Title: Weevil Welfare
badly_knitted Characters: Team Torchwood, Random Weevils.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 348: Weevil at
tw100 Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Torchwood, providing free Weevil care since 2000.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
One of Torchwood’s ongoing projects was to tag as many Weevils as they could to track and identify them. Whenever time could be spared, they’d round up a bunch, check their health, catalogue them, inject trackers and return them to the sewers.
Weevils were unpredictable; the team could never be sure whether they would attack or try to escape when they were approached, but this was new.
Coming across a group of three adults, instead of attacking, the Weevils had approached, two of them helping the third, which was injured.
Maybe their project was having a positive effect after all.
The End