Double Drabble: Analysing Owen

Aug 03, 2024 18:01

Title: Analysing Owen
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Owen, Suzie.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 824: Miserable at tw100.
Spoilers: Season One.
Summary: Owen isn’t the easiest person to get along with, and he knows it. He just doesn’t care.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

“Don’t mind Owen,” Jack had advised Ianto on his first day. “He’s like that with everyone.”

“Yeah,” Suzie had said, smirking. “He’s a self-proclaimed miserable sod.”

“Anyone doesn’t like it can kiss my arse,” Owen added. “So don’t expect me to play nice, I’m not wasting my valuable time on some Teaboy with a stupid unpronounceable Welsh name.”

If he’d thought that would bother the new hire, he’d been wrong; Ianto simply shrugged off Owen’s moods, did his job, cleaned up after everyone, and basically ignored Torchwood’s medic, except to throw the occasional snarky insult his way.

So things continued, until the discovery of Lisa. After that, Owen avoided Ianto as much as possible, even more so after Ianto shot him in an attempt to stop him opening the Rift.

It wasn’t until Jack did his disappearing act that they finally buried the metaphorical hatchet and made an effort to coexist peacefully.

“You know,” Ianto said one day, “Sometimes I think you can’t be happy unless you’ve got something to be miserable about.”

Owen just looked at him. “You know that doesn’t make sense, right?”

“I know.” Ianto raised an eyebrow. “Maybe you should see a therapist.”

“Up yours, Teaboy!”

The End

fic, owen harper, jack harkness, torchwood100, ianto jones, torchwood fic, suzie costello, tw100, drabble, fic: pg

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