Title: Above The Law
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Andy.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 739: Record at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Andy is a bit concerned about the legality of certain Torchwood practices.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
“Right,” said Ianto, stopping outside the rear door of a shop. “According to Tosh’s coordinates, this is the one we want.”
“So where’s the thing we’re looking for?” Andy asked.
Ianto held up his PDA, pointing to the numbers on the screen, then towards the closed and locked door. “Approximately fifteen feet that way, and at ground level, so probably on the floor. That’s good; shouldn’t be too hard to find.”
Andy frowned. “It’s gone two in the morning.”
“Your point being?”
“The place is closed; there’s nobody there.”
“Good. That means no one will catch us letting ourselves in.” Ianto produced a set of lockpicks.
“Letting… That’s breaking and entering!” Andy sounded shocked.
“No, it’s just entering, no breaking involved. Tosh is jamming CCTV and the alarm system. We can be in and out in five minutes if we’re lucky; no one will ever know we were here.”
“But if we get caught… I’m an ex-cop, I don’t want to wind up with a criminal record!”
“I used to have one,” Ianto said, working on the lock. “Shoplifting. Don’t worry; you’re Torchwood now. If we get arrested, Tosh can hack the police computers and delete all record of it.”
The End