B5 Double Drabble: Intolerable

Jun 23, 2024 18:50

Title: Intolerable
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: G’Kar.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 400: Amnesty 40 at drabble_weekly, using Challenge 4: An Unreasonable Expectation.
Spoilers/Setting: The Coming Of Shadows.
Summary: The Centauri Emperor is coming to Babylon 5, and G’Kar is not happy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.
A/N: Double drabble.

The Centauri Emperor is coming to Babylon 5 on a state visit, and everyone seems to expect G’Kar to be fine with that, but how can he be? It’s intolerable, he absolutely will not stand for it! The man’s family, his father, and his grandfather were responsible for the worst atrocities visited upon G’Kar’s people. They laid waste his world, slaughtered or enslaved thousands of innocent Narn citizens, stripped the entire planet of its resources, and yet Sheridan expects him to simply accept the presence of this… murderer without protest!

And to add to that insult, Sheridan considers HIM the unreasonable one, suggesting that G’Kar should meet with the Emperor, open a dialogue, perhaps start mending fences, as the humans say. Madness!

Oh, G’Kar will meet with his enemy, but it won’t be to talk. Words are useless against the Centauri; G’Kar might as well shout his rage and pain into the vacuum of space, the result would be the same. But a blade, oh yes, that might get his point across very handily. Perhaps it will prove to the Centauri that the Narn are not yet beaten down, their teeth and claws remain sharp, and eager for Centauri blood.

The End

fic, drabble_weekly, g'kar, other character/s, john sheridan, drabble, babylon 5, fic: pg

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