Unacceptable! Someone is re-posting our fic and other posts without permission!

Oct 14, 2014 17:19

Re-posted from tardisjournal

Somebody with this website is repostings several authors/fanartists fics on there without listing the name of the authors/fanartists on there and apparently in most cases, without permission. I've seen a good number of stories/fanart I'm familar with on the site (all of them most likely swiped from LJ and LJ comms as several LJ ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, fic, spread the word, beware, argh!, warning, angry, real life

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Comments 22

fiwen1010 October 14 2014, 18:26:39 UTC
I just went to look, and this post was on there. It has picked up your tag and grabbed it.


badly_knitted October 14 2014, 18:39:29 UTC
It's the only thing on my journal tagged with fanfic, which proves a point. Everything else of mine has been ripped from my posts on torchwoodcoffee. That proves it must be an automated process, the 'bot seeking out certain tags. This person needs to be stopped, they're violating our rights to decided where our journal contents are displayed.

Has anything of yours turned up over there?


fiwen1010 October 14 2014, 20:03:45 UTC
I've not checked, because it's so long since I posted anything. My last fic post was last year, at the latest.

They were claiming that they were safe to do it under the terms of a creative commons licence the other day, which is dubiously true for fanfiction (basically, we don't have the right to write it in most cases and therefore don't have a leg to stand on in copyright terms) but when they've grabbed journal entries they're definitely breaking laws.


badly_knitted October 14 2014, 21:16:35 UTC
While we don't own the fandom characters and setting, we do own our original characters (Nosy for instance), so I'm not sure where we'd stand there. Nevertheless, it's a matter of common decency and respecting people's right to display their posts where they choose to rather than where someone we don't even know decides to put them for their own unknown purposes. Fic recs are one thing, but this is a horse of as different colour.

I'm lucky in that I don't use the term 'fanfic' on my own journal entries - I created it for my complaint post just to see what would happen. I tag with 'fic', 'ficlet', or 'drabble' and it seems those terms are not included in the set they're using to choose what they take. The only entries of mine (80 of them now) are fic headers and links posted on torchwoodcoffee. And the one entry complaining about the site which I tagged fanfic. My complaint is in a moderation queue, I just hope the person responsible will take my entries down. No much I can do now except wait and warn others.


tardisjournal October 14 2014, 20:01:14 UTC
OMG, I can't believe they gacked this post too! That just proves the point that they're taking EVERYTHING tagged with "fanfic" these days.

Well. That makes things interesting. Two can play at the "auto-post" game. Or rather, lots more than two can play. I hope EVERYONE who is concerned about this clogs up their pages with posts against them. I love seeing all the ones that have popped up so far!

I'll try a test post myself when I get a chance, though it might not be until tomorrow, alas.


badly_knitted October 14 2014, 21:45:32 UTC
And I created my fanfic tag solely for this post! Mind blowing!

I've sent an email to the abuse section, we'll have to see if it does any good. More people should do the same if it turns out to be the correct place.

I ran a proper search of my name on the site and it's worse than we thought - 97 of my posts! Well I guess I have written rather a lot in the last year. The first one of mine is from June 1st this year, less than 5 months ago!


ms_bekahrose October 15 2014, 11:10:54 UTC
I went and read the comments on the "complaints" section and left this lovely little response of my own...
You mention 'Creative Common License' in one of your replies to a person on the complaints page, however, CCL is for the AUTHOR, not someone who wants to repost without the author's permission. Even with links to the original author.

"A Creative Commons (CC) license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. A CC license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created."
Emphasis is mine ( ... )


badly_knitted October 15 2014, 15:07:08 UTC
Thanks for that! Now I understand things better myself and it's clear this person doesn't know what they're talking about.

I don't tag anything on my journal as fanfic, I simply use 'fic', which is why my entries are getting taking from a community and not from my journal. Except for the warning post I made which I DELIBERATELY tagged with fanfic, just to see. I believe they don't dare automatically take things labelled fic because they could take original fiction and then they most definitely WOULD be doing something illegal.


jsks October 15 2014, 13:53:11 UTC
Have you had any luck stopping them?


badly_knitted October 15 2014, 15:10:23 UTC
Not so far. As far as I know, the complaint I sent is still in a moderation queue, which probably means it's either being ignored or the website owner isn't bothering to check on the site at all. It all seems to be automated.


owensheart October 15 2014, 15:45:22 UTC
This is unacceptable.


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badly_knitted October 15 2014, 21:38:20 UTC
Good! I'm glad yours have been taken down. Mine still hadn't earlier and I left another complaint, worded more strongly this time. Now let's see if they comply.

Some people think they can get away with anything. This person is starting to realise they can't. Glad you're getting the message out - I'm having a RL crisis at the moment, so I'm not able to do as much as I'd planned.


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