Dec 27, 2012 13:29


backrose_17, socalrose & toshiani007


Here are my boys enjoying their Christmas party...

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action figures, jack harkness, birthday greetings, torchwood, nosy, ianto jones

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tardisjournal December 27 2012, 18:28:33 UTC
OMG, so... many... Jacks! :D

Those Christmas crackers are awesome! Nicely done. A few years ago I ordered some from a catalog so my family and I could figure out what ya'll were doing over there in the U.K. LOL. They were bigger than I imagined.

Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating it today. :)


badly_knitted December 27 2012, 21:51:07 UTC
Well, you can get all kinds of cracker sizes - even miniature ones for the doll's house, but I made my own for this, I'd already spent far too much on the food!

Yep, 5 Jacks and 2 Iantos, the Iantos are very well cared for! Glad you like it =D


tardisjournal December 28 2012, 18:07:33 UTC
You did a great job. They're super-cute. :)

That's 2 1/2 Jacks for each Ianto! I'd imagine that not only are they well-cared for, they're exhausted! :-p


badly_knitted December 28 2012, 18:40:11 UTC
Well, I imagine the Jacks not occupied with a Ianto would amuse themselves with each other, they want to keep the Iantos satisfied but without wearing them out. I like to think that they're both immortal Iantos, so they have more stamina and recuperate faster!


timelordshines December 27 2012, 22:20:04 UTC
Do you not get crackers over there?!?
I just assumed everyone had crackers. You are missing out - they can be so much fun!


tardisjournal December 28 2012, 17:49:15 UTC
No, we don't have crackers here! If you say "cracker" most people will think you mean a snack food best eaten with cheese, an exploding thing that you set off on the 4th of July, or an old-fashioned derogatory term for a white person from the South. :-p

Anglophile that been I've been since childhood, I had a vague idea of what they were, but was still confused when we were reading that Christmas scene in "Harry Potter" where they pull the crackers and get hats out them. Hats?!? I just couldn't get my brain around that! So we ordered some, ostensibly for my partner's daughter who was around six, but really for us, of course. :-p

That's when I learned the hats were made of tissue paper, and things started making a lot more sense. LOL.

And yes, they were lots of fun! :)


dieastra December 27 2012, 22:30:29 UTC
I would like to know how they shipped them to you! By - ship?
When I was in Birmingham last weekend, I bought a box with six crackers as I also was curious what the British people do have in them. But when I came to the airport the lady at the desk asked me if I had crackers in my luggage and they told me they are not allowed at the plane. So I opened them all at the airport and just took the items with me.

I got: A yo-yo, a pen, a mirror, a nail clipper, a picture frame and a fiddly game.

We do have crackers in Germany as well, but they are a bit smaller and we do them at the New Year's eve instead. And inside are most small plastic things, they are a sign for what's to come in the new year. And little paper balls to throw around. I have been able to use a bit of the plastic stuff for my figures.

So, what did you get?


tardisjournal December 28 2012, 17:57:45 UTC
That's a good question! I can see how you'd have trouble getting them past customs, being as how there is an explosive charge in them.

I ordered them from Victorian Trading, which is based in the U.S., and they arrived in a truck with no trouble.

I never even considered that you probably can't mail them, either. Since 9/11 we have a LOT of restrictions as to what goes in the post. There's nothing on the site about it. I guess because they ship via the trucks, it's not an issue.

To be honest I don't remember what I got--this was six or seven years ago. Charming little plastic things, but beyond that I've got nothing. :/


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