Dec 27, 2012 13:29


backrose_17, socalrose & toshiani007


Here are my boys enjoying their Christmas party...

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action figures, jack harkness, birthday greetings, torchwood, nosy, ianto jones

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Comments 31

too_beauty December 27 2012, 13:44:57 UTC
wow how amny Jacks and Iantos are there?
won't it end in an orgy? ;)


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 14:55:28 UTC
I have two Iantos and five assorted Jacks - I believe orgies are fairly standard activities for them, though I've never walked in on them ;)

At the moment, they only have three beds between them, so the Iantos have a bed each and share with the two Torchwood Jacks, the other three Jacks (including Coat Jack) squeeze into the other bed. It's a bit crowded, lol!


toshiani007 December 27 2012, 13:54:53 UTC
That was awesome!!!
Thanks, my dear J, luv ya!!!
Hugs and kissitos!!!


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 14:59:55 UTC
*hugs back* Thought it might give you as giggle!

Happy Birthday! Hugs and kissitos, Love J xxxx


dieastra December 27 2012, 17:03:10 UTC
Squeeeeeeee! OMG that's adorable! The paper garlands, the Christmas crackers, the paper hats! And the food looks delicious too.

You totally need to post this in http://action_tales.livejournal.com/ as well, so that more people who love Action figure theatre can see it!


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 21:24:41 UTC
Thank you, glad you like it! There are a few more here on my Christmas day post


I had a lot of fun making the paper hats and crackers, but the garlands were fiddly and ended up a bit wonky. They look okay in the photos though. I bought the food - it took ages to get everything - and actually had this planned way before you suggested it - I was longing to tell you, but I wanted it to be a surprise!

I'll go look at that community now!


dieastra December 27 2012, 22:25:32 UTC
Thank you for the link - I totally missed those! I was at my parents for Christmas and they don't have internet. I tried to catch up when I got back home but I think I overscrolled your post as there was no picture before the cut.

I bet the garlands were fiddly! Well done. And the crackers look totally like real ones - I should know, I bought some in Birmingham recently.

That was a nice surprise indeed! And I see you found the comm. Have a look around - it's lovely, and very diverse.

I'm happy I infected you with the action figure bug - my work here is done *bg*


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 23:14:18 UTC
Thank you for the link to the community, I'll look around when I have more time, it's getting late here. My first attempts aren't very good compared to others, but hopefully I'll improve with practice. I still have to cross-post these to some of the Torchwood comms, along with several drabbles and my Christmas fic, when I get time. Christmas is chaotic! Never enough time to fit things in.

I actually made the crackers from bits of old crackers. They weren't too difficult to do, though they are a bit bigger than I would have liked.

I am definitely hooked, so thanks for that too =D


tardisjournal December 27 2012, 18:28:33 UTC
OMG, so... many... Jacks! :D

Those Christmas crackers are awesome! Nicely done. A few years ago I ordered some from a catalog so my family and I could figure out what ya'll were doing over there in the U.K. LOL. They were bigger than I imagined.

Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating it today. :)


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 21:51:07 UTC
Well, you can get all kinds of cracker sizes - even miniature ones for the doll's house, but I made my own for this, I'd already spent far too much on the food!

Yep, 5 Jacks and 2 Iantos, the Iantos are very well cared for! Glad you like it =D


tardisjournal December 28 2012, 18:07:33 UTC
You did a great job. They're super-cute. :)

That's 2 1/2 Jacks for each Ianto! I'd imagine that not only are they well-cared for, they're exhausted! :-p


badly_knitted December 28 2012, 18:40:11 UTC
Well, I imagine the Jacks not occupied with a Ianto would amuse themselves with each other, they want to keep the Iantos satisfied but without wearing them out. I like to think that they're both immortal Iantos, so they have more stamina and recuperate faster!


timelordshines December 27 2012, 22:18:15 UTC
Hehe these are great. Love all the detail.
Five Jacks and two Iantos... now that sounds like fun.... :-)


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 22:52:18 UTC
Oh yeah, I'm sure the boys have a whole lot of fun when I'm not looking!

Thank you, I had a lot of fun setting everything up, but it was difficult getting all their hats to stay on and I only noticed afterwards that I'd knocked the Christmas cake half off its plate. Oops! I'll blame it on Nosy nibbling the icing....


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