Doctor Who Drabble: The Tower

Jun 04, 2016 19:11

Title: The Tower

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: The Twelfth Doctor.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 058: chandler / castellan at dw100

Spoilers: Heaven Sent.

Summary: The Doctor is determined to get answers.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

Drabble Version

The Doctor doesn’t know where the teleport chamber has transported him to, why, or on whose orders, but he intends to find out, and if whoever’s responsible had anything to do with Clara’s death, they’re going to be very, very sorry. One thing the Doctor knows about this regeneration is that he’s not the forgiving kind.

Leaving the teleport room, he explores his environment, a stone tower like part of a castle, seemingly devoid of other life. But if there’s a castle there must surely be a castellan. The Doctor will find him and get his answers, whatever it takes.

The End

Extended Version

The Doctor has no idea where he is; where the mysterious teleport chamber has transported him, why, or even on whose orders. He intends to find out though, and if whoever is responsible had anything at all to do with Clara’s death, they’re going to be very, very sorry. One thing the Doctor has learned about his current incarnation is that he is not the forgiving kind. Vengeance is not his usual way, but there are exceptions.

Leaving the teleport room, he sets out to explore his unknown environment. By leaning out of one of the small windows, he discovers that he’s in an immense stone tower, like part of some ancient castle, and seemingly devoid of other life.

And yet, it stands to reason, if there’s a castle there must surely be a castellan. The Doctor vows to find him and get his answers, no matter what it takes.

The End

fic, dw100, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, fic: g

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