I'm A Knit!

Jan 08, 2011 21:07

Been relaxing, watching the new series of Primeval (which is pretty good so far, although I've taken an instant dislike to Philip!) - I thought it had been canceled after the last series, so it was a nice surprise to find I was wrong ( Read more... )

primeval, real life, craft, knitting

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Comments 16

the_silver_sun January 8 2011, 21:34:14 UTC
Been watching Primeval as well, although I've not seen tonight's episode yet.

Primeval did get cancelled for a while, but ITV did a deal with BBC Worldwide, Watch and another channel that I can't remember the name of and they're back for this series (4) and a fifth series, which is apparently at least partially filmed as they were filming s4 and 5 back to back.

I'm still kind of holding out hope that Philip Burton isn't just a bad guy or at least not a one dimensional bad guy. This I all because I've been a fan of Alexander Siddig who's playing Burton since he was Dr Bashir in Deep Space 9.

I'm sort of hoping for Burton doing 'bad' things because they need to be done for the sake of the future timeline, while Matt is trying to do what he think are good things but he'd actually being set up by strange guy with the pot plant.


badly_knitted January 8 2011, 22:53:40 UTC
I was never particularly fond of Dr Bashir, maybe that's why I don't like Philip!

Man with the pot plant intrigues me, I don't know what to make of him, but I don't trust him - he and Philip both have as yet unknown agendas, so it's going to be fun trying to guess what they're up to from what they say and do!

Good to hear there will be a fifth series as well =)

Also glad that Connor is still dorky despite being with Abby (finally!) It wouldn't be right if he suddenly became super-competent.


hallana January 9 2011, 18:32:22 UTC
That used to be so much fun, opening a bag or box to find a long-forgotten project sitting there looking forlorn. Now I put every project on Ravelry as soon as I start, and they don’t have a chance to be forgotten. They stare accusingly at me from My Projects page instead. I still have ADPD, starting projects before finishing old ones, but they all do get finished . . . . . . eventually.


badly_knitted January 9 2011, 20:55:47 UTC
They will all get finished eventually - when I find the patterns I was working from (well, except for the one I just unravelled, but there wasn't enough yarn for 2 sleeves!)

I'll also get back to Ravelry at some point - if you've read my journal recently, you'll know I'm not having an easy time at the moment, hence the clearing out and putting stuff in storage. My injured finger took 5 weeks to heal, but still hurt for a couple of months after, so I'm only just starting to get back to knitting again. Hopefully things will go more smoothly this time!

I've also discovered two unfinished dolls dresses, but I don't know if I'll bother finishing those. They were being knitted out of old, unravelled yarn and I don't know that they're worth the effort, since I've lost the patterns for those too.


hallana January 16 2011, 15:31:29 UTC
Yes, I had read about your disasters. Gad, what a series of horribleness. Britain’s weather has been so miserable this season, I cannot imagine dealing with it outside and not having a warm, dry place to come home to. You said that the damp would take some time to clear, but has the boiler at least been fixed?


badly_knitted January 16 2011, 23:52:35 UTC
We have a brand new coal fire with attached boiler - much better than the old one! We founf a couple of guys who got us a fire and fitted us in before Christmas - the job was done by Christmas eve - everyone else told us it would be mid-January before they could do antything! We were without heat for 8 days, then it took a couple of weeks for the house tp warm up again, but we're okay now! We wanted to switch to a different form of heating, and if we hadn't needed heat so fast we would have looked into something else, but having a new fire was the quickest and cheapest option, despite having to have the chimney relined as well. The dehumidifiers are gone, most of the damp is gone, but the insurance people want to replace my ceiling, which means clearing everything out of my room and I don't have anywhere else to put it all! We're putting things in storage as fast as possible - we have to clear for the electrics and windows to be done too - but there's so much junk. And I'm still sleeping on the lounge floor, which isn't fun ( ... )


hallana January 17 2011, 17:16:02 UTC
Oh, thank goodness. Even eight days is a long time, and not *knowing* that it would be only (!) eight days…

Not sure if I wouldn’t believe the amount of wool you have, hah. I know that there are said to be people who only have what they need for a project and do not buy more until that project is finished, but I don’t really believe it. I know I have so much yarn and thread, I can barely find my way through my craft room. I am determined to organize it (again!), starting today. I’ve gone so far as to open the door to the room to allow a little heat in there. This afternoon, I’ll start with the sock yarn I think.

May I ask, what is your Ravelry name? If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look at your projects. Mine ravname is umegat.


badly_knitted January 17 2011, 21:47:32 UTC
I'm madlyknitted (I think - I should probably check - yes, that's right!) on ravelry, but I haven't been back on there since I set up my account so none of my projects are on there yet and I really don't have time right now to take photos and work out how to upload them! Plus, I still haven't found the patterns! Give me a few months and I'll probably be asking your advice on uploading pictures, but my brain can't take anything thing at the moment - my head is full of boxes and packing and 'where can I put all this stuff while my ceiling is done?'
I have tons of magazines, cross stitch and science fiction, which I need to pack in boxes, but if I use big boxes, they can't be lifted and I've run out of smaller boxes. Tomorrow I'll be back packing boxes and shifting stuff, but I'm too tired right now so I'm planning instead!


sullen_riot January 19 2011, 03:54:20 UTC
i adore primeval. i miss danny, though i suspect he'll be making an appearance towards the end of this season. not too happy that sarah is now just a footnote though i never really liked her.

new season is weird now, so different, much more foreboding. glad connor and abby are FINALLY together.

-- hope you don't mind i clicked through to your journal. i'm adding you, since you watch two of my favorite shows. and you seem pretty awesome...


badly_knitted January 19 2011, 11:22:02 UTC
Friends are always welcome! I've added you back =)

I'm always happy for people to trawl through my journal - most of it is pretty weird and random, but there are a few Torchwood fics scattered about! Be warned though - they are relentlessly fluffy! (I seem to be incapable of writing anything that isn't fluffy!)

Not knowledgeable enough on Primeval to try my hand at writing it, though I've seen all but one episode (the one where Cutter dies), but I do love watching it - I never grew out of my passion for dinosaurs! I hope you're right about Danny - that would be cool! Also very glad that Connor and Abby are finally together, and that Connor hasn't changed because of it! I love him the way he is!


sullen_riot January 19 2011, 20:35:22 UTC
you have missed the best episode. watch it! get thee too netflix. or download it on the internet, something. it was one of my favorites. went from 'awwwww... to 'omg' in about 15 minutes.

godo show tho. another i caught up with on dvd


badly_knitted January 19 2011, 20:53:38 UTC
I'll watch it when I get the season 3 DVDs! I got a gift token for Christmas, so when I go shopping I'll see if the shop has it in stock! (I haven't been out since early December, but that's not unusual. Hopefully I'll feel up to venturing out when the weather gets a bit better - maybe early Feb!) I do love my DVDs! I have a massive collection of series and films, mostly SF =)


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