FAKE Fic: Safe Harbor [NSFW]

Aug 02, 2024 18:27

Title: Safe Harbor
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Out on their boat Dee and Ryo almost get caught by a storm at sea, but instead get to ride it out safely moored.
Word Count: 2209
Written For: Theme Prompt 032: Storms at fandomweekly. Also for my fffc bingo square ‘Omen’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Dee stood on deck, looking up at the heavy black clouds rolling in like a bad omen. He and Ryo had still been several miles out along the coast when the horizon had first begun to darken, and they’d put on as much speed as they could in a determined effort to reach safe harbour before the approaching storm hit.

Weather conditions could change scarily fast at sea; even though they’d checked the long-range forecast the day before when they’d set out for a relaxing weekend afloat, they’d long since learned never to take for granted that the weather wouldn’t change without warning. Several years ago, they’d been caught at sea in a severe storm, an experience they were never likely to forget, and although they’d come through it in one piece, it wasn’t something they would ever wish to relive.

“Whelp, there go our plans for the weekend. From the look of those clouds, we might haveta leave the boat docked here until next weekend, or whenever, and get home under our own steam.”

Ryo looked up at his partner from where he was making sure the starboard spring lines were dogged tight. Dee had already taken care of all the port lines.

“We can sleep aboard and see what conditions are like in the morning; maybe the storm will blow itself out overnight, but if it doesn’t, it’s only a couple of hours back to New York by train.”

“Usually, yeah, but on a Sunday?”

“Mm, true, I hadn’t thought of that. I guess we can always rent a car if necessary and drive back; it would take a bit longer, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. We should just be thankful we made it to safety ahead of the storm.”

“Believe me I am. This looks like it’s gonna be worse than the one we got caught in that time. Need any help down there?”

“No, I’m done.” Ryo checked the last line one more time. “Might have problems getting the knots unfastened tomorrow if they get pulled tight, but they’ll hold no matter what gets thrown at us.”

Dee chewed at his bottom lip. “That’s good, I guess. Just hope the dock doesn’t get pulled apart with all the boats tuggin’ at their moorings.”

Ryo wasn’t concerned. “Can’t see that happening; it’s built to withstand rough weather.”

“I know, but there’s rough and then there’s…” Dee trailed off, gesturing at the other boats, tossing restlessly on the increasingly rough waters of the marina. “This. Storm’s barely gettin’ underway; you know as well as I do it’s only gonna get worse.”

It wasn’t raining yet, but the wind was already blowing hard, gusting around them, tugging at their clothes with sharp, icy fingers, and blowing their hair in their eyes. Ryo shoved his back from his forehead impatiently.

“It’ll be fine; I’m going to the office, check into the possibility of slip vacancies in case we need longer than just an overnight stay.” He flashed Dee a grin. “Batten down the hatches and then we can go find someplace for dinner. Don’t know about you but I’m starving.” The fresh sea air always had that effect on both of them.

Thunder rumbled in the distance as the first drops of rain pattered around them and Dee threw a disgusted look at the sky.

“Go!” he shouted. “I’ll bring your coat as soon as I’m done here.”

Ryo nodded and turned, taking off at a run along the swaying boards of the floating dock. Even after less than twenty-four hours aboard their cabin cruiser he barely noticed the movement, his body automatically compensating for every shift.

Dee turned away and went below, checking everything was as secure as possible before slipping into his coat and grabbing Ryo’s. Back on deck he made sure all hatches were closed and fastened down, made a final check on the mooring lines, and set out to join his lover at the marina’s office. By now the rain was coming down harder, and occasional flickers of lightning were visible out to sea. It was so dark it seemed more like nighttime than early evening.


By the time the two men returned to their boat getting on for three hours later, after enjoying a leisurely dinner and a couple of beers at a bar, the storm was raging overhead. Stepping out of a taxi at the gate to the marina, they hunched their shoulders against the pouring rain, tugged their coats up over their heads, and raced each other towards their rented slip, but they had to slow down once they reached the floating dock. Between the heavy rain and the waves washing across them, the boards were slick with water and neither man fancied taking an accidental dip, especially when they could easily get crushed between a boat and its mooring.

Scrambling aboard their cabin cruiser, they wasted no time in heading below decks, not bothering to turn the lights on, just peeling out of their wet coats, hanging them where they could drip, and reaching for towels to dry their hair and faces. The boat bucked beneath their feet, but not nearly as much as it would have if they’d still been out on the open ocean instead of securely moored where they could wait out the rough weather in relative safety.

Thunder boomed, deafening in the confined space; it was like being inside a drum with the rain hammering the deck overhead. Lightning followed almost immediately, a dazzlingly flash that lit their cabin up bright as day for a moment before they were plunged back into pitch darkness.

“Great, now I can’t see a damned thing,” Dee grumbled, rubbing at his eyes in a vain attempt to rid himself of the afterimage seared into his retinas. Ryo, who’d been facing the opposite way and so hadn’t been as badly dazzled, snickered.

“Who needs to see? We know our way around in here with our eyes closed; all we have to do is get out of our clothes and find the bed.”

“Bit early for sleepin’, isn’t it?” The illuminated dial of Dee’s watch said it was barely nine.

“Who said anything about sleeping? The storm’s too noisy anyway. I had something else in mind.”

“Yeah?” Dee’s wide grin was momentarily visible thanks to another flash of lightning. “Well, ya know I’m always up for that; just hope we don’t get tipped out of bed onto the floor.”

“We’ll just have to hold on tight to each other,” Ryo teased.

