Ficlet: A Day For Everything

Feb 05, 2024 17:23

Title: A Day For Everything
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Owen, Tosh, Gwen.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 799
Summary: Jack is being Jack. Again. Ianto is fast developing a headache.
Spoilers: None.
Written For: cozy_coffee’s prompt ‘Any, any, Feb 3, Work Naked Day,’ at comment_fic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood or any of the characters.

Ianto wished he could say this had never happened before, but it was Jack, so obviously he couldn’t. Nevertheless, he felt he ought to say something, if only because the rest of the team would be arriving soon, and they might be a bit put out. Well, Owen would be. For someone who delighted in offending other people, he took offence at the most ridiculous things. The girls, on the other hand… That could go either way.


“Ianto! What can I do for you?”

“Um… You are aware you don’t have any clothes on, right?”

“Yes!” Jack beamed at his lover. “Why?”

“No reason, just checking.” With Torchwood, you could never be too careful.

“Great, isn’t it?”

“That depends. Did you run out of clean clothes, or are you just running a bit late this morning?”

“Neither. It’s Work Naked Day!” Jack put his hands on his hips and gave Ianto one of his most disappointed looks. “And I thought you were supposed to know everything!”

Ianto forced himself to focus on his lover’s face rather than… elsewhere, despite the very obvious temptation. “Work Naked Day? You’re making that up!”

“No I’m not!” Stepping behind his desk, much to Ianto’s relief since it took a certain amount of temptation out of the equation, Jack spun his laptop around. “See? One of the best things about this planet is that there’s a day for everything!”

Closing his eyes, Ianto drew on his sadly depleted reserves of patience. “Well, whoever came up with that one was a bit short on common sense.”

“What’re you talking about?”

“It’s February third, Jack, still winter! The temperature outside is barely three degrees, and there’s an inch of snow on the ground; if you have to go anywhere, you’ll turn blue all over and get frostbite. Even if you’re lucky enough that nothing gets frozen off, let’s just say the effect of low temperatures on certain parts of a man’s body isn’t exactly flattering.”

Jack pouted. “You just have to take all the fun out of everything, don’t you? Fine, if we have to leave the Hub, I’ll put something on, but since you vetoed Naked Fridays, you could at least let me enjoy the official naked day.”

With a heartfelt sigh, Ianto pinched the bridge of his nose to ward off the headache he could feel creeping up. “Suit yourself, you will anyway, just don’t expect the rest of us to join in. It’s not that much warmer in here than it is outside.” Turning on his heel, he left Jack’s office and headed for the cogwheel door.

“Where’re you going?” Jack scampered after him.

“Tourist Office. It might be wise to warn the others before they get down here. Some people might not appreciate seeing you naked.”

“How can they not? I’m a perfect physical specimen of fifty-first century manhood!”

“Rear of the year, I know. You’ve told everyone often enough” Amidst blaring sirens and flashing lights, Ianto was gone, leaving Jack forlorn and naked, alone in the Hub.

Reactions to Jack’s decision to embrace Work Naked Day were somewhat mixed. Tosh, who was the first to arrive, giggled but went downstairs anyway, and Gwen seemed more eager to get to work than usual, no doubt anticipating the opportunity to feast her eyes. Owen, on hearing the news, muttered something about not getting paid enough and promptly announced his intention to take the day off, telling Ianto to call if his medical skills were required or the world was ending.

“I might come back then, provided Captain Exhibitionist agrees to cover up, but don’t count on it.”

“He might decide to dock you a day’s pay,” Ianto warned. He suspected Jack would take Owen’s absence as a personal insult; Torchwood’s leader could be petty that way.

“I’d rather lose a few quid than be mentally scarred for life from ‘aving to watch him prancing around flashing his bits all day.” Owen gave Ianto a sour look. “You’re probably enjoying it.”

“Not as much as you might think, it’s a bit… distracting.”

“I’ll bet.” Owen was still sniggering as the Tourist Office door closed behind him.

Ianto rolled his eyes, locked up, and went back downstairs to make coffee, purposefully avoiding looking up at Jack’s office window, where he was sure his lover would be standing on full display. Not that looking at Naked Jack was a hardship, under other circumstances he’d have no objections, but Ianto had a list of things he needed to get done, and ogling his lover wasn’t on it. In his opinion, nudity should be reserved for after hours, preferably when the others had already left for the night, and he could get full enjoyment from it.

He had a feeling this was going to be a very long day.

The End

comment_fic, fic, jack/ianto, owen harper, jack harkness, fic: pg-13, ianto jones, toshiko sato, gwen cooper, team, torchwood fic, fic: one-shot, ficlet

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