BtVS Double Drabble: Runaway Slayer

Jun 26, 2024 18:43

Title: Runaway Slayer
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Giles, Willow, Joyce.
Rating: PG
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Missing’.
Spoilers/Setting: Becoming Part 2.
Summary: Buffy has gone, leaving her friends without a word.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

It’s only when they arrive at school that Buffy’s friends realise she’s missing. They’d figured maybe Willow's spell had worked, and Buffy and Angel had been spending some time together, in a totally responsible not touching each other way. Or that she was tired and had gone home to get a couple of hours’ sleep, as most of them had done, leaving Willow to rest in her hospital bed.

But Buffy didn’t stop by the hospital to visit, even though the police were no longer looking for her, and she didn’t even call Giles to let him know what happened. The world hasn’t been sucked into Hell though, so she must have prevented Angelus from awakening Acathla, right?

Then Buffy’s mom shows up, wanting to know if anyone’s seen her daughter, because Buffy’s closets are empty, and she left a note. She’s run away… Is that even allowed? Can a Slayer simply decide she’s not going to fight the forces of evil anymore?

Giles seems confounded, Buffy’s mom looks devastated, and everyone else is hurt that Buffy would leave without a word to any of them. Does their friendship mean so little to her? What if she never comes back?

The End

fic, buffy summers, btvs, joyce summers, buffy fic, willow rosenberg, drabble, giles, fic: pg

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