Stargate SG-1 Triple Drabble: Precarious

Jul 14, 2024 19:50

Title: Precarious
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: Somewhere around mid-Season One.
Summary: Much to O’Neill’s exasperation, Daniel manages to get himself into another scrape.
Written For: Challenge 441: Amnesty 73 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 49: Dangling.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

“What’re you doing up there?” It’s probably a stupid question, but O’Neill asks it anyway, mostly because he can never be entirely sure why Daniel does some of the things he does, the way his mind works is so completely unfathomable.

“Trying not to fall!” Daniel replies through gritted teeth, dangling precariously from a narrow ledge some thirty feet above the ground.

Right, stupid question. “Okay, just don’t let go.”

“Wasn’t planning to.”

“That’s good. I’ll… come get you, or something.”

“That would be appreciated.”

Somehow, Daniel manages to make his reply sound sarcastic, but Jack just shrugs it off. He’s responsible for Daniel when they’re off-world; if he breaks him, he’ll probably be expected to replace him, and where’s he going to find another archaeologist, anthropologist, linguist, whatever the hell, especially on short notice? Besides, he’s kinda gotten used to having Daniel around. He has his uses, even if he has a distressing habit of falling into holes, or off ruins.

Climbing up, Jack manages to manhandle his wayward team member back up onto the ledge and steer him to safety through a nearby window.

“What were you even doing up there anyway? Aside from hanging around.”

“I was trying to get rubbings of the carvings over the door.”

“So you thought the best way of doing that was to hang from the ledge?” Seriously, O’Neill is NEVER going to understand Daniel.

“Of course not! I was on the ledge, until my foot slipped.”

“Has no one ever taught you to use a safety line?”

“Uh, no.”

Jack sighs. “I swear, you need a keeper! When we get home, I’m giving you a crash course on rock-climbing, with emphasis on the use of safety lines.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“You get yourself into more trouble than anyone I’ve ever met.”

The End

fic, stargate sg-1, daniel jackson, jack o'neill, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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