B5 Triple Drabble: Z’ha’dum

Sep 15, 2024 19:21

Title: Z’ha’dum
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: G’Kar.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: Early Season 2.
Summary: Something is stirring at Z’ha’dum.
Written For: Challenge 417: Amnesty 69 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 66: Z.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Z’ha’dum. Even the name of that dark world, far out on the Rim, is ominous. It fills G’kar with a nameless dread, but even so, he knows that it’s important to find out what, if anything, is happening there. So, he despatches a ship to investigate, a single, powerful Narn heavy cruiser. It is destroyed the moment it exits hyperspace, and while most people on his homeworld assume an unfortunate mishap with the hyperdrive engines, G’Kar knows otherwise.

Shadows are stirring out on the Rim, shadows that call the remote world known as Z’ha’dum home, and that represents grave peril to all the known worlds.

He calls a meeting, speaks out, tries to warn the others, but soon realises more information will be needed to convince everyone of the approaching danger.

The Book of G’Quan tells of a great war, a thousand years ago, that tore the universe apart. The enemy was defeated on that occasion, but not destroyed. Perhaps they merely retreated to the darkest places they could find, biding their time, rebuilding their forces, readying themselves…

There is another great war coming; that, G’Kar feels, is certain. There remains time to prepare, but all preparations must be made with care, and as quietly, as unobtrusively, as possible. The forces gathering on Z’ha’dum must not be alerted more than they already have been. They must be allowed to believe that no one has yet noticed anything untoward, or at least that no one has any proof.

G’kar finds himself in an unenviable position. The burden of what he knows weighs heavy on him, but for now he must carry it alone, at least until he can determine who among the other races can be trusted.

He must trust that when the time comes to act, all will be ready.

The End

fic, g'kar, babylon 5, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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