BtVS Triple Drabble: Looking Back

Jun 28, 2023 18:59

Title: Looking Back
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Willow, Oz.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Post-Series.
Summary: Even after so long, the full moon still reminds Willow of Oz.
Written For: Challenge 306: Moon at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple Drabble.

Every now and then, when the moon is full, Willow gazes up at it and thinks about Oz. She wonders where he is, what he’s doing now, whether he ever found a way to cure his wolfiness, or at least control it. Perhaps he’s out in the woods somewhere, running free, but more likely he’s locked in a cage, waiting for the moon to set and restore him to his everyday self.

There are times she still misses him, just a little.

Oz wasn’t her first love, or her most important, but he was her first proper boyfriend, the first person she ever slept with, and she had loved him while they were together. He was honest, and smart, and funny, and he had a way of looking at the world that was uniquely his.

He made her feel special, beautiful, instead of the terminally uncool computer geek she’d been back then. Thinking about it, Oz is as least partly responsible for the woman Willow is today; he saw something in her that she’d never seen in herself, and she’ll always owe him for that. She likes to believe, if they were ever to meet again, they could be good friends.

She’s moved on, in ways that she would never have imagined back then, and she hopes Oz has too, that he’s found somebody to love, as he deserves to be loved, for everything he is. Wherever he might be now, she hopes he’s happy and that maybe, every now and then, he might look up at the moon and think about her.

What they had is long past, but it was special while it lasted, and there will always be a place in her heart that belongs to him. As long as Willow lives, Oz will never be forgotten.

The End

fic, oz osborne, btvs, buffy fic, willow rosenberg, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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