Doctor Who Drabble: Bake Mistake

Sep 07, 2024 17:46

Title: Bake Mistake
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 855: Sprinkle at dw100.
Spoilers: The Power Of Three.
Summary: The Doctor is trying to be useful.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

“I baked cupcakes!” the Doctor announced as Rory and Amy came into the kitchen. It was six in the morning on a Sunday, and they’d been woken by the smell of… something that might possibly be burning. It was a bit hard to tell.

“Cupcakes?” Amy gave the tray of slightly blackened objects a dubious look. “Are you sure?”

“They might be a bit overdone. Not sure what went wrong.”

Rory leaned in for a closer look. “What’re those bits in them?”

“Sprinkles. Did I use too many?”

Amy rolled her eyes. “They’re for decoration, not part of the mix!”

The End

fic, dw100, doctor who, the doctor, drabble, fic: g, amy pond, rory williams

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