BtVS Triple Drabble: Good And Evil

Dec 06, 2023 16:43

Title: Good And Evil
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Kendra, Buffy, Angel.
Rating: PG
Setting: What’s My Line Parts One and Two.
Summary: Kendra is discovering that not everything is as black and white as she’s always been taught.
Written For: Challenge 387: Amnesty 64 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 364: Black And White.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Fighting the forces of evil is supposed to be black and white: Slayer good, vampires and demons bad. That’s the way Kendra was taught by her Watcher; it’s simple and straightforward, leaving no room for doubt, but now she doesn’t know what to think.

Here she is in Sunnydale, California, sent to deal with something very bad, although her Watcher was unable to giver her more exact information. Nevertheless, it should have been a simple enough mission; locate the evil, deal with whatever it was, and return home. Instead, nothing seems certain anymore.

Buffy, her predecessor, is not only still alive but apparently dating a vampire, Angelus, one of the worst fiends Kendra has ever read about. Yet according to Buffy, Angel is now a reformed character, fighting at Buffy’s side. How can that be? Vampires are evil, they are the reason the first Slayer was created, the reason the Slayer line has continued down through the ages. It should be impossible for a vampire go against his nature, but Angel has been cursed by having his human soul restored, and is trying to make amends for all the evil done by the demon who shares his body.

The line between good and evil has become muddied. Instead of slaying a heartless, sadistic monster, Kendra now finds herself in the unexpected position of trying to help Buffy and her friends save Angel’s life. It is most confusing.

But there are still evil vampires to kill, as well as assassins belonging to the Order of Taraka; some things remain reassuringly as Kendra has always believed them to be. Buffy and her friends are on the side of good, while Spike, Drusilla, and the assassins are most definitely not. As for Angel…

It seems that not everyone can be as easily classified.

The End

fic, buffy summers, btvs, kendra young, buffy fic, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg, angel

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