Drabble: Can’t Resist

Jun 04, 2016 19:02

Title: Can’t Resist

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Tosh, Ianto, Jack, Team.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 398: Cherry at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: The cherry blossom proves irresistible to Tosh.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Drabble Version

Tosh knows she shouldn’t, but the cherry blossom is so beautiful that she can’t resist.

Jack had called everyone out in the middle of the night to deal with a couple of Weevils, but they’re back in the sewers and it’s time to head for home.

“Wait a minute,” she calls, and when the others pause, she scrambles onto a wall, reaching up to break off a few sprigs from the trees.

“That’s vandalism,” Ianto teases. “Get some for me too?”

What’s the point of being outside the government and beyond the police if you don’t break the rules occasionally?

The End

Extended Version

Tosh knows she really shouldn’t, but the cherry blossom in the park is so beautiful, filling the darkness with its subtle fragrance, that she can’t resist.

Jack had called everyone out in the middle of the night to deal with a couple of rambunctious courting Weevils, but they’re back in the sewers where they belong and it’s time to head back to the SUV and home.

“Wait up a minute,” she calls to the others, and when they pause, she scrambles onto a low wall, reaching up to break off a few sprigs from the overhanging trees.

“That’s vandalism,” Ianto teases. “Get some for me too?”

What’s the point of being outside the government and beyond the police if you don’t break the rules occasionally?

The End

fic, ianto jones, toshiko sato, team, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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