I'm A Knit!

Jan 08, 2011 21:07

Been relaxing, watching the new series of Primeval (which is pretty good so far, although I've taken an instant dislike to Philip!) - I thought it had been canceled after the last series, so it was a nice surprise to find I was wrong ( Read more... )

primeval, real life, craft, knitting

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badly_knitted January 16 2011, 23:52:35 UTC
We have a brand new coal fire with attached boiler - much better than the old one! We founf a couple of guys who got us a fire and fitted us in before Christmas - the job was done by Christmas eve - everyone else told us it would be mid-January before they could do antything! We were without heat for 8 days, then it took a couple of weeks for the house tp warm up again, but we're okay now! We wanted to switch to a different form of heating, and if we hadn't needed heat so fast we would have looked into something else, but having a new fire was the quickest and cheapest option, despite having to have the chimney relined as well. The dehumidifiers are gone, most of the damp is gone, but the insurance people want to replace my ceiling, which means clearing everything out of my room and I don't have anywhere else to put it all! We're putting things in storage as fast as possible - we have to clear for the electrics and windows to be done too - but there's so much junk. And I'm still sleeping on the lounge floor, which isn't fun.

Cleared out a ton of wall - got loads of wool from unpicked things which I don't know what to with with - don't know that even charity shops will want it, but there's so much else to go in the dustbin I can't put that in too. Other, better wool is going to charity shops. I've still got more than you would believe!


hallana January 17 2011, 17:16:02 UTC
Oh, thank goodness. Even eight days is a long time, and not *knowing* that it would be only (!) eight days…

Not sure if I wouldn’t believe the amount of wool you have, hah. I know that there are said to be people who only have what they need for a project and do not buy more until that project is finished, but I don’t really believe it. I know I have so much yarn and thread, I can barely find my way through my craft room. I am determined to organize it (again!), starting today. I’ve gone so far as to open the door to the room to allow a little heat in there. This afternoon, I’ll start with the sock yarn I think.

May I ask, what is your Ravelry name? If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look at your projects. Mine ravname is umegat.


badly_knitted January 17 2011, 21:47:32 UTC
I'm madlyknitted (I think - I should probably check - yes, that's right!) on ravelry, but I haven't been back on there since I set up my account so none of my projects are on there yet and I really don't have time right now to take photos and work out how to upload them! Plus, I still haven't found the patterns! Give me a few months and I'll probably be asking your advice on uploading pictures, but my brain can't take anything thing at the moment - my head is full of boxes and packing and 'where can I put all this stuff while my ceiling is done?'
I have tons of magazines, cross stitch and science fiction, which I need to pack in boxes, but if I use big boxes, they can't be lifted and I've run out of smaller boxes. Tomorrow I'll be back packing boxes and shifting stuff, but I'm too tired right now so I'm planning instead!


hallana January 18 2011, 05:48:47 UTC
Good luck with the packing.

I just friended you on Rav, so you should see a message waiting for you once you have some time to get on.


badly_knitted January 18 2011, 11:14:26 UTC
Great! That's something to look forward to!

Don't get much time on my computer right now - mostly check in during meal times and late at night to unwind before bed, but then I'm busy with emails and reading a bit for relaxation - I'm way behind with my reading =(

I want to get back on ravelry, but I'll have to wait until we get sorted here!

I'm looking into starting a couple more knitting projects as I can't find the patterns for 2 and the rest of the wool for the third has been put in storage - I've kept two lots of wool out - one for a short sleeved top and what I unravelled from something I'd started but didn't have enough wool for - I'd like to make that into a sleeveless or short sleeved button up jacket, hip length I hope!


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