Title: Windchill
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Ianto.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 722: Shiver at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: It’s cold up on the roof.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Beside him on the windswept rooftop, Jack felt Ianto shiver and he glanced towards his lover, concerned.
“Are you cold?”
Ianto turned a withering look Jack’s way. “Cold? Of course not, why would I be cold? I just thought turning blue and sprouting icicles would be an interesting new look.”
“No need to bludgeon me with sarcasm; you could’ve just said yes. You didn’t need to come up here with me anyway.”
That drew a disparaging snort from Ianto. “Of course I did. Someone had to make sure you didn’t decide to throw yourself off.”
“I wouldn’t have!” Jack protested. “Honest! I had more than enough of that when John threw me off that office block we were searching. I’d never kill myself, not intentionally, not now. I wouldn’t hurt you like that.” Jack unbuttoned his coat, engulfing Ianto in the heavy folds and pulling him close. “I just needed some fresh air and to get a bit of perspective, that’s all.”
“Well, there’s certainly plenty of fresh air up here. It’s so fresh it feels like it just came out of the freezer.” Ianto snuggled shamelessly into Jack’s warmth; he was shivering less.
“I’ll keep you warm, I promise.”
The End