Meme thingy

Apr 23, 2016 19:44

So, I saw this meme thingy on a friend's journal and it looked like it could be fun.

Comment with a number, and a pairing/two or more characters, and I'll try to write you a ficlet or drabble.

Pick a number, any number... )

hugs f-list, meme, real life, woohoo!

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Comments 29

lil_1337 April 23 2016, 19:13:05 UTC
#44 JJ/Drake


badly_knitted April 24 2016, 14:23:59 UTC
Drake dropped to his knees beside his partner and lover, fully aware that he was freaking out more than a little. He wasn’t sure what had happened, he’d thought JJ was safe, wearing his vest and ducked down out of sight behind a car during the shootout. He must have caught a ricochet; that was the only possible explanation ( ... )


lil_1337 April 24 2016, 23:32:14 UTC
I loved this! It is so JJ to announce that he doesn't like getting shot and Drake's reaction is just classic.

The last line made me grin like crazy.


badly_knitted April 25 2016, 10:56:48 UTC
Thank you, I'm so happy you liked it! Poor JJ, this is one new experience he won't want to repeat, but he has Drake with him so everything will be okay =)

Several people have picked more than one to be written, so I wouldn't object if you wanted to pick a couple more for FAKE - I've only had one other FAKE request ;)

Might have to wait a bit for the fills though as I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow and Contest Week starts later today...


irishvampire13 April 23 2016, 19:20:23 UTC
Eleven, Amy, and Rory, #17. :)


badly_knitted April 24 2016, 12:30:09 UTC
Sliding off Rory’s shoulders after once again failing to reach the edge of the pit they’d fallen into, Amy flopped onto the floor, leaning against the bare earth wall and staring up at Rory, silhouetted against the blue sky far above. “Well, that didn’t work. Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while ( ... )


irishvampire13 April 24 2016, 19:49:08 UTC
Hee, that was adorable! Dumb Doctor, getting himself in the same jam!


badly_knitted April 24 2016, 20:19:26 UTC
I'm sure he'll think of a way to get them all out of it *grins*

Thank you, glad you liked it!


ssjbento April 23 2016, 19:45:26 UTC
#27 Jack/Ianto


badly_knitted April 24 2016, 13:16:35 UTC
Ianto was enjoying a rare, leisurely breakfast when Jack walked in, plonked himself down at the kitchen table, and dropped the proverbial bombshell ( ... )


ssjbento April 24 2016, 22:53:27 UTC
Thank you! That was just what I needed after the long day I just had at work. ^___^


badly_knitted April 25 2016, 10:46:16 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it hit the spot =)


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badly_knitted April 24 2016, 10:11:33 UTC
That one's already been requested by someone else - I'll add your name to it too, but you can pick another as well =)


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badly_knitted May 14 2016, 17:55:29 UTC

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