BtVS Triple Drabble: No Pets

Jul 13, 2022 18:26

Title: No Pets
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Buffy’s Parents, Willow, Angelus.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Passion.
Summary: Like Willow, Buffy had wanted a pet of her own. Now she’s glad her parents always said no.
Written For: Challenge 375: Amnesty 62 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 367: Pet.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

When she’d been younger, Buffy had wanted a pet. She’d asked her parents over and over for something, a kitten, or a puppy, even a rabbit, but they’d always said no. They’d told her she wasn’t old enough to be responsible for the life of a living creature, not even a small one, and neither of them had the time to take care of a pet once the novelty wore off.

Eventually she’d stopped asking, resigned to the fact that the answer would always be no. Then she’d become the Slayer, her parents had gotten divorced, and she and her mom had wound up having to move to another town just to find a school that would accept her.

For a while she’d wondered if maybe now, uprooted to Sunnydale, having to make a new start away from all her friends, her mom might let her have a pet. She was older, more responsible, and it would be good to have something in her life that loved her unconditionally. Not that her mom didn’t, but… Buffy knew she was a disappointment because of all the trouble she got into.

Willow had wanted a pet too, a puppy, so that was an ambition they shared, something that helped them become close friends. Willow’s parents were as good at saying no as Buffy’s were, but eventually they’d given in and let Willow have some tropical fish. Not the most thrilling or affectionate pets, but still more that Buffy had ever gotten, only…

Buffy had known Angelus was a sadistic monster, but slaughtering Willow’s fish the way he had was beyond horrible.

“For the first time I’m glad my parents didn’t let me have a puppy,” Willow said, and Buffy didn’t reply, shuddering inside at the thought, thankful she’d never gotten a pet.

The End

fic, buffy summers, btvs, joyce summers, angelus, buffy fic, willow rosenberg, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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