FAKE Ficlet: Feeling Foolish

Aug 09, 2024 18:10

Title: Feeling Foolish
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Much to his embarrassment, Ryo passes out at a crime scene.
Word Count: 622
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Faint / Feint’, and the ‘Suture’ prompt on one of my old Serendipity Prompt Tables.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Ryo was feeling embarrassed, but that was nothing new. Embarrassment was a fact of life since he’d met Dee. What was far worse was that he felt like a complete idiot, which was fair since he’d basically done this to himself. Here he was in the ER, having a cut on his forehead stitched, and all because he’d fainted at a crime scene and hit his head on the rusted lip of a trash can as he’d fallen. How stupid could he get?

He’d seen plenty of murder scenes before, many of them far gorier than the one he and Dee had been attending. It was a relatively simple stabbing, and he knew full well that his fainting hadn’t had anything to do with the blood, or the stench of rotting garbage. He was also well aware he’d probably get teased relentlessly by his colleagues about fainting at the sight of blood. Well, let them laugh; it wasn’t as if he could stop them.

The truth was, it had been roasting in that alley, and he’d gotten overheated because he was still wearing both his suit jacket and his tie. Added to that, he was bordering on dehydration because he hadn’t had anything to drink since breakfast and had spent half the morning chasing a suspect on another case, and… Well, he’d simply gotten dizzy when he’d stood up too fast after bending to get a closer look at the knife wounds to the victim’s chest.

One moment he’d been straightening up, turning to say something to Dee, and the next, the world had tilted alarmingly and the ground had seemed to rush up to meet him as he’d toppled forward, before everything had gone black. He didn’t even remember hitting his head.

He couldn’t have been out for more than a couple of minutes, and probably less than that, but when he’d opened his eyes, it had been to see Dee bending over him, berating him for… something. He’d kind of missed that part, his head had been throbbing, his ears still ringing from the impact, and his brain too muzzy to take anything in. Probably it had been something about not taking better care of himself, which made him feel worse because how long would it really have taken to remove his jacket and tie, leave them in the car, and drink the bottle of water Dee had handed him an hour ago? Come to that, why was he even wearing a suit on the hottest day of the year, with temperatures edging past a hundred degrees? It was a miracle he didn’t have heat stroke. Or maybe he did. It wouldn’t be surprising.

Once the nurse had inserted the last of three sutures just above his left eyebrow, Ryo went back to sipping from the cup of water Dee had handed him. It was the third one in the last hour and he had to admit he felt a lot better for it, despite his aching head. Nevertheless, he’d be stuck here for another few hours under observation, just to make sure he didn’t have a concussion.

Taking another slow sip of water, Ryo leaned back against the pillows, closing his eyes against the bright lights. It was blessedly cool in here, thanks to the air conditioning. Taking his jacket and tie off and rolling up his shirtsleeves didn’t hurt either. If he was back at work tomorrow, which he hoped he would be, he planned on dressing more sensibly in chinos and a short-sleeved cotton shirt in deference to the summer temperatures; that was what he should have been wearing today, if he’d had any sense. Dee was never going to let him hear the end of this.

The End

fic, fake fic, serendipity prompt tables, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, ficlet, other character/s, fic: pg

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