Stargate SG-1 Quadruple Drabble: Valuable Lesson

Jul 28, 2024 17:42

Title: Valuable Lesson
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, The Nox.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: The Nox.
Summary: SG-1 learns a valuable lesson about not judging people by the way they look.
Written For: Challenge 435: Amnesty 72 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 58: Backward.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

It was strange to realise, after visiting a number of planets where the people were primitive by earth standards, that there were worlds where technology, science, the entire culture, was far in advance of anything earth currently had, or could hope to have within the next few centuries.

Arriving on the Nox world, and meeting the locals, after being killed by Apophis and somehow revived, it had been easy to assume that the Nox themselves were somewhat backward. Friendly enough, certainly, and very hospitable, but… Well, the way they were dressed, the flowers and moss in their hair, their cave dwelling and campfire, didn’t exactly scream Technologically Superior.

And yet, they were, which just went to prove it was a bad idea to judge alien races by earth standards. Appearances were often deceptive, especially when dealing with the unknown.

The Nox, it seemed, just liked to get back to nature sometimes, leave their massive, cloaked flying cities and commune with all things green and growing. Perhaps it refreshed their minds and spirits, or restored their healing abilities, or was part of the education of their children. Or perhaps some of the Nox just preferred to live a simpler life amid the peace and tranquillity of their world, protecting the Fenri, and other native species, from those who would harm them. They’d probably never know for sure, and maybe it didn’t matter.

O’Neill smiled to himself. It was amusing in a way; he’d been so fired up, determined to help them, protect them from Apophis and the other Goa’uld, when the Nox didn’t need his help at all. Something worth remembering: Just because someone looked helpless, it didn’t necessarily mean they were.

Daniel was right; they should have listened to Anteaus, because after SG-1 left the planet, the Nox would bury their Stargate. There’d be no coming back, no more chances to learn any of the many lessons the Nox could have taught them, if they’d been of a mind to. The most powerful race SG-1 had encountered so far, and they’d completely blown it. They deserved their hosts’ pitying, indulgent smiles.

The very young do not always do as they’re told.


Yeah, they’d really shot themselves in the metaphorical foot with their superior attitude; if anyone around here was backward, it was the team, and humanity in general. Next time, they shouldn’t be so sure they already knew everything.

The End

fic, stargate sg-1, daniel jackson, other character/s, jack o'neill, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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