B5 Double Drabble: Pestilence, Famine, Or Death

Jul 07, 2024 19:26

Title: Pestilence, Famine, Or Death
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Londo.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 400: Amnesty 40 at drabble_weekly, using Challenge 11: Tough Choices.
Spoilers/Setting: Soul Mates.
Summary: Londo needs to whittle his three wives down to one, but how is he to choose which of them to keep?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.
A/N: Double drabble.

Arranged marriages were an important part of Centauri culture and tradition. Centauri citizens were expected to marry in order to forge alliances between the various great houses; it was about money, power, and position, not love. If one was romantic enough to desire love within a relationship, well, a man in Londo’s prestigious position could afford to indulge his passions outside of the marriage bed. It was expected, and in his case, essential.

He had done his duty, wed who he was told to, but in his opinion, three wives was three too many. Now, as a gift for the thirtieth anniversary of his Ascension Day, the Emperor himself had granted Londo permission to divorce two of the three. He would have to remain married to one of his wives, to accompany him at important events, but which one? How was he to choose between the three banes of his existence?

Dutiful, social climbing Daggair, whose chief interests were gossip, politics and spending his money.

Beautiful, passionate Mariel, drawn to men of power like a moth to a flame, although she burned them.

Abrasive, impatient, sharp-tongued Timov, the least pleasant of the three.

Londo had never faced a tougher decision.

The End

fic, drabble_weekly, other character/s, londo mollari, babylon 5, drabble, fic: pg

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