“That’s pretty much guaranteed.” Dee moved closer, looping his arms around Ryo’s waist, and pulling him into a kiss, tugging at the back of his lover’s shirt, untucking it from his pants, and sliding his hands underneath to meet smooth, warm flesh. “Mm, you feel good.”

Ryo sighed into Dee’s mouth as the kiss deepened, pressing up against his lover so that they could feel each other’s growing arousal, then the boat lurched violently on the storm surge, and they lost their balance.

“Found the bed!” Dee said cheerfully if slightly breathlessly from beneath his lover.

Laughter bubbled out of Ryo. “Well, I had planned on getting undressed first, but I guess this works too.”

Wriggling around, they helped each other shed the rest of their clothing, tossing everything off the bed onto the floor, where it wouldn’t be in their way. There’d be time enough to deal with it in the morning, when they’d be able to see what they were doing; for the moment they had far more important things to focus on, like mapping each other’s bodies in the dark, lips, tongues, and hands exploring what their eyes couldn’t discern in the almost pitch darkness, lit only by sporadic flashes of lightning.

Dee fumbled the bottle of slick from its usual place, tucked down the side of the mattress against the wall, and snapped the cap open, pouring some of the cool liquid onto his other hand before returning the bottle to where he’d found it. Wouldn’t do for it to get lost; they might need it again later.

Working by touch alone, he found Ryo’s puckered opening, teasing gently with the tip of one wet finger. Beside him, Ryo arched off the bed with a gasp as the finger eased in, soon joined by a second. Dee did his best to take things slowly, but he knew how fired up his lover got in stormy weather, and before long Ryo was tugging impatiently at Dee’s hip, trying to urge his lover on top of him.

“Dee, please, need you in me!” he panted. “Can’t wait much longer!”

How could Dee possibly refuse? He was more than ready for this himself. Smearing his erection with a thorough coating of lube, he rolled over, settling between Ryo’s legs and guiding the head of his cock to press against his lover’s entrance, pausing for a couple of heartbeats before pushing slowly inside. The sensation almost took his breath away.

“Damn, baby, so tight!” Once again Dee marvelled at how perfectly they fitted together.

There was something even more intimate about making love in the dark, like their other senses were heightened. Everything felt more intense, and the unpredictable rocking only added to their pleasure. It was impossible to get into a steady rhythm though, and the depth of Dee’s thrusts depended almost entirely on the movement of the boat as it was tossed about by the wind and waves.

Bodies locked together, rolling back and forth on their bed, they snagged kisses whenever they could. Ryo’s long legs were wrapped tightly around his partner’s hips, keeping them from being jolted apart, while his hands wandered ceaselessly, touching every part of Dee he could reach, fingers trailing down his lover’s spine, gripping convulsively at his ass, caressing his face, his neck, his shoulders… Dee felt as though he was being touched everywhere at once, and would have liked to return the favor, but he had his own hands full just anchoring them both to the bed.

It didn’t matter. Trapped between their bodies, Ryo’s cock was leaking continuously, making both their bellies slick. He didn’t need any other stimulation, which was fortunate since they were pressed together so tightly neither of them could have gotten a hand in there if they’d tried.

He moaned, writhing in pleasure. “Deee! Feels so good… Don’t stop!”

As if! Stopping was the last thing on Dee’s mind. By that point, even if the world had been ending, he couldn’t have pulled out. He was drowning in pleasure so intense that he half-wished it could go on forever.

Thunder crashed, lightning flashed, and time seemed to stand still. There was nothing but the two of them, the storm, and the ceaseless rocking driving both men right to the brink.

“Oh yeah, baby, almost there!” Dee gasped at last, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer; he was riding the crest of a wave that was about to break. “Gonna come!” His hips jerked, trying to drive as deeply into his lover as he could, and as if it understood, the boat bucked hard.

Ryo clutched at Dee’s ass so tightly his fingers were probably going to leave bruises, but Dee was past caring. He barely even felt it, all he was aware of was Ryo’s voice crying out his name as a sticky warmth spread between their bodies, and then Dee was coming too, shuddering through his release before collapsing limply on top of his lover, completely spent.

For several long minutes the only sounds were the storm outside, the creaking of the boat, and their panting breaths. The air in the cabin smelled of a heady mixture of ozone and sex. Slowly, the tight grip of Ryo’s legs loosened and with the last of his strength, Dee managed to roll them both onto their sides, his softening cock slipping free of his partner’s channel. Fumbling one-handed, he dragged a blanket over them as best he could to keep them from getting cold; all they needed was a few minutes to catch their breath and slow the pounding of their hearts, then they’d be ready to go again.

The storm raged on for most of the night, but neither man really cared, even though they didn’t get much sleep. They managed not to fall off the bed, despite bouncing around at times like they were making love on a trampoline as wind and water tugged the boat this way and that.


As the sun rose the next morning, they slid stiffly off the bed, sponged each other down, and tugged on jeans and t-shirts before going up on deck, barefoot, to look up at tattered clouds in a pale blue sky tinged with pink and gold. Gulls were heading out to sea and Ryo pointed towards them; they were a much better omen than the storm clouds of the previous day.

“We’ll have to check the forecast, but it looks like there’s better weather ahead.”

Dee nodded, smiling, slipping his arms around his lover’s waist, and resting his chin on Ryo’s shoulder, nuzzling the other man’s unshaven cheek. “Yep! With any luck it’ll be smooth sailin’ all the way home.”

The End

fic, fandomweekly, fic: nc-17, fake fic, fffc, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, bingo, dee laytner, fake

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