Drabble: Weevil Welfare

Jun 20, 2015 21:17

Title: Weevil Welfare

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Team Torchwood, Random Weevils.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 348: Weevil at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Torchwood, providing free Weevil care since 2000.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Weevil Welfare... )

fic, team, weevils, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 26

clarahow June 20 2015, 21:30:18 UTC
I love it!!


badly_knitted June 20 2015, 21:53:00 UTC
Thank you!

Torchwood are the Weevil Police and Weevil health service rolled into one. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.


clarahow June 21 2015, 07:37:53 UTC
Very true. And I'm very glad it's not me.


badly_knitted June 21 2015, 10:51:28 UTC
Yeah, it's not a job I'd want to volunteer for!


akawho June 20 2015, 22:02:06 UTC
They were like - excuse us, could you help our friend? LOVE IT!!


badly_knitted June 20 2015, 22:31:29 UTC
Exactly! Who else could they turn to?

Thank you!


m_findlow June 21 2015, 04:24:25 UTC

There's so much we don't yet know about them.


badly_knitted June 21 2015, 11:06:26 UTC
I guess it means we can make up our own backstories for them though, so it's not all bad!

Thank you!


owensheart June 21 2015, 10:01:24 UTC
It seem Torchwood has had a definite positive effect on the Weevils.

great drabble


badly_knitted June 21 2015, 11:00:16 UTC
Now they just need to teach them that attacking humans is BAD!

Thank you!


too_beauty June 22 2015, 02:12:01 UTC
Another thing to take care about by TW 3team, but I think they would be happy to help!


badly_knitted June 22 2015, 10:58:23 UTC
Torchwood (at lest Jack's version) is dedicated to the welfare of stranded aliens as well as to protecting people. a good relationship with the Weevils will help to keep the peace between the two species.

Thank you!


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