Stargate SG-1 Double Drabble: Impossible

Sep 08, 2024 18:50

Title: Impossible
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Nem.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 390: Amnesty 39 at drabble_weekly, using Challenge 4: An Unreasonable Expectation.
Spoilers/Setting: Fire And Water.
Summary: Daniel wants to help Nem, but what’s being asked of him is impossible.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

It’s not that Daniel doesn’t want to help Nem, he would if he could, and gladly. It’s just that what’s being asked of him is impossible. How is he supposed to remember everything he ever read about ancient Babylon, events that happened four thousand years before he was even born?

Nem’s race is clearly very long-lived, and he seems to be under the impression that Daniel is too, that he was alive in Babylonian times, that he should be able to remember what happened back then, which of course is ridiculous. But how can he convince Nem of that?

He’s gonna be imprisoned here until he either gives Nem the information he demands, which Daniel doesn’t have, or he dies! Frustrated doesn’t even begin to describe how he’s feeling, but Nem is no better off. How must it feel to live so long, always wondering what happened to your mate? Millennia of searching, always hoping, but never knowing.

Daniel wishes he had the answers, wishes he could reach back into the past and tell Nem what he wants to know, but so little has survived from that part of earth’s history. Maybe if he just had a little more information…

The End

fic, drabble_weekly, team, stargate sg-1, daniel jackson, other character/s, drabble, fic: pg

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