot more than you think. I don't think you have to *get rid* of the furniture, just move it out of the house somewhere. And $150 per hour is a great price, but really, just watch Sell This Home, or one of the thousands of shows on HGTV about selling a home. Its really worth it, I recently (2 years ago) sold mine, and made a few dull, boring, very "neutral" changes. So, because I know you love advice from me, here it is: get PODS to bring a uhh...pod.. to the house, fill it with the stuff you need to get rid of, then when you sell it, you'll still have it.


badtyler July 7 2006, 03:32:47 UTC
90% of the problem lies with you-know-who.

1. She insisted on using a broker who lists 'luxury properties'-- and while it's a nice house, it's not as if this broker is really going to work terribly hard to sell it. It's pocket change to her, we have a short contract with them and I'm thinking it's a good idea to switch brokers.

2. The house was ridiculously overpriced to begin with... I've thought that since Day One! (my sister was in real estate for 20 years and she was really successful)

3. Basically, we need to move some clutter-- none of which is mine, BTW-- and do a bit of painting... really not that much, but when I first mentioned it, I was told it wasn't necessary.

If I wasn't so irritated and upset, I'd be jumping around going, "I TOLD you so!"

You know... every once in a while I actually do know what I'm talking about.

If anyone had listened to me way back in May... but they didn't.



mantaraggio July 6 2006, 17:53:13 UTC
Oh man, I know you're angry and all, but your broker trying to sell you the idea of being her daughter's final project is hilarious. Ahem, I'm not laughing at your frustration or anything. Really, I'm not.

If you think things aren't working out with this pinnacle of real estate excellence, my friend's parents recently sold their house in White Plains, I could ask her who they used.

Take care! Hugs!


badtyler July 7 2006, 03:42:06 UTC
No, it actually is rather amusing, in a sick and twisted kind of way.
Especially if you take into account that this kid came to take pictures of the interiors back when we first hired them-- and she was all, "Oh, I just love this place!"

Burn in hell, evil troll.

Anybody who has talon-like fake nails with pale blue glitter fucking polish on them is not somebody I feel comfortable doing a 'makeover' on my home.
She probably want to put out garden gnomes and embroidered toilet paper covers.

That would be great if you could find out who those people used. There are so many agencies out there!

I had a bad feeling about this right from the start. And I very rarely get those weird flashes of intuition.

So, I was right, but it still feels bad.

Oh, and guess what my boss brought me back from Italy?


Go ahead and laugh... I did! *g*


mantaraggio July 7 2006, 04:32:58 UTC
Hahahahah. Hey now, there's nothing wrong with a garden gnome or two... right?

I emailed my friend about the broker, hopefully she'll get back to me soon.

Oh man, a cookie? Just one? I hope it was at least a good cookie and not, like, stale from the flight.


TEH COOKIE! badtyler July 7 2006, 05:21:41 UTC
Dude... the damn thing weighs, like three pounds and it's hard as a rock.

Right now, I'm using it as a doorstop.
Next Christmas, I'll re-gift it right back at them.

So fucking 'Nanny Diaries' it ain't even funny. Heh.

I'm SO getting a story out of it... there will be a large, inedible cookie in my next piece of fiction.
Yes, there will.
You betcha. [/'Fargo']


lostingeekdom July 6 2006, 18:20:39 UTC
Oh babe, we'll have New Orleans yet. So hang on. And maybe you need to get rid of the overeager mom who's just looking for a homework project for her kid. I'll talk to you later.


badtyler July 7 2006, 03:50:15 UTC
I sure hope so. *g*
I think I also told you that she keeps insisting that the upstairs storage room is a bedroom?
It is so not.
So, she hasn't changed the listing, which doesn't help... people coming and looking for four bedrooms and finding three?

Bitch, please!

BTW-- thanks for calling this morning. It really meant a lot to me.

I'll try and catch you tomorrow, later on, cos I have to go in early and play nanny/chauffeur. For seven hours. I was going to call you earlier, but my brain is still spinning. *g*

Did you see the reruns of 'GA'? They did the first two episodes.
(That was the high point of my day... that and Meloni finally getting an Emmy nom. About damn time!)


Vicarious arrghh dathon July 9 2006, 08:56:22 UTC
Didn't anyone tell your broker that I was going to be on vacation and not available for virtual ass kicking? Come to think of it, that's probably why she scheduled her current asshattery for when she did. Grr...

Do what you have to do to get things in shape, but try not to let it really touch you. I have a huge house and am just crazy enough to rent a truck and plan a road trip, so just holler if you need some space.


Re: Vicarious arrghh badtyler July 10 2006, 00:36:47 UTC
Thanks so much for your generous offer... we actually have tons of space in both the attic and basement (but of course, then they'll complain because the basement is cluttered. Bah!)

I have to meet with her tomorrow and we'll see what she has in mind. I'm also researching ways to get out of the contract. Am also thinking of pretending to be someone looking for a house. She has so many agents working for her and not one of them has ever met me. *g*

Honestly, I don't think she's doing any work for us. This house is seriously not the kind of place she makes big money on. Well, for her, anyway. It all depends on what you consider big money. *g*

Thanks again! I may call on you and the rest of the coven for some ass-kicking and name-taking later on... keep those boots ready. Heh.


Re: Vicarious arrghh dathon July 10 2006, 13:34:15 UTC
You just let me know. I have a few unresolved issues with an agent we had that I sure wouldn't mind taking out on yours.

::puffs out chest and looks intimidating::


Re: Vicarious arrghh badtyler July 10 2006, 16:29:59 UTC
Duly noted and much appreciated. *bg*


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