Title: About Time
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Xander, Angel/Angelus, Buffy.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 331: It's About Time at
Spoilers/Setting: Becoming Part 2.
Summary: Xander has always hated Angel; the sooner Buffy kills her psycho ex, the happier he’ll be.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Buffy was finally going to do something about Angel, and all it had taken was a few months, several avoidable deaths, a lot of trauma for her friends, and a spell in hospital. As far as Xander was concerned, it was about time. If she’d done something sooner, Ms Calendar would still be alive.
He’d never liked Angel anyway, always resented fang boy for being all tall, dark, and brooding, grabbing Buffy’s attention so nobody else could get a look-in. Turned out he was right not to trust Angel; he’d seduced Buffy, got the happies, and turned into a psychopath. Should’ve seen that coming.
So should Buffy, but she’d been too blinded by her feelings. Well, not anymore. This time Angel was going down, and Xander intended to make sure of it. That’s why he was here, as Buffy’s backup. Not that she’d asked for help, but she was getting it anyway.
“Willow… She told me to tell you…”
“Tell me what?”
“Kick his ass.” Okay, that wasn’t at all what Willow had said, she’d wanted Buffy to stall, buy time for the spell to work, but who cared? Angel deserved to die. They’d all be better off without him.
The End