Dec 27, 2010 13:56
So, both of my ovaries are "enlarged", which is concerning, and certainly explains the pain in my side. Now we will wait on whether or not I will have an MRI next, again, not fun for me.
In my head the two enlarged ovaries are like Rock'em- Sock'em robots, duking it out for who gets to spit out the ostrich egg that's obviously growing in there.
Dec 27, 2010 09:52
The nurse is going to call today to go over the X-Rays today. Is it awful that I can't bring myself to care more about it? I just don't feel like it's a thing, you know? I can't worry about it until there is actually something to be concerned about. When it comes I will deal with it I guess.
Dec 16, 2010 18:07
One of the side effects of everyone being on Facebook,is that EVERYONE is ON facebook. Can't say how I am really feeling about work, because the leadership group is on there . ANNOYING!
Thank the gods for LJ.
Posted via LjBeetle
Dec 14, 2010 13:06
So, the persistant pain in my left side may be my ovaries? Wtf? Appointment on monday to see if my left ovary is trying to eject- whee.
Posted via LjBeetle