BtVS Triple Drabble: Vacation Dreams

Jul 20, 2022 18:21

Title: Vacation Dreams
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Willow, Buffy, Xander.
Rating: G
Written Using: The dw100 prompt Holiday.
Setting: Shortly after Faith, Hope & Trick.
Summary: Buffy and her friends discuss where they’d like to go on vacation.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

“If you could go on vacation, anywhere in the world, where would you go?” Willow asked idly.

It was the sort of question perfectly suited to a scorching hot day like this one. Buffy and her friends were trying to stay cool, sitting under a shady tree. As seniors, they were allowed to leave school grounds at lunchtime, so they had, because what was the point of having such privileges if you didn’t use them? It was way too hot to go far though, so they’d contented themselves with this tree, where they could watch the freshmen and juniors, and feel superior.

“Vacation?” Buffy sipped a soda that was already warm. “What’s that? I’m the Slayer; if I leave the Hellmouth it might implode or something.”

“It didn’t when you took off for L.A.” Xander was leaning back against the tree trunk with his eyes closed.

Buffy winced; she’d only been back at school for a couple of weeks. “Thanks, like I really needed to be reminded about that.”

“Xander’s right though, you were gone for months, and we managed to keep things under control. Mostly. So in theory, you could take a vacation if you wanted to, go somewhere nice for a week or two, as long as you came back after.”

“Mm, okay. I’d go somewhere glamorous, like the French Riviera.”

“You’re not very good at French though,” Willow pointed out.

“I know more French than, oh, say Italian, or Spanish.”


“I’d go to England.” Xander grinned. “They speak the same language as we do, sort of, and there’s that big music festival at Glastonbury. That would be pretty cool. Muddy, ‘cause it rains a lot, but still cool. What about you, Will?”

“Rome, or Athens, maybe Venice, somewhere like that.” Willow shrugged. “I’m a history nerd.”

The End

fic, buffy summers, btvs, xander harris, buffy fic, willow rosenberg, drabble, fic: g

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